Green New Deal

Ocasio-Cortez says she'll use "Modern Monetary Theory" to pay for it, otherwise known as printing more money from the Treasury money tree. It's actually that stupid, and they're all backing it, and they all want to be president. It's not an obsession, it's a reality that can't be ignored.

the green new deal is not just stupid, its immoral
Laughing and mocking is NOT a strategy ... but it is the only serious response AOC & her 'Green New Deal' deserves.
Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.

How in the hell do you make a strong and serious argument against the rantings of someone whose brain clearly stopped developing in third grade? I'm not even kidding. How do you debate something like this as though it's actually a real thing, beyond what we're already doing, which is pointing out how batshit, rainbow-unicorn-fart insane it is?!
As was pointed out earlier, one effective method in negotiations is to start off shooting for the stars, and winning by falling back and looking as if you capitulated.

As was also pointed out, mocking and laughing is not a strategy.

As I continue to point out, that doesn't tell us what you think we're supposed to say other than the obvious, which is that Occasional Cortex needs meds stronger than we currently have invented.
That's up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016.

The Dems aren't going to get this insane idea through, even if a Dem wins in 2020, but their strategy is to get some of it. For now. Start the momentum.

So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea.
“I think one way that the right does try to mischaracterize what we’re doing ....


Cease Using Oil, Coal, Natural Gas, and Nuclear Power

Cease Using Fossil Fuels

Elimination of the internal combustion engine

Elimination of all cars / trucks / vans / SUVs / planes, trains, boats, etc....
*** Resulting in over 7 million Americans losing their jobs

Use of alternate sources providing 11% of our energy must begin accounting for 100% of our energy

Use of technology not even invented yet must be used

EVERY building in the US must be upgraded or Re-Built

Use of Trans-Continental - Over-Ocean Railways to eliminate use of airplanes

Forced Unionization of ALL GND-related jobs

$7 TRILLION in new debt for energy conversion - IF all this was possible, which it is NOT

$35 TRILLION in new debt to forcibly convert the US to Single Payer Health Care
*** An admission that if we stole every dime from the richest people in the US and if we steal every resource from the richest corporations in the US we would still NOT be able to even come close to paying for all of this....


There are electric and ion drive planes.

Uh huh. And why is it that we haven't replaced all the fossil fuel-powered planes with those?
The big boys won't let it happen...Yeah they are not going to retire and say good luck..Plus is is in the development state.Look how long it took gasoline engines to be used solely by autos...

Aaah, yes. The ever-popular "it's just a big conspiracy by The Man" theory.

And yeah, it's in "the development state" . . . which is another way of saying, "They can't figure out how to make it feasible instead of just an interesting experiment."

So what it actually comes down to is that easy's post was absolutely correct, and you felt the need to contradict him with total bullshit, just so you wouldn't have to admit that he was right.

Thank you. Piss off.
She needs to go back to bartending.

No! She's a walking talking billboard for Trump 2020. The more she outs the Prog Agenda of turning the U.S. into a Socialist-Slave State the better our chances of the Dems being defeated.

That she is. What a dingbat. I just can't believe voters elected that dipshit to Congress. What the hell were they thinking??

I wonder if she even realizes that if all that green crap she's pushing ever passes it will bankrupt the country??

Thank God the Reps have the Senate and none of that crap will ever pass.

What a moron.
Her district has to be the most ignorant people in the nation.

I'm just waiting for somebody to go into her district with a microphone and a camera and start asking the people what they think of the fool they elected now that she's actually started proposing things.
Gonna be difficult to find someone willing to talk. They're either gangsters or people locked in their apartments in fear.
I'm with you. I'd like to meet some of the people who voted for this idiot. They sure didn't investigate the dingbat before they voted for her. Unless, of course, they are socialist dingbats just like her.

I'm interested to see how she plans to abolish "farting cows".
Simeticone is proven to reduce flatulence in people, maybe it will work with our Bovine Friends too.

So you're suggesting that we sprinkle Bean-O on their hay?

