Green New Deal

Are the lefties serious...this is a good article about it..

The 10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Green New Deal

Some aren't intelligent enough to know what it means when we say " taxed to breathe" they spent the past 9 yrs trying to claim it's a conspiracy when Al Gore was caught lying about his global warming bs and suddenly they changed it to climate change because why yes the climate naturally changes seasons and temp, but head games with sheep and wordage works easily on zombies who think and or thought it was all a conspiracy and here it is.

They've decided to put new spins on old shit and here we are again lmfao. The sheep are the dumbest sob's on earth omfg!!

Just as the same dumbasses think CO2 is killing us as they open a can of that diet coke doing what.........wait for it, ..........wait for it..........................wait for it...................................... They're drinking CO2 screaming CO2 is killing the planet lmfao!!!
It could work!!! We could use all the asylum seekers to build it in exchange for Citizenship. But first we would have to abort all the babies so the women get treated equally. It's going to be a really dangerous job that most Americans won't be willing to do. And they're really good at tunneling our Southern border looks like the "Bush wood Country Club" from Caddy Shack. I bet they could dig that F&%$#r in like 3 months.:thankusmile:

LOL 800 miles of rail in Cali is projected to cost 100 billion. NY to Paris is 4 1/2 times that far and that would be one route.

Goddamn loons live in some alternate universe.

I just read a post from one of them! "IT" thought Thomas Edison Invented the telephone. We'll get him to head the tunnel project:dig:
It could work!!! We could use all the asylum seekers to build it in exchange for Citizenship. But first we would have to abort all the babies so the women get treated equally. It's going to be a really dangerous job that most Americans won't be willing to do. And they're really good at tunneling our Southern border looks like the "Bush wood Country Club" from Caddy Shack. I bet they could dig that F&%$#r in like 3 months.:thankusmile:

LOL 800 miles of rail in Cali is projected to cost 100 billion. NY to Paris is 4 1/2 times that far and that would be one route.

Goddamn loons live in some alternate universe.

800 miles of rail is only a small portion of what the state would need.

California is a huge state with large numbers of towns that would all need connected.

I think it would take at least a trillion to link California up with High Speed Rail, and that's only 1 of 50 states.

I just hope that the California state government makes them strong enough to survive a major earthquake. It would be a shame to spend a trillion and have it reduce to rubble over night.
A fool leading a bunch of fools...

You are being redirected...

We are talkin about Democratic socialism or socialism as it is known everywhere but GOP dupe world, GOP dupe, not communism. Karl Marx was wrong about everything but the need to help workers. Unlike what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years...
Keep your socialism to yourselves, Millions of Americans want nothing to do with that shit… It does not require our participation
Isn't there an "I'm so butthurt!" folder for these ongoing weepy meltdowns over AOC?

She's very popular, Trumpflakes, and she's kicking your butts hard. Yes, that makes you sad. You can learn to deal with it, or you can keep crying about it and lose even more votes.
She is an idiot but doesn't know it...that's priceless entertainment....
Plus she proves every point us logical people have been making for a long time...
We have been running on Reagan tax rates for 35 years and all we have gotten is a ridiculously rich top group, the worst inequality ever and in the modern world by far, and the worst upward Mobility ditto.The only idiots are people that don't know that but yet know every detail of imaginary democratic phony scandals. That would be you, super duper.
How little or how much anyone else makes is none of your fucking business, and certainly none of the federal government’s business
If someone had suggested this years and years ago, that person would be called an innovator thinker and praised for their ambitious ideas (like space travel) ....but if AOC suggested it, lets mock and attack her....oh wait! they already have suggested this years ago...

The Case For Transatlantic Undersea Trains

Plan for vacuum transatlantic tube train travel between UK and the US unveiled | Daily Mail Online

China plans a 13,000 km rail line to America passing through an under-ocean tunnel

I so enjoy the way AOC makes republicans and establishment dems have hissy fits and look stupid in the process...

Hissy fits? We're mocking her....and you.

Do you have any idea what her train dream would cost? Any idea at all? Lol

Good gawd and she plans all her crap in a 10 year time frame....she's detached from reality
So let me get this straight Thomas Edison, are you saying you plan to invent something that will allow me to talk to someone all the away across the world? are such a nut!!

So let me get this straight JFK, you plan to land someone on the moon by when? are such a nut

Let me make sure I understand this French engineer guy -- are you telling me that you are going to make a train go under the English channel from England to France? --- are such a nut....

