Green New Deal

unless you plan to carpet the entire country with solar panels and windmills, there is no way that those can generate enough electricity to power this country. Nuclear might work, but nuclear is evil, right?

There is enough energy rained down on the Earth in the noon time hour to power the planet for a year.

I guess we should ignore it., Silly me.

Free energy. Who would bitch about free energy? Fossil fuel people? Do ya think? They dupe ignorant fucks like you & here you people are lying & having a freaking fit about the NGD.

How stupid are you people?

LOL, most of that so-called rained down energy falls on the oceans, do you want to float solar panels on the surface of all the oceans?

the stupid person here is you.
Only a stupid fuck thinks we need to collect all of it.

Ok, so you only want to cover the land with solar panels and windmills. There is continuous wind off the coast of the Kennedy compound why are there no windmills there? and what does it cost to build all those solar panels and windmills? are they free? Solar panels need liquid silicon and it takes a lot of heat to melt silicon, what fuel does that?

I wish you libs would actually think about the practical side of your foolish fantasy world.

My understanding is that "environmental" electric cars they want require batteries that are hell on the environment to produce. Leftists never think things through.

Mostly leftist flat out lie.

Environmental Impact | EVs might be more damaging than you think | Digital Trends
They claim that man made pollution of the air is causing the climate of the planet to change

"They claim?”

You mean science shows.

"Science" shows no such thing, you ignorant sot.

Your moronic cave man religion makes the claim.

BTW, Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.

What would you know about...... “science” Trumpie? smirk :)

“Though living things emit carbon dioxide when they breathe, carbon dioxide is widely considered to be a pollutant when associated with cars, planes, power plants, and other human activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas.Nov 21, 2018”

I can tell you’re not one to argue with.

But ridiculing your stupidity is.

Trumpie meathead.


Year after year of rising average temperatures of the earth is not silly. 20 years ago the data was sketchy but not today. One would have to be blind or a fool to ignore it.

IF the data was sketchy at the turn of the century, only 20 years ago, how do you have anything accurate to compare today's "accurate data"?

Twenty years, less than a heartbeat in the history of the earth. Let's see, what part of 6+ billion years is 20 years?
There are far more government agencies, universities, and private research institutes gather data today and there is much more research being done collecting historical data.

It's not just about collecting data. Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner.

Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.
Control can also mean regulation, dumbass dupe. Like every intelligent rich country in the world that doesn't have greedy idiot GOP dupes running things... Everywhere outside your bubble of stupid ignorance and garbage propaganda, socialism is defined as well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!" --Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed... Guess what shithead dupe? Everyone in the world but you brainwashed jackasses who deny global warming and progressive taxation know what socialism is since people found out the USSR was a totalitarian scam. Most successful modern countries have socialist parties and none of them thinks socialism is communism. Wake up and smell the coffee. Only the brainwashed GOP morons...




No you ignorant and uneducated sot, socialism is not capitalism of any form.

Capitalism is based on a free market. Prices are determined by supply and demand. Now you're in my backyard. Arguing economics with me is very dumb, as you have found on dozens of occasions.

The issue we have is that you lack a grasp of the most basic and fundamental concepts. I speak of the market, but you have no idea what that means. Simply put, a market is an exchange of value for value. The seller will relinquish goods if the value of money offered is greater TO HIM than the value of his good. The buyer will offer cash if the goods are of greater value TO HIM than the cash. No one save the buyer and seller have input into what the value of the goods are. Price then follows the judgement of buyers and sellers.

I teach freshmen who grasp these concepts, but YOU fucking don't, regardless of how many times and how basic I explain it to you. Under socialism, the GOVERNMENT is the only entity that decides value. The market is perverted. Under Communism the market is eradicated. Any system where an entity other than the buyer or seller set the price of goods is NOT capitalism.

Would it be socialism if we taxed millionaires and billionaires at 70%?:)

No, just insanely stupid.

I get it, a thriving economy ensures Trump wins reelection in 2020. You leftists are desperate to throw the breaks on the economy. America suffering is democrats winning.
Based on what.