It seems a lot more practical than bovine butt plugs, considering how much cows like to crap.

Right?! You plug 'em up, next thing you know you have cows exploding everywhere. You think the FARTS were polluting!
Dust head with an econ degree can't even properly define externalities.....We're doomed.

fastest train does what, 190? maybe they need to get a good running start from 300 miles away and they can skip across the ocean if they hit the water at just the right angle and go through a machine that speeds them up along the last 50 miles.

I think she should go for broke and just demand that we convert all travel to teleportation in the next ten years, and Scotty can just beam us all wherever.
Can you have an economy vs first class beaming?

First class gets to go first, maybe? When your atoms are reconstructed at the end of the line, they add Chanel No. 5? I dunno.
maybe in 1st class they remove 20lbs of weight and reshape you to a better image and in economy, you get that added weight dumped on you in transit. :)

In perfect world of Sandy Cortez, the economy class is the 1st class.

Well, except for the uber-special brilliant leaders, like her.
She needs to go back to bartending.

No! She's a walking talking billboard for Trump 2020. The more she outs the Prog Agenda of turning the U.S. into a Socialist-Slave State the better our chances of the Dems being defeated.

That she is. What a dingbat. I just can't believe voters elected that dipshit to Congress. What the hell were they thinking??

I wonder if she even realizes that if all that green crap she's pushing ever passes it will bankrupt the country??

Thank God the Reps have the Senate and none of that crap will ever pass.

What a moron.
Her district has to be the most ignorant people in the nation.

I'm just waiting for somebody to go into her district with a microphone and a camera and start asking the people what they think of the fool they elected now that she's actually started proposing things.

I'm with you. I'd like to meet some of the people who voted for this idiot. They sure didn't investigate the dingbat before they voted for her. Unless, of course, they are socialist dingbats just like her.

New York. I'm just sayin' . . .
Right?! You plug 'em up, next thing you know you have cows exploding everywhere. You think the FARTS were polluting!
It's not funny....this is very serious! You heard what AOC said....

Global Warming is caused by COW FARTS! They MUST be regulated:

Laughing and mocking is NOT a strategy ... but it is the only serious response AOC & her 'Green New Deal' deserves.
Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.

How in the hell do you make a strong and serious argument against the rantings of someone whose brain clearly stopped developing in third grade? I'm not even kidding. How do you debate something like this as though it's actually a real thing, beyond what we're already doing, which is pointing out how batshit, rainbow-unicorn-fart insane it is?!
As was pointed out earlier, one effective method in negotiations is to start off shooting for the stars, and winning by falling back and looking as if you capitulated.

As was also pointed out, mocking and laughing is not a strategy.

As I continue to point out, that doesn't tell us what you think we're supposed to say other than the obvious, which is that Occasional Cortex needs meds stronger than we currently have invented.
That's up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016.

The Dems aren't going to get this insane idea through, even if a Dem wins in 2020, but their strategy is to get some of it. For now. Start the momentum.

So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea.

In other words, you don't have shit, you just hate that the Dems look like morons. Got it.
Mini-Maduro Cortez has insured that any policy with the word 'Green' in it from now on is a smokescreen for AUTHORITARIANISM!
She needs to go back to bartending.

No! She's a walking talking billboard for Trump 2020. The more she outs the Prog Agenda of turning the U.S. into a Socialist-Slave State the better our chances of the Dems being defeated.

That she is. What a dingbat. I just can't believe voters elected that dipshit to Congress. What the hell were they thinking??

I wonder if she even realizes that if all that green crap she's pushing ever passes it will bankrupt the country??

Thank God the Reps have the Senate and none of that crap will ever pass.

What a moron.
Her district has to be the most ignorant people in the nation.

I'm just waiting for somebody to go into her district with a microphone and a camera and start asking the people what they think of the fool they elected now that she's actually started proposing things.
Gonna be difficult to find someone willing to talk. They're either gangsters or people locked in their apartments in fear.

They oughta be living in fear after wishing this lunatic on the rest of the nation. If she was any less frickin' hilarious, that would be an act of treason.

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