Green New Deal

Why no nuke power? She is a certified KOOK!

Because someone told Baby Boomers back in the 60s that nuclear power was eeeevil, and every leftist since then has believed that automatically without ever thinking to ask, "Why?"
Chernobyl. Three Mile Island.

Any of that ring a bell?
The green technologies are not there yet. Impoverishing hundreds of millions of people to force embryonic green technologies on them while costing a hundred times more easily then advertised is human suicide. New York can not even even build a new subway line for the total costs of all they built a century ago or so.
Space Shuttle blows up = never go to space again
Hindenburg blows up - never fly lighter than air craft again
Airliners crash = never fly airplanes again
Automobiles crash = clear the roads and ban travel
Person dies in hospital = never treat people again

See the absurdity bedwetter?
BFD. Maybe don't build nuke plants in places like that.
Except we do.

Here's one in California, which the last time I checked is a major earthquake zone.

Nuclear power plats release less radiation into the atmosphere than coal fired plants do. They really are the most eco friendly method of power generation we currently have.


Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster - Wikipedia

Struggling With Japan’s Nuclear Waste, Six Years After Disaster
All nuke plants in areas of a potential issue should be upgraded. I am surprised the Japanese did not do that. A wall around that plant and uplifting some parts would have saved a lot of grief.
Build trains across oceans and end all air travel!
“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

the onion is getting pissed reality is outdoing them.

Seriously, how do you parody something that's a bad joke to start with?
Why no nuke power? She is a certified KOOK!

Because someone told Baby Boomers back in the 60s that nuclear power was eeeevil, and every leftist since then has believed that automatically without ever thinking to ask, "Why?"
Chernobyl. Three Mile Island.

Any of that ring a bell?
The green technologies are not there yet. Impoverishing hundreds of millions of people to force embryonic green technologies on them while costing a hundred times more easily then advertised is human suicide. New York can not even even build a new subway line for the total costs of all they built a century ago or so.
Oh, believe me I know. We are a long, long way from replacing fossil fuels with "green" energy.

But someone was retarded enough that is is a mystery to them as to why the hippies don't like nuclear power.

They actually didn't know why, which I find positively fucking incredible.
Nuclear power plats release less radiation into the atmosphere than coal fired plants do. They really are the most eco friendly method of power generation we currently have.


Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster - Wikipedia

Struggling With Japan’s Nuclear Waste, Six Years After Disaster
Yes really.

Interesting that you cut the rest of my post off. There were many mistakes made with those plants - mistakes that were even known beforehand such as the storage there being outdated. Even then, it took a MASSIVE (largest they ever experienced) earthquake followed by a tsunami to cause that disaster. You know what might be a good idea - build our nuclear reactors where earthquakes and tsunamis are not a factor. It is not particularly difficult to make a reactor that will not be damaged by other natural disasters like hurricanes.

France is almost entirely powered by nuclear reactors and I don't think a single major issue.
I like the concept of a Green New Deal. Some of her goals may be out of reach but the idea of a green infrastructure plan is worth considering. Whether the Green New Deal will fly in 2020 is questionable, but I have no doubt that climate change and the wreck and ruin we have made of our environment will become a major campaign issue in 2024 and beyond., We have created a sewer for future generations and there will be a reckoning once the younger generations realize what a shit hole we have left them.

Good God, another one. "It just sounds so noble and wonderful to give everyone their own unicorn, who cares if it's impossible and batshit insane?"

Her goals aren't "out of reach", moron. They're crazy. Pull your head out of her ass and take a breath.
Because someone told Baby Boomers back in the 60s that nuclear power was eeeevil, and every leftist since then has believed that automatically without ever thinking to ask, "Why?"

The hippies never thought to ask why they don't like nuclear reactors...




I like the concept of a Green New Deal. Some of her goals may be out of reach but the idea of a green infrastructure plan is worth considering. Whether the Green New Deal will fly in 2020 is questionable, but I have no doubt that climate change and the wreck and ruin we have made of our environment will become a major campaign issue in 2024 and beyond., We have created a sewer for future generations and there will be a reckoning once the younger generations realize what a shit hole we have left them.
the vast majority of the crap on there is crap.

i'm all for revamping our energy supply to modernize it and look for cleaner alternatives. i would think most people are.

but this shit? this isn't just focused on energy now is it? hell a lot of her bullet points are just "ensure money for those who don't want to work".

what the hell does that have to do with energy plans?
She'd be wise to stay away from the social justice issues. That will just turn the people you want off. Focus on the environment and green technology.

And get anyone else to actually come up with the ideas for it, because Occasional Cortex doing her own thinking = BAD!
We are talkin about Democratic socialism or socialism as it is known everywhere but GOP dupe world, GOP dupe, not communism. Karl Marx was wrong about everything but the need to help workers. Unlike what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years...
Great Point. There is a HUGE difference between Socialists and Socialist Democrats. For instance, I have NEVER heard a 'SOCIALIST' call for high speed rail transportation OVER OCEANS, rendering air travel un-necessary, before. THAT CRAZY SHIT could ONLY come from the Socialist Democrats, like AOC.

And only on your b******* propaganda machine, super duper

Nobody needs a "b******* propaganda machine" to make them realize you people are crazy. You're doing that pretty well by yourselves.
Yeah, going back to JFK tax rates when we had prosperity for all is just crazy LOL. Keep voting for The greedy idiot Rich, super duper. Brainwashed functional moron.