Let me get this straight Donald Trump, are you telling me you are going to build a 2000 mile wall, a big beautiful wall with big beautiful doors, some of it see-thru so people don't get hit in the head with drugs, and you are going to make mexico pay for it? -- I believe you and bow before you my liege, how may I worship thee?


Retard! Thomas Edison didn't invent the Telephone. Alexander Graham Bell did!
You know Bell Telephone! Edison is the guy who makes the lights come. Except in your case. Lights off nobody home.Your mom should have kept you off the Video games. Late term abortion? How old are you? :dance:It may not be to late!
This is true, it was Bell......but Edison didn't invent the light bulb either......
Hissy fits? We're mocking her....and you.

Do you have any idea what her train dream would cost? Any idea at all? Lol

Good gawd and she plans all her crap in a 10 year time frame....she's detached from reality
So let me get this straight Thomas Edison, are you saying you plan to invent something that will allow me to talk to someone all the away across the world? are such a nut!!

So let me get this straight JFK, you plan to land someone on the moon by when? are such a nut

Let me make sure I understand this French engineer guy -- are you telling me that you are going to make a train go under the English channel from England to France? --- are such a nut....

Let me get this straight Donald Trump, are you telling me you are going to build a 2000 mile wall, a big beautiful wall with big beautiful doors, some of it see-thru so people don't get hit in the head with drugs, and you are going to make mexico pay for it? -- I believe you and bow before you my liege, how may I worship thee?


Get this straight anyone buying into her crap is also detached from reality

Think hard...
I like how when someone rattles and distrubs the people with the least amount of power -- conservatives mock it and laugh.....or say "Haha, you're triggered"

But if you dare make the elite feel uncomfortable.....oh no, clutch the pearls and find a couch to fall on....

Fuck what makes them feel uncomfortable

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Tax Proposal Rattles Billionaires at Davos

She's nuts...certfiable.
Why do you keep avoiding the ACTUAL BULLSHIT your cult leader said?

AOC is a congresswoman, she counts as one vote among if she is so crazy, why do you even care? she is inconsequential in comparison to your cult leader...yet, you continue to ignore his bullshit...why?

I said I'm mocking her, fruitloop.

You're flailing away on this thread and looking as ignorant doing it as she is.
Hissy fits? We're mocking her....and you.

Do you have any idea what her train dream would cost? Any idea at all? Lol

Good gawd and she plans all her crap in a 10 year time frame....she's detached from reality
So let me get this straight Thomas Edison, are you saying you plan to invent something that will allow me to talk to someone all the away across the world? are such a nut!!

So let me get this straight JFK, you plan to land someone on the moon by when? are such a nut

Let me make sure I understand this French engineer guy -- are you telling me that you are going to make a train go under the English channel from England to France? --- are such a nut....

Let me get this straight Donald Trump, are you telling me you are going to build a 2000 mile wall, a big beautiful wall with big beautiful doors, some of it see-thru so people don't get hit in the head with drugs, and you are going to make mexico pay for it? -- I believe you and bow before you my liege, how may I worship thee?


Get this straight anyone buying into her crap is also detached from reality

Think hard...
I like how when someone rattles and distrubs the people with the least amount of power -- conservatives mock it and laugh.....or say "Haha, you're triggered"

But if you dare make the elite feel uncomfortable.....oh no, clutch the pearls and find a couch to fall on....

Fuck what makes them feel uncomfortable

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Tax Proposal Rattles Billionaires at Davos

She's nuts...certfiable.
Why do you keep avoiding the ACTUAL BULLSHIT your cult leader said?

AOC is a congresswoman, she counts as one vote among if she is so crazy, why do you even care? she is inconsequential in comparison to your cult leader...yet, you continue to ignore his bullshit...why?

President Trump is a builder and developer- that's his profession just like pouring beer is AOC.

She should have consulted him before deciding to mandate the gutting and reconstruction of every building in the country.
It could work!!! We could use all the asylum seekers to build it in exchange for Citizenship. But first we would have to abort all the babies so the women get treated equally. It's going to be a really dangerous job that most Americans won't be willing to do. And they're really good at tunneling our Southern border looks like the "Bush wood Country Club" from Caddy Shack. I bet they could dig that F&%$#r in like 3 months.:thankusmile:

LOL 800 miles of rail in Cali is projected to cost 100 billion. NY to Paris is 4 1/2 times that far and that would be one route.