It's the economy, stupid.

Except this is the best economy in a hundred years. Kind of hard to sell your stalinism in this environment.
Its the debt. Why is the debt climbing in a great economy?
McConnell is bringing the New Green Deal up for vote in the Senate...

"The deal has no chance of passing the Senate, where it will need 51 votes and faces united opposition from Republicans, who hold 53 of the chamber's 100 seats.

But it will force Senate Democrats, including a slew of 2020 presidential candidates, to vote on the proposal potentially providing votes for McConnell and the GOP to exploit politically."

McConnell to set up vote on Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal'

So, how many Republican Senators are up for election & will they voting no on protecting our children's future?
With climate change, what will your city's weather feel like in 60 years? - CNN

If we do nothing like the Trumpettes, here is an idea of what to expect 50-75 years from now.

You talk about the NGD's building renovations to curb AGW but if we do nothing, they will need done anyhow. Buildings in Colorado aren't built to take the warmer temps. Take NYC & make it 10 degrees warmer.

How can you say somebody can predict what the weather will be like in 60 years from today when we can't even get an accurate seven day forecast in most cases?
One is weather on a particular day & the other is a trend

To believe that, you have to believe that in 1800, the average temperature in Miami Beech was 64 degrees. It was 64 degrees a hundred years earlier, a thousand years earlier, and 64 degrees ten thousand years earlier. It didn't start changing until the mid 1800's.

Now don't tell my you actually believe that.

Temps are rising much faster than normal. Donlt give that "climate always changes" bullshit.

Here is what I believe, that AHG is real. The effects are happening now, these studies done by scientist in my article give us an idea of what to expect if we do nothing. Some areas will be affected more than others.
Update: Mitch McConnell has said he is DEFINITELY putting the Green New Deal up for a vote, just so that Americans can see which Democrats support it.

Note to Occasional Cortex: when the opposition party is gleefully looking forward to bringing your legislation up for a public vote, you're probably in trouble.

It will be interesting on how many Dem Senators up for reelection next year will vote for this whack job resolution. My crystal ball says very few; only ones in states where a Republican has no shot at winning.
How many Republicans will vote to condemn future generations to the effects of unfettered global warming.

Future generations? You know....I always think about that. In about 100 years or so from now, I see a classroom of children. The teacher explains to them that 100 years ago, man thought he could actually control the climate, and the children breakout in laughter like we did when our teachers told us that one time, man thought the earth was flat, and if we walk too far, we simply fall off.

These predictions you speak of didn't start last week. Man has been making predictions about our weather (climate) for decades, and they've mostly been wrong. The reason is we simply don't know enough about it yet. Every GW product you leftist point to came from this earth. We didn't bring them in from another planet. Does it make any sense that God would create a planet with elements that man could use to destroy it?

100 years from now, teachers will explain how a bunch of really stupid people blocked action to make their lives easier because they were too fucking stupid to believe the scientists.

Seas are rising, they are causing problems in many of our cities,

Temps are going up.

But hey, you sit on your stupid fat ass & do nothing.
Year after year of rising average temperatures of the earth is not silly. 20 years ago the data was sketchy but not today. One would have to be blind or a fool to ignore it.

IF the data was sketchy at the turn of the century, only 20 years ago, how do you have anything accurate to compare today's "accurate data"?

Twenty years, less than a heartbeat in the history of the earth. Let's see, what part of 6+ billion years is 20 years?
There are far more government agencies, universities, and private research institutes gather data today and there is much more research being done collecting historical data.

It's not just about collecting data. Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner.

Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.

What percentage of our total atmosphere is CO2?

What percentage of that CO2 is affected by man?
With climate change, what will your city's weather feel like in 60 years? - CNN

If we do nothing like the Trumpettes, here is an idea of what to expect 50-75 years from now.

You talk about the NGD's building renovations to curb AGW but if we do nothing, they will need done anyhow. Buildings in Colorado aren't built to take the warmer temps. Take NYC & make it 10 degrees warmer.

