Green New Deal

Socialist Talking Points: AOC is dumb, but she's a leader. You be dumb and one day you too may be a leader
The racist Democratic Party Chairman Perez says that Democrats like him and Cortez is the future of our country.
Nothing in the article talks about building trains over the oceans.

So, the OP lied his ass off.

And all the Trumpflakes proudly repeated it.

Why? Because Trumpflakes are the most gutless sheep to every exist in the American political scene. Not one of them ever dares contradict what the rest of the cult is bleating.

Bu then, that's expected. Creatures with a spine auto-reject the Trump cult, leaving only oozing invertebrate creatures to populate it.

AOC Defenders jumping on another hand grenade

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

How do you get to Hawaii? Barbados?
She implies a train to Hawaii.
Isn't there an "I'm so butthurt!" folder for these ongoing weepy meltdowns over AOC?

She's very popular, Trumpflakes, and she's kicking your butts hard. Yes, that makes you sad. You can learn to deal with it, or you can keep crying about it and lose even more votes.

I see no "weepy meltdowns." We are making fun of her, you can't tell? :laughing0301:

It cracks me up that dems think they have something in this nutball and that we somehow fear her.
Personally I think they're embarrassed about her and just wont admit it.
Isn't there an "I'm so butthurt!" folder for these ongoing weepy meltdowns over AOC?

She's very popular, Trumpflakes, and she's kicking your butts hard. Yes, that makes you sad. You can learn to deal with it, or you can keep crying about it and lose even more votes.

I see no "weepy meltdowns." We are making fun of her, you can't tell? :laughing0301:

It cracks me up that dems think they have something in this nutball and that we somehow fear her.
Personally I think they're embarrassed about her and just wont admit it.

They just like projecting their own insecurity on everyone else. Misery loves company, they say.
Nothing in the article talks about building trains over the oceans.

So, the OP lied his ass off.

And all the Trumpflakes proudly repeated it.

Why? Because Trumpflakes are the most gutless sheep to every exist in the American political scene. Not one of them ever dares contradict what the rest of the cult is bleating.

Bu then, that's expected. Creatures with a spine auto-reject the Trump cult, leaving only oozing invertebrate creatures to populate it.

AOC Defenders jumping on another hand grenade

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

How do you get to Hawaii? Barbados?
She implies a train to Hawaii.

I don't know why you couldn't take a boat if jets were banned?

As long as they use green methods of propelling the vessels, the green technology has existed for a while

I see no "weepy meltdowns." We are making fun of her, you can't tell? :laughing0301:

The snot dribbling down your faces says otherwise. You'd all be more convincing if you'd go blow your noses.

Now, I am curious. You blubbered and sniveled for months about AOC and Pelosi ,and as a result you got pasted at the ballot box. Yet here you are turning the tears up to even higher volume.

Why is that?

Do you want to lose?

Are you just stupid?

Is your deep emotional need for a satisfying mutual weeping session overriding your common sense?

My guess is the latter.
Hissy fits? We're mocking her....and you.

Do you have any idea what her train dream would cost? Any idea at all? Lol

Good gawd and she plans all her crap in a 10 year time frame....she's detached from reality
So let me get this straight Thomas Edison, are you saying you plan to invent something that will allow me to talk to someone all the away across the world? are such a nut!!

So let me get this straight JFK, you plan to land someone on the moon by when? are such a nut

Let me make sure I understand this French engineer guy -- are you telling me that you are going to make a train go under the English channel from England to France? --- are such a nut....

Let me get this straight Donald Trump, are you telling me you are going to build a 2000 mile wall, a big beautiful wall with big beautiful doors, some of it see-thru so people don't get hit in the head with drugs, and you are going to make mexico pay for it? -- I believe you and bow before you my liege, how may I worship thee?


Get this straight anyone buying into her crap is also detached from reality

Think hard...
I like how when someone rattles and distrubs the people with the least amount of power -- conservatives mock it and laugh.....or say "Haha, you're triggered"

But if you dare make the elite feel uncomfortable.....oh no, clutch the pearls and find a couch to fall on....

Fuck what makes them feel uncomfortable

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Tax Proposal Rattles Billionaires at Davos

She's nuts...certfiable.
Why do you keep avoiding the ACTUAL BULLSHIT your cult leader said?