Goddamn loons live in some alternate universe.

800 miles of rail is only a small portion of what the state would need.

California is a huge state with large numbers of towns that would all need connected.

I think it would take at least a trillion to link California up with High Speed Rail, and that's only 1 of 50 states.

I just hope that the California state government makes them strong enough to survive a major earthquake. It would be a shame to spend a trillion and have it reduce to rubble over night.

The citizens of Cali were sold a bill of goods
Figures. Sandy Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Calls for End to Air Travel -- Build Trains Over the Oceans -Duh.
Democrat darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released information on the Democrat Party’s Green New Deal.
The radical Democrat-Socialist plan will destroy the country in months… if not days. Why do Democrats hate this country so much?


So not only will this dumb bitch try and con her idiots that we don't need babies and how we can kill them way after birth, now the moron wants to build a bridge over the ocean alrighty then . Don't plan on a win next voting round retread.
I don't understand why speaker Pelosi didn't put AO-C On the new Global Warming Congressional Committee. She is full of great ideas to share with the voting public.
So let me get this straight Thomas Edison, are you saying you plan to invent something that will allow me to talk to someone all the away across the world? are such a nut!!

So let me get this straight JFK, you plan to land someone on the moon by when? are such a nut

Let me make sure I understand this French engineer guy -- are you telling me that you are going to make a train go under the English channel from England to France? --- are such a nut....

Let me get this straight Donald Trump, are you telling me you are going to build a 2000 mile wall, a big beautiful wall with big beautiful doors, some of it see-thru so people don't get hit in the head with drugs, and you are going to make mexico pay for it? -- I believe you and bow before you my liege, how may I worship thee?


Get this straight anyone buying into her crap is also detached from reality

Think hard...
I like how when someone rattles and distrubs the people with the least amount of power -- conservatives mock it and laugh.....or say "Haha, you're triggered"

But if you dare make the elite feel uncomfortable.....oh no, clutch the pearls and find a couch to fall on....

Fuck what makes them feel uncomfortable

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Tax Proposal Rattles Billionaires at Davos

She's nuts...certfiable.
Why do you keep avoiding the ACTUAL BULLSHIT your cult leader said?

AOC is a congresswoman, she counts as one vote among if she is so crazy, why do you even care? she is inconsequential in comparison to your cult leader...yet, you continue to ignore his bullshit...why?

I said I'm mocking her, fruitloop.

You're flailing away on this thread and looking as ignorant doing it as she is.
and I am still asking you why are you avoiding the dumb shit your cult leader does and says?

And yes, you folks look dumb mocking her for the shit you mock her for...

Like....mocking her for having rhythm...but I understand how having rhythm is touchy for republicans, since they lack it...

Figures. Sandy Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Calls for End to Air Travel -- Build Trains Over the Oceans -Duh.
Democrat darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released information on the Democrat Party’s Green New Deal.
The radical Democrat-Socialist plan will destroy the country in months… if not days. Why do Democrats hate this country so much?


So not only will this dumb bitch try and con her idiots that we don't need babies and how we can kill them way after birth, now the moron wants to build a bridge over the ocean alrighty then . Don't plan on a win next voting round retread.
I don't understand why speaker Pelosi didn't put AO-C On the new Global Warming Congressional Committee. She is full of great ideas to share with the voting public.

AOC should have been put on the Courthouse Naming Committee where she would be less embarrassing to Chuck and Nancy.
Are the lefties serious...this is a good article about it..

The 10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Green New Deal

Some aren't intelligent enough to know what it means when we say " taxed to breathe" they spent the past 9 yrs trying to claim it's a conspiracy when Al Gore was caught lying about his global warming bs and suddenly they changed it to climate change because why yes the climate naturally changes seasons and temp, but head games with sheep and wordage works easily on zombies who think and or thought it was all a conspiracy and here it is.

They've decided to put new spins on old shit and here we are again lmfao. The sheep are the dumbest sob's on earth omfg!!

Just as the same dumbasses think CO2 is killing us as they open a can of that diet coke doing what.........wait for it, ..........wait for it..........................wait for it...................................... They're drinking CO2 screaming CO2 is killing the planet lmfao!!!