How can you say somebody can predict what the weather will be like in 60 years from today when we can't even get an accurate seven day forecast in most cases?
One is weather on a particular day & the other is a trend

To believe that, you have to believe that in 1800, the average temperature in Miami Beech was 64 degrees. It was 64 degrees a hundred years earlier, a thousand years earlier, and 64 degrees ten thousand years earlier. It didn't start changing until the mid 1800's.

Now don't tell my you actually believe that.

Temps are rising much faster than normal. Donlt give that "climate always changes" bullshit.

Here is what I believe, that AHG is real. The effects are happening now, these studies done by scientist in my article give us an idea of what to expect if we do nothing. Some areas will be affected more than others.

And there are scientists that say it's all bunk, but you ignore those scientists because they do not fit your cause. Remember who pays scientists: governments.

So why would government make up these kids of things? Because government has been trying to gain more and more control over people as time moves on. To some degree, they've been fairly successful. But the two things stopping them from total control are energy and healthcare. Once government is able to totally control those two things, they will have total control over the people in this (and other) countries.

In our form of government, this can't be done unless they have the support of the people. So how do we get support of the people? Fear.

Get these people to not only hand over power, but beg you to take it from them. "Please, please government, take total control of our energy before we kill ourselves with it!" This is what they are looking for.
Update: Mitch McConnell has said he is DEFINITELY putting the Green New Deal up for a vote, just so that Americans can see which Democrats support it.

Note to Occasional Cortex: when the opposition party is gleefully looking forward to bringing your legislation up for a public vote, you're probably in trouble.

It will be interesting on how many Dem Senators up for reelection next year will vote for this whack job resolution. My crystal ball says very few; only ones in states where a Republican has no shot at winning.
How many Republicans will vote to condemn future generations to the effects of unfettered global warming.

Future generations? You know....I always think about that. In about 100 years or so from now, I see a classroom of children. The teacher explains to them that 100 years ago, man thought he could actually control the climate, and the children breakout in laughter like we did when our teachers told us that one time, man thought the earth was flat, and if we walk too far, we simply fall off.

These predictions you speak of didn't start last week. Man has been making predictions about our weather (climate) for decades, and they've mostly been wrong. The reason is we simply don't know enough about it yet. Every GW product you leftist point to came from this earth. We didn't bring them in from another planet. Does it make any sense that God would create a planet with elements that man could use to destroy it?

100 years from now, teachers will explain how a bunch of really stupid people blocked action to make their lives easier because they were too fucking stupid to believe the scientists.

Seas are rising, they are causing problems in many of our cities,

Temps are going up.

But hey, you sit on your stupid fat ass & do nothing.

Is that what you think? How about an experiment? Tonight, take a glass of water, put two or three ice cubes in that water, and mark the level. Tomorrow when the ice cubes melt, check where that water level is. It's still the same.

Sea levels may rise, and they will fall again. There is no consistency with this global warming (climate) thing. Some years we will be warmer; even up to a hundred years or so. Then it will get cooler, perhaps the same amount of time.

This planet is nearly 4.5 billion years old. To measure 1,000 years of temperatures in comparison is like measuring twenty minutes of a day to determine if it's getting warmer or not.
Year after year of rising average temperatures of the earth is not silly. 20 years ago the data was sketchy but not today. One would have to be blind or a fool to ignore it.

IF the data was sketchy at the turn of the century, only 20 years ago, how do you have anything accurate to compare today's "accurate data"?

Twenty years, less than a heartbeat in the history of the earth. Let's see, what part of 6+ billion years is 20 years?
There are far more government agencies, universities, and private research institutes gather data today and there is much more research being done collecting historical data.

It's not just about collecting data. Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner.

Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.

Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Another Record
What would you know about...... “science” Trumpie? smirk :)

A great deal, dolt.

See, you're a moron, a parasite of virtue. You have no knowledge and no intellect. But you think you can hitchhike upon knowledge by reciting dogma and magic incantations that shamans preach to you.

You are a fucking idiot, lacking in education and intellect.

