Green New Deal

Folks, sure Donkey Face Cortez and the other farting cows dressed as waitresses in white probably expelled more methane than a herd of cows at the SOTU, but let's innovate! Save the cows!

Ladies and gentlemen, here is the New Green Deal genetically-modified Gaia-friendly non-methane-emitting bovine of tomorrow:

I think Cortez is smarter than Pelosi, however my dog is smarter than Pelosi.

Cortez is who I thought she was an I really like her, she exposes the Democrats for who they really are. There is no way the Democrats want her ideas enacted, they just claim they do, now the Democrats will have to find a way not to back her ideas without exposing their own hypocrisy.
Progressives created people like Cortez. And as long as they do not back up common sense Trump policies it will get worse. Nancy was given face and hand signals to the progressive socialist herd dressed in white. Baseball managers can learn off of her.
The racist Democratic Party Chairman Perez says that Democrats like him and Cortez is the future of our country.
After 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and brainwashing fools like you, that would be about time.

Hating the “Rich” is irrational and immature.
The smart thing to do is to emulate the “Rich” and make your own money.
Yes and they are the most amazing philanthropists going and they are in favor of paying more taxes themselves, super duper. Nobody ever said there were no Rich Democrats, jackass, just that they are not greedy Rich brainwashing assholes like GOP Rich scumbags.

Listen ass orifice......
Democrats are no better than Republicans.

Go to San Francisco where the concentration of SUPER RICH Democrats is massive and look at all the poor people living in squalor in the Slums of San Francisco. Looks like Africa or Haiti....or Indian slums...but worse. DEMS RUN SAN FRAN FOOL

You sound like a blazing imbecile spewing the garbage you are from your shitlips.

And you're just too stupid to know better....and too racist to be told otherwise
Only in GOP dupe world, GOP dupe. The GOP has been running the country and our tax rates for 35 years. Obstruction is easy. Hating racists is not racism dumbass. Racism against whites is an idiotic GOP propaganda meme. Racists believe other races are inferior and discriminate against them. Whites are in charge dumbass.

Another yoog Left Wing myth is that minorities can never be racist.
Who's the super duper functional moron now? Hear that? It's the sound of Stalin laughing at you from beyond the grave.

Interesting. You can hear your master's voice from beyond death. What does he say to you? Probably "You've done well at destroying capitalism, keep it up." What instructions has he given you?
If Donald Trump was in charge of rebuilding every building in America to make the "green" as AO-C recommends, you can bet it will come in on time and under budget.
Based on what?
Trump is a master builder. I wonder what other green projects Ao-C has in mind?

President Trump has a record of excellence in this kind of thing. When our President followed the law passed by Congress and signed by Bill Clinton to move our embassy to Israel's capital of Jerusalem, they told him it would cost $1 Billion.

Donald J. Trump pulled some strings, got the job done for $250,000. A savings of 99.975% from retail.
The Trump cult circle jerk continues. Each one tries to lie bigger than the last one, since being seen as the biggest liar gains them status in the cult.

And the nation says "Get a room, you pervs. Nobody wants to see that.".
The Trump cult circle jerk continues. Each one tries to lie bigger than the last one, since being seen as the biggest liar gains them status in the cult.

And the nation says "Get a room, you pervs. Nobody wants to see that.".
What lies have you seen in this topic?

I can imagine that direct quotes from AOC's document are so unbelievable that one might assume the people quoting her are lying...
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.
First generating all electric from solar wind and hydroelectric power for a nation our size is pretty well a pipe dream yea sounds great do do it in 10 years she needs to pass the bowel of tide pods

Completely aside from the fact that it would take far more than 10 years to completely refit our infrastructure for her plan, the technology to actually make it work doesn't even exist yet.
The Trump cult circle jerk continues. Each one tries to lie bigger than the last one, since being seen as the biggest liar gains them status in the cult.

And the nation says "Get a room, you pervs. Nobody wants to see that.".
What lies have you seen in this topic?

I can imagine that direct quotes from AOC's document are so unbelievable that one might assume the people quoting her are lying...
I know I did.

To be fair - the thread has been merged with another though.
Who's the super duper functional moron now? Hear that? It's the sound of Stalin laughing at you from beyond the grave.

Interesting. You can hear your master's voice from beyond death. What does he say to you? Probably "You've done well at destroying capitalism, keep it up." What instructions has he given you?
Who's the super duper functional moron now? Hear that? It's the sound of Stalin laughing at you from beyond the grave.

Interesting. You can hear your master's voice from beyond death. What does he say to you? Probably "You've done well at destroying capitalism, keep it up." What instructions has he given you?

I was referring to you leftists, you dumb hillbilly.

My God. You seem to have an uncanny ability do so much to dispel the notion that women have some amount of intelligence. Every time you open your mouth, you set the women's equity movement back another ten years.

I hope you can at least make a decent sandwich, otherwise your future looks pretty dim.

She sure is a dingbat.
She has no clue about what runs a economic groath or what destroys it.

No kidding. Solar is great but it just isn't viable Neither is wind.

I live in Florida and if solar were viable everyone in the state would be using it.

She ain't to bright. Just a dingbat who thinks she knows what she's doing.

Heard that. I live in Phoenix, the place where the sun goes for retirement. We have solar panels all over everywhere . . . and our primary source of electricity is still power plants, because solar technology just isn't up to replacing it yet.
So the leftist zipperheads want to spend $7 trillion of tax money generated by capitalism, in order to try to destroy capitalism.

What the hell alternate universe are these iggernant morans from? :21:
The Pentagon pissed away more than that, that they canot account for between 1998-2015.

The Pentagon Can't Account for $21 Trillion (That's Not a Typo)

Capitalism is destroying itself.

Truthdig?! Seriously? Why not just cite us and have done with it?

You know almost as much about accounting as Occasional Cortex does.

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