It's pretty funny. AOC gave us a new 12 year the 10 year with Al Gore wasn't's now 12 years......I mean these people are worse than cultists....atleast the cultists when proven wrong, shut up and don't keep giving us a new date
Hissy fits? We're mocking her....and you.

Do you have any idea what her train dream would cost? Any idea at all? Lol

Good gawd and she plans all her crap in a 10 year time frame....she's detached from reality
So let me get this straight Thomas Edison, are you saying you plan to invent something that will allow me to talk to someone all the away across the world? are such a nut!!

So let me get this straight JFK, you plan to land someone on the moon by when? are such a nut

Let me make sure I understand this French engineer guy -- are you telling me that you are going to make a train go under the English channel from England to France? --- are such a nut....

Let me get this straight Donald Trump, are you telling me you are going to build a 2000 mile wall, a big beautiful wall with big beautiful doors, some of it see-thru so people don't get hit in the head with drugs, and you are going to make mexico pay for it? -- I believe you and bow before you my liege, how may I worship thee?


Get this straight anyone buying into her crap is also detached from reality

Think hard...
I like how when someone rattles and distrubs the people with the least amount of power -- conservatives mock it and laugh.....or say "Haha, you're triggered"

But if you dare make the elite feel uncomfortable.....oh no, clutch the pearls and find a couch to fall on....

Fuck what makes them feel uncomfortable

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Tax Proposal Rattles Billionaires at Davos

She's nuts...certfiable.
Why do you keep avoiding the ACTUAL BULLSHIT your cult leader said?

AOC is a congresswoman, she counts as one vote among if she is so crazy, why do you even care? she is inconsequential in comparison to your cult leader...yet, you continue to ignore his bullshit...why?

Well because he doesn't advocate slaughtering babies, Socialized everything and the take over of private business by the govt to give a job to "everybody who wants one":CryingCow:. What about the dead beats that don't want to work! Oh that's right the working people will ensure they have the same income provided by the Govt. She's an Idiot
We already have plenty of trains.
Does this mean that the Democrat Politicians and Voters will stop using Planes?
Hold them to their beliefs.
Get this straight anyone buying into her crap is also detached from reality

Think hard...
I like how when someone rattles and distrubs the people with the least amount of power -- conservatives mock it and laugh.....or say "Haha, you're triggered"

But if you dare make the elite feel uncomfortable.....oh no, clutch the pearls and find a couch to fall on....

Fuck what makes them feel uncomfortable

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Tax Proposal Rattles Billionaires at Davos

She's nuts...certfiable.
Why do you keep avoiding the ACTUAL BULLSHIT your cult leader said?

AOC is a congresswoman, she counts as one vote among if she is so crazy, why do you even care? she is inconsequential in comparison to your cult leader...yet, you continue to ignore his bullshit...why?

I said I'm mocking her, fruitloop.

You're flailing away on this thread and looking as ignorant doing it as she is.
and I am still asking you why are you avoiding the dumb shit your cult leader does and says?

And yes, you folks look dumb mocking her for the shit you mock her for...

Like....mocking her for having rhythm...but I understand how having rhythm is touchy for republicans, since they lack it...


Because this thread is about Kotex and her pipe dreams?
Isn't there an "I'm so butthurt!" folder for these ongoing weepy meltdowns over AOC?

She's very popular, Trumpflakes, and she's kicking your butts hard. Yes, that makes you sad. You can learn to deal with it, or you can keep crying about it and lose even more votes.

I see no "weepy meltdowns." We are making fun of her, you can't tell? :laughing0301:
Figures. Sandy Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Calls for End to Air Travel -- Build Trains Over the Oceans -Duh.
Democrat darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released information on the Democrat Party’s Green New Deal.
The radical Democrat-Socialist plan will destroy the country in months… if not days. Why do Democrats hate this country so much?


So not only will this dumb bitch try and con her idiots that we don't need babies and how we can kill them way after birth, now the moron wants to build a bridge over the ocean alrighty then . Don't plan on a win next voting round retread.

That is not what was said. That is not is in the plan.

This is stupid fucking Trumpettes who can't tread making up stupid shit.

Building high speed to rail to reduce the need to fly. It did not say build rail bridges over the oceans. It is looking like high speed rail instead of flying city to city in the continental US.
If you ban air travel, you will need a train to Europe. She has it figured out.
Here is footage of AOC being mean to big pharma....maybe you haven't been told to be outraged about this yet....but you will soon.....she doesn't sound too dumb to me...


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