AOC seems to be pretty greedy for not only attention, but your hard-earned money. She successfully redefines the word "idiot" on a daily basis.

She's also comparatively "rich", when you think about how little you're actually worth.

So what was the point you were trying to make, super super brainwashed non-functional moron?
Everything you know is wrong, perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP... LOL
I like the concept of a Green New Deal. Some of her goals may be out of reach but the idea of a green infrastructure plan is worth considering. Whether the Green New Deal will fly in 2020 is questionable, but I have no doubt that climate change and the wreck and ruin we have made of our environment will become a major campaign issue in 2024 and beyond., We have created a sewer for future generations and there will be a reckoning once the younger generations realize what a shit hole we have left them.
the vast majority of the crap on there is crap.

i'm all for revamping our energy supply to modernize it and look for cleaner alternatives. i would think most people are.

but this shit? this isn't just focused on energy now is it? hell a lot of her bullet points are just "ensure money for those who don't want to work".

what the hell does that have to do with energy plans?
She'd be wise to stay away from the social justice issues. That will just turn the people you want off. Focus on the environment and green technology.

And get anyone else to actually come up with the ideas for it, because Occasional Cortex doing her own thinking = BAD!
Do you have any actual argument, or just the usual brainwash?
More like take your hard earned money away deal. Leaving millions job less all for the hoax that is global warming / climate change / environmental ploy.
OK, AOC has been touted and defended as an amazing, fast-burning, Socialist Rising Star within the Democratic Party. We have heard for a while now about the incredible 'Green New Deal' that was going to completely change the future of this country. And now she has 'unveiled it'....

Every one who has said how intelligent she is....
Everyone who has defended her....
Everyone who said she was a force to be reckoned with....
Everyone who claimed she was going to be a star....


It is official......she is dumb as dirt, stupid as hell, crazy as a bedbug!

AOC's 'Green New Deal' IS THE BIGGEST PIECE OF FANTASY HORSESHIT to EVER come out of the Democratic party.

It's like that old TV Show, 'Kids Say The Darnedest Things', where they would sit down with kids, ask them a question, and then sit back while they said some of the dumbest things you've ever heard. When the kids said it, it was funny. When a supposed 'adult' like AOC says dumb shit, it's just embarrassing and sad!

What just came out of AOC's head and mouth is the biggest piece of cow dung ever heard. 'Over-Optimistic', 'Over-reaching'...even the term 'Unrealistic' does not even come close to describing what is In this 'deal'. What AOC captured on paper and shared is better described as 'FANTASY', 'DELUSION', OR 'INSANITY'.

I think when she was 6 years old she wrote down in her little 'Socialist Susie' notebook what she would do, how she would re-make the United States if she could be a 'god' for a day, and everything she just shared came straight out of that notebook.

AOC is a professional bartender, she got all of her ideas from customers that spent their days imbibing adult beverages and watching Springer on the tube. What else did you expect?

This reminds me a lot of when my ten-year-old told me his job plans for the future. "I'm going to be a famous YouTuber and use the money to pay for college so that I can become a zookeeper and work with animals." Except THAT is a more coherent and rational plan than Occasional Cortex's.
Rainbows = nice to look at
Unicorns = cute, and nice to look at
American and global economic meltdown, creating extreme hardship for the poor and middle income earner = not so nice to look at
Yes and they are the most amazing philanthropists going and they are in favor of paying more taxes themselves, super duper. Nobody ever said there were no Rich Democrats, jackass, just that they are not greedy Rich brainwashing assholes like GOP Rich scumbags.

Listen ass orifice......
Democrats are no better than Republicans.

Go to San Francisco where the concentration of SUPER RICH Democrats is massive and look at all the poor people living in squalor in the Slums of San Francisco. Looks like Africa or Haiti....or Indian slums...but worse. DEMS RUN SAN FRAN FOOL

You sound like a blazing imbecile spewing the garbage you are from your shitlips.

And you're just too stupid to know better....and too racist to be told otherwise
Only in GOP dupe world, GOP dupe. The GOP has been running the country and our tax rates for 35 years. Obstruction is easy. Hating racists is not racism dumbass. Racism against whites is an idiotic GOP propaganda meme. Racists believe other races are inferior and discriminate against them. Whites are in charge dumbass.

Another yoog Left Wing myth is that minorities can never be racist.
At any rate, it has no effect on institutions, housing, and employment, because minorities have very little power... So only the brainwashed give a damn, brainwashed functional moron racist.
So, outlaw Jet travel and rebuild every building in the country. You people are idiots

You wouldn't be saying that if you were an HVAC contractor or a locomotive engineer. Or a union business agent. Another plank of the Green New Deal mandates all jobs created must be unionized.

That's what I think I'd go for. Go down to the Italian Club and hobnob with union bosses, see if I can get into that racket. I'm already 62, I'm not going to do construction work

It's a stupid idea
from a really stupid person. Adolf had nothing on her.

I'm stunned that the left just embrace her stupidity

They aren't. Even Democrats are laughing at her. Did you hear Pelosi's response?

“It will be one of several or maybe many suggestions that we receive. The green dream or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they’re for it, right?"

And then she promptly put someone ELSE on the climate change committee.
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

Good thing it is just red meat to the masses and will never be a reality

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For you brainwashed functional morons,we are talking about Democratic socialism always, has nothing to do with Communism. 70% tax rate is what we had before Reagan, and 35 years now of give away to the rich and screwing people like you, dumbass. Outside the GOP bubble of idiocy, everyone knows socialism is democratic 4 years now.

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