Green New Deal

"I am working on a letter to @SpeakerPelosi asking her to bring the #GreenNewDeal up for a vote in the House. Although I disagree with this legislation I think members should let their constituents know where they stand. Dems and GOP should both look forward to the chance to vote." - McConnell
With climate change, what will your city's weather feel like in 60 years? - CNN

If we do nothing like the Trumpettes, here is an idea of what to expect 50-75 years from now.

You talk about the NGD's building renovations to curb AGW but if we do nothing, they will need done anyhow. Buildings in Colorado aren't built to take the warmer temps. Take NYC & make it 10 degrees warmer.

How can you say somebody can predict what the weather will be like in 60 years from today when we can't even get an accurate seven day forecast in most cases?
With climate change, what will your city's weather feel like in 60 years? - CNN

If we do nothing like the Trumpettes, here is an idea of what to expect 50-75 years from now.

You talk about the NGD's building renovations to curb AGW but if we do nothing, they will need done anyhow. Buildings in Colorado aren't built to take the warmer temps. Take NYC & make it 10 degrees warmer.

How can you say somebody can predict what the weather will be like in 60 years from today when we can't even get an accurate seven day forecast in most cases?

They can take data collected in past 60 years and apply it to the current computer model. If model is correct, it will show exactly what we have today.

Of course, their models are not working, therefore data cooking to show the politically correct scenario that will bring them more funding.

Their previous "predictions" were all based on short period of time, and were verifiable. Since their all failed, their new predictions are based on long term, and since nobody will live that long, it's impossible to verify it. Beside, their "predictions' such as "climate change will lower GDP ten percent in 50 years" are insane. We don't even know what GDP will have next year.
unless you plan to carpet the entire country with solar panels and windmills, there is no way that those can generate enough electricity to power this country. Nuclear might work, but nuclear is evil, right?

There is enough energy rained down on the Earth in the noon time hour to power the planet for a year.

I guess we should ignore it., Silly me.

Free energy. Who would bitch about free energy? Fossil fuel people? Do ya think? They dupe ignorant fucks like you & here you people are lying & having a freaking fit about the NGD.

How stupid are you people?

LOL, most of that so-called rained down energy falls on the oceans, do you want to float solar panels on the surface of all the oceans?

the stupid person here is you.
Only a stupid fuck thinks we need to collect all of it.

Ok, so you only want to cover the land with solar panels and windmills. There is continuous wind off the coast of the Kennedy compound why are there no windmills there? and what does it cost to build all those solar panels and windmills? are they free? Solar panels need liquid silicon and it takes a lot of heat to melt silicon, what fuel does that?

I wish you libs would actually think about the practical side of your foolish fantasy world.

My understanding is that "environmental" electric cars they want require batteries that are hell on the environment to produce. Leftists never think things through.

Correct. Just like ethanol is.
Update: Mitch McConnell has said he is DEFINITELY putting the Green New Deal up for a vote, just so that Americans can see which Democrats support it.

Note to Occasional Cortex: when the opposition party is gleefully looking forward to bringing your legislation up for a public vote, you're probably in trouble.
Update: Mitch McConnell has said he is DEFINITELY putting the Green New Deal up for a vote, just so that Americans can see which Democrats support it.

Note to Occasional Cortex: when the opposition party is gleefully looking forward to bringing your legislation up for a public vote, you're probably in trouble.

It will be interesting on how many Dem Senators up for reelection next year will vote for this whack job resolution. My crystal ball says very few; only ones in states where a Republican has no shot at winning.
Update: Mitch McConnell has said he is DEFINITELY putting the Green New Deal up for a vote, just so that Americans can see which Democrats support it.

Note to Occasional Cortex: when the opposition party is gleefully looking forward to bringing your legislation up for a public vote, you're probably in trouble.

It will be interesting on how many Dem Senators up for reelection next year will vote for this whack job resolution. My crystal ball says very few; only ones in states where a Republican has no shot at winning.

I, like McConnell, am most curious how those running for President will vote, given that they all rushed out and endorsed this heinous piece of puerile crap before they read it.
Democrat candidates really have to be more specific on this cow killing thing. Are ranchers supposed to kill their own cows .. or will there be an event Open to the public like the Rattlesnake and python hunts?
  • Global Warming: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Income Inequality: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Guranteed Income: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Free Universal Healthcare: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • The New Green Deal: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Paris Climate Accord: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Calling Hydrocarbons Fossil Fuels: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Universal Free College Education: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Open Borders Open Immigration: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Sanctuary Cities: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Adhering to United Nations Protocols, Policies, Treaties or Mandates: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Granting Asylum to Cultures unable to and unwilling to assimilate in to US Culture: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Signing and abiding by so called Free Trade Agreements instead of negotiating as a Sovereign Nation on a one on one basis for "Fair Trade" : Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
More horseshit. Do you ever not lie? I am serious here. Who wants open borders? Certainly when Obama was in office & Democrats controlled both houses, they could have passed a bill to demolish border walls & check points.