“Though living things emit carbon dioxide when they breathe, carbon dioxide is widely considered to be a pollutant when associated with cars, planes, power plants, and other human activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas.Nov 21, 2018”

Did your shaman tell you that, as he preached on how "Sacrifice is the only way to appease the volcano god." :lol:

Fucking caveman.

I can tell you’re not one to argue with.

But ridiculing your stupidity is.

Trumpie meathead.



You can attempt, but you lack the wits to pull it off, retard.

Another cult following fucktard without the slightest grasp of how actual science works. You think dogma is the same as knowledge.

It isn't, you're just abysmally stupid.



No you ignorant and uneducated sot, socialism is not capitalism of any form.

Capitalism is based on a free market. Prices are determined by supply and demand. Now you're in my backyard. Arguing economics with me is very dumb, as you have found on dozens of occasions.

The issue we have is that you lack a grasp of the most basic and fundamental concepts. I speak of the market, but you have no idea what that means. Simply put, a market is an exchange of value for value. The seller will relinquish goods if the value of money offered is greater TO HIM than the value of his good. The buyer will offer cash if the goods are of greater value TO HIM than the cash. No one save the buyer and seller have input into what the value of the goods are. Price then follows the judgement of buyers and sellers.

I teach freshmen who grasp these concepts, but YOU fucking don't, regardless of how many times and how basic I explain it to you. Under socialism, the GOVERNMENT is the only entity that decides value. The market is perverted. Under Communism the market is eradicated. Any system where an entity other than the buyer or seller set the price of goods is NOT capitalism.

Would it be socialism if we taxed millionaires and billionaires at 70%?:)

No, just insanely stupid.

I get it, a thriving economy ensures Trump wins reelection in 2020. You leftists are desperate to throw the breaks on the economy. America suffering is democrats winning.
Based on what.


It's the economy, stupid.

Except this is the best economy in a hundred years. Kind of hard to sell your stalinism in this environment.
Its the debt. Why is the debt climbing in a great economy?

Added 10 trillion in a shitty economy under your god, thinks that he can sway normals now...

McConnell is bringing the New Green Deal up for vote in the Senate...

"The deal has no chance of passing the Senate, where it will need 51 votes and faces united opposition from Republicans, who hold 53 of the chamber's 100 seats.

But it will force Senate Democrats, including a slew of 2020 presidential candidates, to vote on the proposal potentially providing votes for McConnell and the GOP to exploit politically."

McConnell to set up vote on Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal'

So, how many Republican Senators are up for election & will they voting no on protecting our children's future?

Your children have no future, thanks to the Democrat Party. The only Senators whose careers would be jeopardized would be those Democratic Senators who were ripping off their masks, letting the country know by their votes exactly where they stand on this idiotic resolution.

The American people are not as ignorant and uninformed as the Democrats would like to believe, and there will be consequences. Especially as 2020 grows closer: Every day as Trump's economy keeps spiraling skyward, more and more people are starting to comprehend the benefits President Trump is having on this country.
So, how many Republican Senators are up for election & will they voting no on protecting our children's future?

You mean voting against the wall? Dunno, but any senator who votes against the wall needs to be driven out, regardless of party

Of course you moron fucks with your infanticide and Communist Manifesto have already committed suicide for 2020.
Somehow related...

Presidential candidate Cory Booker wants government to increase the cost of meat to encourage veganism. Booker, vegan himself, is supporter of the Red New Deal.

Just as every other socialist, Booker believe that solution for every problem is the government.
Somehow related...

Presidential candidate Cory Booker wants government to increase the cost of meat to encourage veganism. Booker, vegan himself, is supporter of the Red New Deal.

Just as every other socialist, Booker believe that solution for every problem is the government.

Yes........well after all, look how successful Mooochels school lunch program turned out!
Somehow related...

Presidential candidate Cory Booker wants government to increase the cost of meat to encourage veganism. Booker, vegan himself, is supporter of the Red New Deal.

Just as every other socialist, Booker believe that solution for every problem is the government.

Yes........well after all, look how successful Mooochels school lunch program turned out!

That was one of his "Spartacus" moments.


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