Green New Deal

NEWSFLASH: Thousands of bizjets are being turned in as we speak. The multimillionaires and billionaires of the world see the wisdom of AOCs goal of eliminating air travel and are voluntarily giving up the perks of owning a private jet. Pilots, mechanics and aviation service personnel are being laid off by the thousands.
It isn't, actually. We are seeing unprecedented levels of technology development in our nation's universities and companies.

As for the very amusing Miss AOC. There is a reason that first term senators don't seek the media spotlight. Because if you're after a career in politics, you have to pay your dues and give deference to your party leaders.

Firebrands tend to burn out quickly in politics.

Ok, if you say so.

I say times have changed. Young people (the stupid and ignorant Millennials) are moving into positions of power now. A massive army of indoctrinated, Hollywood hypnotized idiots mesmerized by the idea of free stuff paid for by the wealthy.

It's not the 70's anymore

some very nice bits from here:
Economic environment free of monopolies
Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work
Healthy food (lets make sure to call this out)
Restore all our damaged and threatened ecosystems
Guarantee a job with family-sustaining wages (got this one in several times)
Upgrade or replace every building in US for state-of-the-art energy efficiency

reality nowhere to be seen.

Looney Tunes are real.

I hear they also want to end all air traffic in ten years.
From the OP link:

  • Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle

My favorite part is this:

We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast

You posted a picture of a Chinese airport ?
No, seriously, there will always be'll just be concentrated into fewer and fewer hands is all.

NEWSFLASH: Thousands of bizjets are being turned in as we speak. The multimillionaires and billionaires of the world see the wisdom of AOCs goal of eliminating air travel and are voluntarily giving up the perks of owning a private jet. Pilots, mechanics and aviation service personnel are being laid off by the thousands.
We are talkin about Democratic socialism or socialism as it is known everywhere but GOP dupe world, GOP dupe, not communism. Karl Marx was wrong about everything but the need to help workers. Unlike what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years...
Great Point. There is a HUGE difference between Socialists and Socialist Democrats. For instance, I have NEVER heard a 'SOCIALIST' call for high speed rail transportation OVER OCEANS, rendering air travel un-necessary, before. THAT CRAZY SHIT could ONLY come from the Socialist Democrats, like AOC.

And only on your b******* propaganda machine, super duper

Nobody needs a "b******* propaganda machine" to make them realize you people are crazy. You're doing that pretty well by yourselves.
Yeah, going back to JFK tax rates when we had prosperity for all is just crazy LOL. Keep voting for The greedy idiot Rich, super duper. Brainwashed functional moron.
Or, this may be her 15 minutes.

If De'Nile makes you feel better....then ride that wave.
You aren't paying attention. The world is changing. IQ is WAY down. Not just the US.

It isn't, actually. We are seeing unprecedented levels of technology development in our nation's universities and companies.

As for the very amusing Miss AOC. There is a reason that first term senators don't seek the media spotlight. Because if you're after a career in politics, you have to pay your dues and give deference to your party leaders.

Firebrands tend to burn out quickly in politics.

I see that coming. As Americans, we tend to be dazzled at first by the odd, unusual, freakish, and new. But if AOC can't keep outdoing herself with her own zany antics, she'll soon be stuck away in the House broom closet somewhere. Fame can be so fleeting.

Come on, AOC. Keep giving us the entertainment we crave, or else we'll have to go back to watching funny cat videos on Youtube.
It isn't, actually. We are seeing unprecedented levels of technology development in our nation's universities and companies.

As for the very amusing Miss AOC. There is a reason that first term senators don't seek the media spotlight. Because if you're after a career in politics, you have to pay your dues and give deference to your party leaders.

Firebrands tend to burn out quickly in politics.

Ok, if you say so.

I say times have changed. Young people (the stupid and ignorant Millennials) are moving into positions of power now. A massive army of indoctrinated, Hollywood hypnotized idiots mesmerized by the idea of free stuff paid for by the wealthy.

It's not the 70's anymore

I don't think stupid people are more abundant than in days past.

I do believe they're much less embarrassed about being stupid, which means we see more of them than we did in days past.
Yeah, going back to JFK tax rates when we had prosperity for all is just crazy LOL. Keep voting for The greedy idiot Rich, super duper. Brainwashed functional moron.

Someone told you there are no rich democrats........and you believed it.....
Bill Gates....Mark Zuckerberg....Starbucks owner....Intel Owner.....Amazon owner....Google owner......puh-leeeese
Yeah, going back to JFK tax rates when we had prosperity for all is just crazy LOL. Keep voting for The greedy idiot Rich, super duper. Brainwashed functional moron.

Someone told you there are no rich democrats........and you believed it.....
Bill Gates....Mark Zuckerberg....Starbucks owner....Intel Owner.....Amazon owner....Google owner......puh-leeeese
Yes and they are the most amazing philanthropists going and they are in favor of paying more taxes themselves, super duper. Nobody ever said there were no Rich Democrats, jackass, just that they are not greedy Rich brainwashing assholes like GOP Rich scumbags.
I don't think stupid people are more abundant than in days past.
I do believe they're much less embarrassed about being stupid, which means we see more of them than we did in days past.

Funny. No, really....that's funny.
You are so out of tune with what goes on in Screwals today.

That you actually believe the education system today = the education system of 30 years ago is telling.