I get it. You assfucks want unfettered capitalism as if corporations can be trusted. We can trust them not to pollute, not to dump waste in our rivers, not to create dangerous workplaces, to produce products that are safe to use, to not discriminate. This is what you assfucks want? Really?

Do you assfucks even know we live on a planet? That we can not survive alone as a country without interactions with other nations? Do you really want to capture a market of 330 million people while sacrificing a 6 billion person market? Are you really that fucking dumb?

The fact is that you & your ilk are uneducated, ignorant, easily duped sheep that follow idiots like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Mindwars, & the conman Trump.

That will never happen. The poor will stay poor because the cost of living will rise to the new level. In 1976 I started my first job at $1.85 a hour. Minimum wage. I can buy the equivalent amount of stuff for the minimum wage today.

100% TRUE!

I had worked "off the books" so to speak since I was 13 and delivered papers from 10-13.

My first real job was bagging groceries at a prominent grocery store for $0.85 per hour. That was $0.15 per hour below the minimum because we could accept tips. In high school, I drove a 1954 Ford F-100 pickup truck to school. I had to pay for gas, tires, and insurance.

A gallon of gas then cost between $0.25 and $0.29 per gallon unless there was a gas war and it was cheaper. For the minimum wage, I could put about 3 gallons of gas in my truck. Today, sixty years later, the National minimum wage is $7.50 or so an hour and with that, I can put about 3 gallons of gas in my Harley.

Anyone trying to believe, or convince others, that anything else would happen are flat out lying to themselves along with lying to everyone else.
WOW, You better phone the climatolists & tell them because I am sure they don't know about the planets history or that the Earth has a tilt.

Thank you for being soooooooo smart.
The point is, Climate Change happens, Regardless. Why not develop better technologies at lower cost to better cope with it.

"at lower cost"


With $50 trillion price tag. Who's going to do it, the government?
yes; or, we can raise the minimum wage until the Poor can afford to pay their share.
That will never happen. The poor will stay poor because the cost of living will rise to the new level. In 1976 I started my first job at $1.85 an hour. Minimum wage. I can buy the equivalent amount of stuff for the minimum wage today.

price inflation happens even without wages increasing.

Without wages increasing, there would be virtually no price inflation. A fact you know but live in denial about daily.
The simple fact that you use the term "denier", speaks volumes.A more apt term would be skeptic. Any scientist that isn't skeptical has no place in science.
The deniers are not scientist
Do you mean people like this...;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1549964709/RO=10/RU=

Something tells me he knows more about the subject than all of us on this forum.
He focuses on the interaction between science and policymakers. He studies whether the move from largely private funding to public support has introduced biases into science and the public policies. Which has nothing to do with the data being collected nor the results of climate change which we are just starting to see.
That's currently. Before that he was a professor at Harvard and MIT. You should try listening to him some time. You'll hear more science on the subject of climate than you will anywhere else.
Same guy who said tobacco doesn't cause cancer & testified for tobacco companies.

The same guy who is funded by coal companies.

The same guy in Cato institute.
What horse puckey. He was paid for testifying once by a coal company and his take on tobacco was pointing out poor statistical analyses.
That will never happen. The poor will stay poor because the cost of living will rise to the new level. In 1976 I started my first job at $1.85 a hour. Minimum wage. I can buy the equivalent amount of stuff for the minimum wage today.

100% TRUE!

I had worked "off the books" so to speak since I was 13 and delivered papers from 10-13.

My first real job was bagging groceries at a prominent grocery store for $0.85 per hour. That was $0.15 per hour below the minimum because we could accept tips. In high school, I drove a 1954 Ford F-100 pickup truck to school. I had to pay for gas, tires, and insurance.

A gallon of gas then cost between $0.25 and $0.29 per gallon unless there was a gas war and it was cheaper. For the minimum wage, I could put about 3 gallons of gas in my truck. Today, sixty years later, the National minimum wage is $7.50 or so an hour and with that, I can put about 3 gallons of gas in my Harley.

Anyone trying to believe, or convince others, that anything else would happen are flat out lying to themselves along with lying to everyone else.
prices go up even when wages stagnate. try again?
The point is, Climate Change happens, Regardless. Why not develop better technologies at lower cost to better cope with it.

"at lower cost"


With $50 trillion price tag. Who's going to do it, the government?
yes; or, we can raise the minimum wage until the Poor can afford to pay their share.
That will never happen. The poor will stay poor because the cost of living will rise to the new level. In 1976 I started my first job at $1.85 an hour. Minimum wage. I can buy the equivalent amount of stuff for the minimum wage today.

price inflation happens even without wages increasing.

Without wages increasing, there would be virtually no price inflation. A fact you know but live in denial about daily.
in right wing fantasy, you are always right.

price inflation for fuel had Nothing to do with wages.
With climate change, what will your city's weather feel like in 60 years? - CNN

If we do nothing like the Trumpettes, here is an idea of what to expect 50-75 years from now.

You talk about the NGD's building renovations to curb AGW but if we do nothing, they will need done anyhow. Buildings in Colorado aren't built to take the warmer temps. Take NYC & make it 10 degrees warmer.
Now it's 10 degrees in 75 years? Care to explain how you came to that conclusion?

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