Green New Deal

Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.

How in the hell do you make a strong and serious argument against the rantings of someone whose brain clearly stopped developing in third grade? I'm not even kidding. How do you debate something like this as though it's actually a real thing, beyond what we're already doing, which is pointing out how batshit, rainbow-unicorn-fart insane it is?!
As was pointed out earlier, one effective method in negotiations is to start off shooting for the stars, and winning by falling back and looking as if you capitulated.

As was also pointed out, mocking and laughing is not a strategy.

As I continue to point out, that doesn't tell us what you think we're supposed to say other than the obvious, which is that Occasional Cortex needs meds stronger than we currently have invented.
That's up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016.

The Dems aren't going to get this insane idea through, even if a Dem wins in 2020, but their strategy is to get some of it. For now. Start the momentum.

So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea.

In other words, you don't have shit, you just hate that the Dems look like morons. Got it.
I answered your question civilly, rationally and honestly.

I certainly don't expect you to do what I suggest. I don't think you have the capacity.
How in the hell do you make a strong and serious argument against the rantings of someone whose brain clearly stopped developing in third grade? I'm not even kidding. How do you debate something like this as though it's actually a real thing, beyond what we're already doing, which is pointing out how batshit, rainbow-unicorn-fart insane it is?!
As was pointed out earlier, one effective method in negotiations is to start off shooting for the stars, and winning by falling back and looking as if you capitulated.

As was also pointed out, mocking and laughing is not a strategy.

As I continue to point out, that doesn't tell us what you think we're supposed to say other than the obvious, which is that Occasional Cortex needs meds stronger than we currently have invented.
That's up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016.

The Dems aren't going to get this insane idea through, even if a Dem wins in 2020, but their strategy is to get some of it. For now. Start the momentum.

So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea.

In other words, you don't have shit, you just hate that the Dems look like morons. Got it.
I answered your question civilly, rationally and honestly.

I certainly don't expect you to do what I suggest. I don't think you have the capacity.

No, you dodged my question and tried to pretend that was an answer. And how can you expect me to do what you suggest, when you didn't suggest anything, other than "Stop laughing! Right now!! Pretend the left is intelligent!"?

Please. By all means. SHOW me where you suggested anything else. Was THIS where you told me what we're supposed to say?

"Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016."

Or was it this?

"So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea."

I certainly don't expect you to make a suggestion before pretending to be smart and lofty and declare that I "don't have the capacity" to follow the suggestion you never frigging made. And It's apparently a good thing.
As was pointed out earlier, one effective method in negotiations is to start off shooting for the stars, and winning by falling back and looking as if you capitulated.

As was also pointed out, mocking and laughing is not a strategy.

As I continue to point out, that doesn't tell us what you think we're supposed to say other than the obvious, which is that Occasional Cortex needs meds stronger than we currently have invented.
That's up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016.

The Dems aren't going to get this insane idea through, even if a Dem wins in 2020, but their strategy is to get some of it. For now. Start the momentum.

So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea.

In other words, you don't have shit, you just hate that the Dems look like morons. Got it.
I answered your question civilly, rationally and honestly.

I certainly don't expect you to do what I suggest. I don't think you have the capacity.

No, you dodged my question and tried to pretend that was an answer. And how can you expect me to do what you suggest, when you didn't suggest anything, other than "Stop laughing! Right now!! Pretend the left is intelligent!"?

Please. By all means. SHOW me where you suggested anything else. Was THIS where you told me what we're supposed to say?

"Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016."

Or was it this?

"So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea."

I certainly don't expect you to make a suggestion before pretending to be smart and lofty and declare that I "don't have the capacity" to follow the suggestion you never frigging made. And It's apparently a good thing.
Mac's been repeating those same talking points all morning. :p
As was pointed out earlier, one effective method in negotiations is to start off shooting for the stars, and winning by falling back and looking as if you capitulated.

As was also pointed out, mocking and laughing is not a strategy.

As I continue to point out, that doesn't tell us what you think we're supposed to say other than the obvious, which is that Occasional Cortex needs meds stronger than we currently have invented.
That's up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016.

The Dems aren't going to get this insane idea through, even if a Dem wins in 2020, but their strategy is to get some of it. For now. Start the momentum.

So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea.

In other words, you don't have shit, you just hate that the Dems look like morons. Got it.
I answered your question civilly, rationally and honestly.

I certainly don't expect you to do what I suggest. I don't think you have the capacity.

No, you dodged my question and tried to pretend that was an answer. And how can you expect me to do what you suggest, when you didn't suggest anything, other than "Stop laughing! Right now!! Pretend the left is intelligent!"?

Please. By all means. SHOW me where you suggested anything else. Was THIS where you told me what we're supposed to say?

"Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016."

Or was it this?

"So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea."

I certainly don't expect you to make a suggestion before pretending to be smart and lofty and declare that I "don't have the capacity" to follow the suggestion you never frigging made. And It's apparently a good thing.
If you need me to tell you how to approach something this simple, I'd be wasting my time.

What you want to do is mock and laugh, because that's how you're trained.

Do that, fine with me. I'm sure it'll work.
Putting a hose up cow's butt's would be animal cruelty
...if there was only a way we could stick a tube somewhere on the Democrats to collect all their bullshit and try to harness that for about a plentiful, powerful untapped resource... :p
As I continue to point out, that doesn't tell us what you think we're supposed to say other than the obvious, which is that Occasional Cortex needs meds stronger than we currently have invented.
That's up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016.

The Dems aren't going to get this insane idea through, even if a Dem wins in 2020, but their strategy is to get some of it. For now. Start the momentum.

So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea.

In other words, you don't have shit, you just hate that the Dems look like morons. Got it.
I answered your question civilly, rationally and honestly.

I certainly don't expect you to do what I suggest. I don't think you have the capacity.

No, you dodged my question and tried to pretend that was an answer. And how can you expect me to do what you suggest, when you didn't suggest anything, other than "Stop laughing! Right now!! Pretend the left is intelligent!"?

Please. By all means. SHOW me where you suggested anything else. Was THIS where you told me what we're supposed to say?

"Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016."

Or was it this?

"So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea."

I certainly don't expect you to make a suggestion before pretending to be smart and lofty and declare that I "don't have the capacity" to follow the suggestion you never frigging made. And It's apparently a good thing.
Mac's been repeating those same talking points all morning. :p

I know. I have almost as little patience with "I really have no opinion and nothing to say because I don't know much, but I'm going to talk endlessly about how "impartial" I am and how much smarter I am than all you peons who bother to learn things and form opinions from it" as I do with "Leftism is teh smartz!"
That's up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016.

The Dems aren't going to get this insane idea through, even if a Dem wins in 2020, but their strategy is to get some of it. For now. Start the momentum.

So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea.

In other words, you don't have shit, you just hate that the Dems look like morons. Got it.
I answered your question civilly, rationally and honestly.

I certainly don't expect you to do what I suggest. I don't think you have the capacity.

No, you dodged my question and tried to pretend that was an answer. And how can you expect me to do what you suggest, when you didn't suggest anything, other than "Stop laughing! Right now!! Pretend the left is intelligent!"?

Please. By all means. SHOW me where you suggested anything else. Was THIS where you told me what we're supposed to say?

"Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016."

Or was it this?

"So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea."

I certainly don't expect you to make a suggestion before pretending to be smart and lofty and declare that I "don't have the capacity" to follow the suggestion you never frigging made. And It's apparently a good thing.
Mac's been repeating those same talking points all morning. :p

I know. I have almost as little patience with "I really have no opinion and nothing to say because I don't know much, but I'm going to talk endlessly about how "impartial" I am and how much smarter I am than all you peons who bother to learn things and form opinions from it" as I do with "Leftism is teh smartz!"
Okie dokie!
As I continue to point out, that doesn't tell us what you think we're supposed to say other than the obvious, which is that Occasional Cortex needs meds stronger than we currently have invented.
That's up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016.

The Dems aren't going to get this insane idea through, even if a Dem wins in 2020, but their strategy is to get some of it. For now. Start the momentum.

So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea.

In other words, you don't have shit, you just hate that the Dems look like morons. Got it.
I answered your question civilly, rationally and honestly.

I certainly don't expect you to do what I suggest. I don't think you have the capacity.

No, you dodged my question and tried to pretend that was an answer. And how can you expect me to do what you suggest, when you didn't suggest anything, other than "Stop laughing! Right now!! Pretend the left is intelligent!"?

Please. By all means. SHOW me where you suggested anything else. Was THIS where you told me what we're supposed to say?

"Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016."

Or was it this?

"So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea."

I certainly don't expect you to make a suggestion before pretending to be smart and lofty and declare that I "don't have the capacity" to follow the suggestion you never frigging made. And It's apparently a good thing.
If you need me to tell you how to approach something this simple, I'd be wasting my time.

What you want to do is mock and laugh, because that's how you're trained.

Do that, fine with me. I'm sure it'll work.

I just heard, "Well, if you're going to INSIST on pointing out that I have no point and haven't actually said anything, I'm . . . going to pretend it's YOUR fault for not being smart enough to think of my point for me!"

Congratulations. You are now less intelligent and less useful than Occasional Cortex. Be ashamed. Be very ashamed.
That's up to you. Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016.

The Dems aren't going to get this insane idea through, even if a Dem wins in 2020, but their strategy is to get some of it. For now. Start the momentum.