Teachers today spend the bulk of their time dealing with out of control students....on cell phones.

Go back 30 years.....acting up in class wasn't tolerated. Schooling is a joke today. which is why so many are opting out of the public screwal system.

C' knew that. Didn't you?
We are talkin about Democratic socialism or socialism as it is known everywhere but GOP dupe world, GOP dupe, not communism. Karl Marx was wrong about everything but the need to help workers. Unlike what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years...
Great Point. There is a HUGE difference between Socialists and Socialist Democrats. For instance, I have NEVER heard a 'SOCIALIST' call for high speed rail transportation OVER OCEANS, rendering air travel un-necessary, before. THAT CRAZY SHIT could ONLY come from the Socialist Democrats, like AOC.

And only on your b******* propaganda machine, super duper

Nobody needs a "b******* propaganda machine" to make them realize you people are crazy. You're doing that pretty well by yourselves.
Yeah, going back to JFK tax rates when we had prosperity for all is just crazy LOL. Keep voting for The greedy idiot Rich, super duper. Brainwashed functional moron.

AOC seems to be pretty greedy for not only attention, but your hard-earned money. She successfully redefines the word "idiot" on a daily basis.

She's also comparatively "rich", when you think about how little you're actually worth.

So what was the point you were trying to make, super super brainwashed non-functional moron?
Why do liberals get so attracted to the dumbest, brain-addled, drooling-retards out of all their party's attention whores? First it was David Hogg, the vindictive teen tyrant who utterly lacks the cognitive ability to speak the simplest, coherent sentence. Now this blathering Occasional-Kotex piece of female shit - who looks, sounds and acts like a cheap $2 coke whore.
Yes and they are the most amazing philanthropists going and they are in favor of paying more taxes themselves, super duper. Nobody ever said there were no Rich Democrats, jackass, just that they are not greedy Rich brainwashing assholes like GOP Rich scumbags.

Listen ass orifice......
Democrats are no better than Republicans.

Go to San Francisco where the concentration of SUPER RICH Democrats is massive and look at all the poor people living in squalor in the Slums of San Francisco. Looks like Africa or Haiti....or Indian slums...but worse. DEMS RUN SAN FRAN FOOL

You sound like a blazing imbecile spewing the garbage you are from your shitlips.

And you're just too stupid to know better....and too racist to be told otherwise
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My favorite response - so far - to the Insane New Deal:

WALSH: AOC's Green New Deal Proposal Is Way Too Modest. I've Got A Better Plan.

This is the point where I actually started laughing out loud, and my co-workers started looking at me funny.

13. A lion that can tell me stories and grant wishes.

14. Immortality.

15. A computer type thing like from The Matrix where you plug in and learn how to do karate in five minutes.

16. Bananas that never rot.

17. No more loneliness.

18. Free consensual pony rides.

19. A kind of like robot thing that, like, lifts you out of the bed in the morning and puts on your pants for you and brushes your teeth.

20. All remaining student debt converted into tacos (one dollar of debt equals one taco).
It isn't, actually. We are seeing unprecedented levels of technology development in our nation's universities and companies.

As for the very amusing Miss AOC. There is a reason that first term senators don't seek the media spotlight. Because if you're after a career in politics, you have to pay your dues and give deference to your party leaders.

Firebrands tend to burn out quickly in politics.

Ok, if you say so.

I say times have changed. Young people (the stupid and ignorant Millennials) are moving into positions of power now. A massive army of indoctrinated, Hollywood hypnotized idiots mesmerized by the idea of free stuff paid for by the wealthy.

It's not the 70's anymore
Your sympathy for greedy idiot Rich GOP assholes is touching, brainwashed functional moron. At this point we have a flat tax system that is a giveaway to the rich and ruining the rest for 35 years now. Change the channel and read something, super duper. After 35 years of that, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, and the richest scumbags in the world by far. And it is not trickling down, never did. 90% of the world thinks you are total morons. They don't know about fox and Rush and how you are just brainwashed ignoramuses...
I don't think stupid people are more abundant than in days past.
I do believe they're much less embarrassed about being stupid, which means we see more of them than we did in days past.

Funny. No, really....that's funny.
You are so out of tune with what goes on in Screwals today.

That you actually believe the education system today = the education system of 30 years ago is telling.

Teachers today spend the bulk of their time dealing with out of control students....on cell phones.

Go back 30 years.....acting up in class wasn't tolerated. Schooling is a joke today. which is why so many are opting out of the public screwal system.

C' knew that. Didn't you?

I was in public school forty years ago. We cut class, we sassed our teachers, we smoked and drank, and played the fool.

Then we grew up and went to college, got jobs, and became just like everyone else.

People have been writing about the decline in the morality and intelligence of youth for 3,000 years. Somehow, we all get by.
A fool leading a bunch of fools...

You are being redirected...

We are talkin about Democratic socialism or socialism as it is known everywhere but GOP dupe world, GOP dupe, not communism. Karl Marx was wrong about everything but the need to help workers. Unlike what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years...
Keep your socialism to yourselves, Millions of Americans want nothing to do with that shit… It does not require our participation
Mainly because you don't know what
socialism is. It is not communism, it is helping the non Rich.
For a change.

Who's the super duper functional moron now? Hear that? It's the sound of Stalin laughing at you from beyond the grave.

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