Green New Deal

I actually like solar and wind power.

Not solar power as in solar panels on your roof. I mean solar farms.

I am only half joking when I say we should convert the entire state of Nevada into a giant solar farm complex. We should also let southern California return to its natural state as a desert and make that a solar farm complex, too.

And to appease the pseudocons and Ocasio-Cortez at the same time, we can give the jobs of maintaining them to the blacks and Mexicans and Indians.

I actually like solar and wind power.

Not solar power as in solar panels on your roof. I mean solar farms.

I am only half joking when I say we should convert the entire state of Nevada into a giant solar farm complex. We should also let southern California return to its natural state as a desert and make that a solar farm complex, too.

And to appease the pseudocons and Ocasio-Cortez at the same time, we can give the jobs of maintaining them to the blacks and Mexicans and Indians.

If we want real change we need to invest heavily in nuclear and research.

Every proposal I see come up amounts to power or money grabs that have no real effect on temps but have real economic effects. One thing I am sure of - no matter how bad the problem is we are going to NEED a strong economy to develop the tech to do anything about it.
My God. You seem to have an uncanny ability do so much to dispel the notion that women have some amount of intelligence.

What makes you think I'm a woman?

Besides my obvious intelligence and calm demeanor, that is. While those things are rarer in men, they do occur.

And besides the fact that I laugh at your obvious attempts to compensate for your shortcomings. Such things are obvious to men as well as women.
Of course the rabid right wouldn't get it.

They think we need to destroy our ecosystems for greater corporate profits. They have no concept of their importance. Look at the Republicans in Florida with the red tide. Watch them auction off mining rights in what was a National Monument. Watch then try to drill off shore our East Coast.

They don't want a safety net for our citizens.

They don;t want to pay a living wage & instead they have the government pay the difference in food stamps, rent assistance, school meals, and health insurance.

They want to keep wasting energy & spewing shit into the atmosphere instead of modernize our building to do less polluting with less energy.

But hey they are stupid people who ignore global warming. They have been duped into accepting fewer regulations that allow for more pollution even though it will kill & sicken more Americans.

This is the stupidity of the Trump supporters.

"I don't need to talk about what's in the bill. Republicans are eeeevil, and that's all I need to know!"

some very nice bits from here:
Economic environment free of monopolies
Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work
Healthy food (lets make sure to call this out)
Restore all our damaged and threatened ecosystems
Guarantee a job with family-sustaining wages (got this one in several times)
Upgrade or replace every building in US for state-of-the-art energy efficiency

reality nowhere to be seen.

Looney Tunes are real.

I hear they also want to end all air traffic in ten years.

Yeah, Hirono says that "would be bad for Hawai'i." Y'think?
Chernobyl. Three Mile Island.

Any of that ring a bell?

Ever hear of Middletown, PA? I used to live there. Ring a bell?

Chernobyl was just pure negligence, and we have so much more technology today, TMI would never even get close to where it was, and that wasn't even a disaster.
So the leftist zipperheads want to spend $7 trillion of tax money generated by capitalism, in order to try to destroy capitalism.

What the hell alternate universe are these iggernant morans from? :21:
The Pentagon pissed away more than that, that they canot account for between 1998-2015.

The Pentagon Can't Account for $21 Trillion (That's Not a Typo)

Capitalism is destroying itself.

Truthdig?! Seriously? Why not just cite us and have done with it?

You know almost as much about accounting as Occasional Cortex does.

Reading between the liberal likes is pretty easy, once you get the hang of it. If I saw some site named "Truthdig", I'd immediately think "Lies_covered"

Always think of the left as living in Bizzaro World: Just invert everything they say and you'll know the real story.
Chernobyl. Three Mile Island.

Any of that ring a bell?

Ever hear of Middletown, PA? I used to live there. Ring a bell?

Chernobyl was just pure negligence, and we have so much more technology today, TMI would never even get close to where it was, and that wasn't even a disaster.

That, and "superior" Russian technology. Their passenger aircraft have a tendency to fall out of the skies and end up smeared across miles of ground.
BFD. Maybe don't build nuke plants in places like that. Ok, I am fine with OIL, and Natural Gas to run the world. Case closed.
My God. You seem to have an uncanny ability do so much to dispel the notion that women have some amount of intelligence.

What makes you think I'm a woman?

Besides my obvious intelligence and calm demeanor, that is. While those things are rarer in men, they do occur.

And besides the fact that I laugh at your obvious attempts to compensate for your shortcomings. Such things are obvious to men as well as women.

Come on, sweetmeat. If you're not a woman, I'm sending my Gaydar in for re-calibration.

Men know certain things you chicks don't.
Chernobyl. Three Mile Island.

Any of that ring a bell?

Ever hear of Middletown, PA? I used to live there. Ring a bell?

Chernobyl was just pure negligence, and we have so much more technology today, TMI would never even get close to where it was, and that wasn't even a disaster.
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster - Wikipedia

Struggling With Japan’s Nuclear Waste, Six Years After Disaster

Ring a bell?
Yes. Now we know not to store nuclear waste using outdated methods (as they were) and that it might be a bad idea to build them where tsunamis are possible.

Nuclear power plats release less radiation into the atmosphere than coal fired plants do. They really are the most eco friendly method of power generation we currently have.

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