AOC is a congresswoman, she counts as one vote among if she is so crazy, why do you even care? she is inconsequential in comparison to your cult leader...yet, you continue to ignore his bullshit...why?
If Donald Trump built that train to Europe, you can bet it would come in on time and under budget.
"Upgrade or replace every building in US for state-of-the-art energy efficiency"

There literally is no efficient way to do this. None.
I wish I knew more about aeronautics and engineering. Would ultra-light solar panels on the wings of the airplane be a way to provide supplemental energy so that jet fuel wasn't needed for the entire flight?
If someone had suggested this years and years ago, that person would be called an innovator thinker and praised for their ambitious ideas (like space travel) ....but if AOC suggested it, lets mock and attack her....oh wait! they already have suggested this years ago...

The Case For Transatlantic Undersea Trains

Plan for vacuum transatlantic tube train travel between UK and the US unveiled | Daily Mail Online

China plans a 13,000 km rail line to America passing through an under-ocean tunnel

I so enjoy the way AOC makes republicans and establishment dems have hissy fits and look stupid in the process...

Hissy fits? We're mocking her....and you.

Do you have any idea what her train dream would cost? Any idea at all? Lol

Good gawd and she plans all her crap in a 10 year time frame....she's detached from reality
The article says 200 billion. But that was in 2016. It would be more today. After all, the California crazy train is already at 64 billion and there hasn't been a foot of track laid yet.
If someone had suggested this years and years ago, that person would be called an innovator thinker and praised for their ambitious ideas (like space travel) ....but if AOC suggested it, lets mock and attack her....oh wait! they already have suggested this years ago...

The Case For Transatlantic Undersea Trains

Plan for vacuum transatlantic tube train travel between UK and the US unveiled | Daily Mail Online

China plans a 13,000 km rail line to America passing through an under-ocean tunnel

I so enjoy the way AOC makes republicans and establishment dems have hissy fits and look stupid in the process...

Hissy fits? We're mocking her....and you.

Do you have any idea what her train dream would cost? Any idea at all? Lol

Good gawd and she plans all her crap in a 10 year time frame....she's detached from reality
So let me get this straight Thomas Edison, are you saying you plan to invent something that will allow me to talk to someone all the away across the world? are such a nut!!

So let me get this straight JFK, you plan to land someone on the moon by when? are such a nut

Let me make sure I understand this French engineer guy -- are you telling me that you are going to make a train go under the English channel from England to France? --- are such a nut....

Let me get this straight Donald Trump, are you telling me you are going to build a 2000 mile wall, a big beautiful wall with big beautiful doors, some of it see-thru so people don't get hit in the head with drugs, and you are going to make mexico pay for it? -- I believe you and bow before you my liege, how may I worship thee?


Quite an impressive disconnect from reality you people have going on there.
If someone had suggested this years and years ago, that person would be called an innovator thinker and praised for their ambitious ideas (like space travel) ....but if AOC suggested it, lets mock and attack her....oh wait! they already have suggested this years ago...

The Case For Transatlantic Undersea Trains

Plan for vacuum transatlantic tube train travel between UK and the US unveiled | Daily Mail Online

China plans a 13,000 km rail line to America passing through an under-ocean tunnel

I so enjoy the way AOC makes republicans and establishment dems have hissy fits and look stupid in the process...

Hissy fits? We're mocking her....and you.

Do you have any idea what her train dream would cost? Any idea at all? Lol

Good gawd and she plans all her crap in a 10 year time frame....she's detached from reality
The article says 200 billion. But that was in 2016. It would be more today. After all, the California crazy train is already at 64 billion and there hasn't been a foot of track laid yet.

And these same libs complain about a stinking $5 B for a wall.
Somebody didnt read the article....

Obviously I read it. That's how I know you're lying deliberately now.

Why do you think you won't burn in Hell for that? You can't openly serve Satan, the Lord of Lies, and not pay a price for it.

Remember, forgiveness from God requires actual contrition, and that requires apologizing to those you've wronged.
Somebody didnt read the article....

Obviously I read it. That's how I know you're lying deliberately now.

Why do you think you won't burn in Hell for that? You can't openly serve Satan, the Lord of Lies, and not pay a price for it.

Remember, forgiveness from God requires actual contrition, and that requires apologizing to those you've wronged.

Where did I lie? Quote it or sit your dumb ass down.

And never go on about God with me ya old bat
I see no "weepy meltdowns." We are making fun of her, you can't tell? :laughing0301:

The snot dribbling down your faces says otherwise. You'd all be more convincing if you'd go blow your noses.

Now, I am curious. You blubbered and sniveled for months about AOC and Pelosi ,and as a result you got pasted at the ballot box. Yet here you are turning the tears up to even higher volume.

Why is that?

Do you want to lose?

Are you just stupid?

Is your deep emotional need for a satisfying mutual weeping session overriding your common sense?

My guess is the latter.

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