So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea.

In other words, you don't have shit, you just hate that the Dems look like morons. Got it.
I answered your question civilly, rationally and honestly.

I certainly don't expect you to do what I suggest. I don't think you have the capacity.

No, you dodged my question and tried to pretend that was an answer. And how can you expect me to do what you suggest, when you didn't suggest anything, other than "Stop laughing! Right now!! Pretend the left is intelligent!"?

Please. By all means. SHOW me where you suggested anything else. Was THIS where you told me what we're supposed to say?

"Just remember that the Left mocked and derided and insulted and completely dismissed Trump in 2016."

Or was it this?

"So you'll need to decide if a smart, thoughtful contrary approach might not be a bad idea."

I certainly don't expect you to make a suggestion before pretending to be smart and lofty and declare that I "don't have the capacity" to follow the suggestion you never frigging made. And It's apparently a good thing.
If you need me to tell you how to approach something this simple, I'd be wasting my time.

What you want to do is mock and laugh, because that's how you're trained.

Do that, fine with me. I'm sure it'll work.

I just heard, "Well, if you're going to INSIST on pointing out that I have no point and haven't actually said anything, I'm . . . going to pretend it's YOUR fault for not being smart enough to think of my point for me!"

Congratulations. You are now less intelligent and less useful than Occasional Cortex. Be ashamed. Be very ashamed.
Oh I am!

I feel just HORRIBLE now!
If you need me to tell you how to approach something this simple, I'd be wasting my time..
As I said earlier, attempting to discuss something so stupid seriously is only making you look silly.

'Insanity' is a non-starter in negotiations / discussions.' An idea so stupid should not be acknowledged seriously because it only encourages stupid people to continue to try to be taken seriously when the nicest thing you can do for them is just to tell them to go away.

Suggesting we adopt a plan to do something that costs more money than we could ever physically / fiscally afford, that can't realistically be done, and requires technology that does not even exist is just MORONIC...and you know it.

Had anyone in the Republican Party suggested such a thing you would be ridiculing them. Had Donald Trump suggested such a plan you would be arguing for Impeaching him on grounds of mental instability or for his proving he is incapable of running this country ... and I would be agreeing with you.
If you need me to tell you how to approach something this simple, I'd be wasting my time..
As I said earlier, attempting to discuss something so stupid seriously is only making you look silly.

'Insanity' is a non-starter in negotiations / discussions.' An idea so stupid should not be acknowledged seriously because it only encourages stupid people to continue to try to be taken seriously when the nicest thing you can do for them is just to tell them to go away.

Suggesting we adopt a plan to do something that costs more money than we could ever physically / fiscally afford, that can't realistically be done, and requires technology that does not even exist is just MORONIC...and you know it.

Had anyone in the Republican Party suggested such a thing you would be ridiculing them. Had Donald Trump suggested such a plan you would be arguing for Impeaching him on grounds of mental instability or for his proving he is incapable of running this country ... and I would be agreeing with you.
Second time: Keep laughing and mocking.

Run with it.
I can only shake my head at the thought of what brain dead fools voted for this imbecile. If this impossible nonsense somehow happens, she's right, we'll be done in 12 years. And look at the idiots supporting this death sentence.

Note: Ocasio-Cortez’s office has taken down their page describing the Green New Deal.

A number of Democratic Party presidential hopefuls — including Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Julián Castro, and Beto O’Rourke, for starters — have already endorsed or expressed support for the “Green New Deal” (GND). Today, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Edward J. Markey dropped details about her plan.

It is not hyperbole to contend that GND is likely the most ridiculous and un-American plan that’s ever been presented by an elected official to voters. Not merely because it would necessitate a communist strongman to institute, but also because the societal costs are unfathomable. The risible historic analogies Markey and Ocasio-Cortez rely on, the building of the interstate highway system or moon landing, are nothing but trifling projects compared to a plan that overhauls modernity by voluntarily destroying massive amounts of wealth and technology. That is the GND.

While some of the specifics need to be ironed out, the plan’s authors assure us that this “massive transformation of our society” needs some “clear goals and a timeline.” The timeline is ten years. Here are some of the goals:

  • Ban affordable energy. GND calls for the elimination of all fossil fuel energy production, the lifeblood of American industry and life, which includes not only all oil but also natural gas — one of the cheapest sources of American energy, and one of the reasons the United States has been able to lead the world in carbon-emissions reduction.
  • Eliminate nuclear energy. The GND also calls for eliminating all nuclear power, one of the only productive and somewhat affordable “clean” energy sources available to us, in 11 years. This move would purge around 20 percent of American energy generation so you can rely on intermittent wind for your energy needs...
The 10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Green New Deal

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