Green New Deal

Ame®icano said:
Anyways, they're trying to push for "universal basic income" (UBI), which is just another word for welfare. In their fucked up heads, it's not welfare, it's UBI.
This Was On The McGovern Platform Of 1972
Cortez's Resolution Includes
People That Refuse To Work

Print This Out For Future Reference
As Nothing They Want Ever Goes Away on a Green New Deal.pdf
And This Is Nowhere Near The Idea
Of Tearing Down (Or Retro-Fitting)
Every Building In America
To Green Energy
Shutting Down All Other Producers
By FORCE, If Necessary

The really funny part about the outrage from the Trumpettes, is that doing this will likely save people money.

How will buildings AC units handle a longer, hotter summer? Will they need an upgrade to contend with temperatures 7-8 degrees hotter. It will throw off all capacity calculations made when the units were installed.
without a link you got nothing. argument is DOA.
RealDave said:
What do you call a person with no science education that thinks they know science?
That Fort Wayne Character
And Probably You

You're Posting The Same Chart We've All Seen Ump-Teenth Times
Nothing New Or Confounding At All
RealDave said:
What do you call a person with no science education that thinks they know science?
That Fort Wayne Character
And Probably You

You're Posting The Same Chart We've All Seen Ump-Teenth Times
Nothing New Or Confounding At All
and made up!!! admittedly made up. oh wait, sorry, Manipulated.
RealDave said:
The really funny part about the outrage from the Trumpettes, is that doing this will likely save people money.
How will buildings AC units handle a longer, hotter summer? Will they need an upgrade to contend with temperatures 7-8 degrees hotter.
According To Warmunists
7-8 Degrees We're All Dead
The Freak-Out Is Over 10th's Of One Degree Now
It will throw off all capacity calculations made when the units were installed.
Cortez Resolution Doesn't Say "Up-Grade"
It Says Tear Down And Replace
Every. Single. Building...
NY, LA, Miami To Seattle
Every Structure In Between

So You're A Real Science Kinda Guy
That Can't Understand AOC's Plain Sophomoric English ??
jc456 said:
How will buildings AC units handle a longer, hotter summer? Will they need an upgrade to contend with temperatures 7-8 degrees hotter. It will throw off all capacity calculations made when the units were installed.
without a link you got nothing. argument is DOA.
Dave Mocks Others For Their Living
They claim that man made pollution of the air is causing the climate of the planet to change

"They claim?”

You mean science shows.

Goggle it. You won’t find it on Breitbart or Fox gnus.
dude, there is an entire forum for your stupid claim in here that has debunked every aspect of your nonsense. why don't you instead, go spend some time there. I have no need to go to the internet and do your job for you. you prove it. I know you can't and won't. there you go!
They claim that man made pollution of the air is causing the climate of the planet to change

"They claim?”

You mean science shows.

Goggle it. You won’t find it on Breitbart or Fox gnus.
dude, there is an entire forum for your stupid claim in here that has debunked every aspect of your nonsense. why don't you instead, go spend some time there. I have no need to go to the internet and do your job for you. you prove it. I know you can't and won't. there you go!

Well ..... you might have known global warming is real if you’d watch something other than FOX AND IDIOT FRIENDS AND FREAKS OF THE ROUND TABLE.

Instead of going out of your way to remain stupid, try to make room in your Rush/Hannity soted brain and read some of the peer reviewed papers written on the subject.

And don’t worry, science isn’t black magic and God won’t smote you for raising your I.Q.

Though Rush and Hannity might look at you cross eyed with a frown.
Last edited:
They claim that man made pollution of the air is causing the climate of the planet to change

"They claim?”

You mean science shows.

Goggle it. You won’t find it on Breitbart or Fox gnus.
dude, there is an entire forum for your stupid claim in here that has debunked every aspect of your nonsense. why don't you instead, go spend some time there. I have no need to go to the internet and do your job for you. you prove it. I know you can't and won't. there you go!

Well ..... you might have known global warming is real if you’d watch something other than FOX AND IDIOT FRIENDS AND FREAKS OF THE ROUND TABLE.

Instead of going out of your way to remain stupid, try to make room in your Rush/Hannity soted brain and read some of the peer reviewed papers written on the subject.

And don’t worry, science is black magic and God won’t smote you for raising your I.Q.

Though Rush and Hannity might look at you cross eyed with a frown.
you need new material aswipe.
They claim that man made pollution of the air is causing the climate of the planet to change

"They claim?”

You mean science shows.

Goggle it. You won’t find it on Breitbart or Fox gnus.
dude, there is an entire forum for your stupid claim in here that has debunked every aspect of your nonsense. why don't you instead, go spend some time there. I have no need to go to the internet and do your job for you. you prove it. I know you can't and won't. there you go!

Well ..... you might have known global warming is real if you’d watch something other than FOX AND IDIOT FRIENDS AND FREAKS OF THE ROUND TABLE.

Instead of going out of your way to remain stupid, try to make room in your Rush/Hannity soted brain and read some of the peer reviewed papers written on the subject.

And don’t worry, science isn’t black magic and God won’t smote you for raising your I.Q.

Though Rush and Hannity might look at you cross eyed with a frown.
anytime someone on the left is getting their ass handed to them they run to FOX NEW LOL and cement the loss on their part.
"They claim?”

You mean science shows.

Goggle it. You won’t find it on Breitbart or Fox gnus.
dude, there is an entire forum for your stupid claim in here that has debunked every aspect of your nonsense. why don't you instead, go spend some time there. I have no need to go to the internet and do your job for you. you prove it. I know you can't and won't. there you go!

Well ..... you might have known global warming is real if you’d watch something other than FOX AND IDIOT FRIENDS AND FREAKS OF THE ROUND TABLE.

Instead of going out of your way to remain stupid, try to make room in your Rush/Hannity soted brain and read some of the peer reviewed papers written on the subject.

And don’t worry, science is black magic and God won’t smote you for raising your I.Q.

Though Rush and Hannity might look at you cross eyed with a frown.
you need new material aswipe.

You need to crack a book dumbass.
they run to FOX NEW LOL and cement the loss on their part.

Hey, at least I don’t spend my “executive time”
setting in front of the Tv watching FOX News and stuffing my jaws with quarter pounders like your president.

no. you just pretend the entire right does that.

stupid as fuck.
isn't it the left that doesn't like profiling? I mean, they sure love to profile.

We can’t help it. When the stupid really stands out and apart...... we just have to comment on it.

How else are y’all supposed to enlighten yourselves if nobody will point out your stupidity for you?

You think FOX NEWS is going to do it?

Trump? Why he’d lose his base.

LOLOL :auiqs.jpg:
they run to FOX NEW LOL and cement the loss on their part.

Hey, at least I don’t spend my “executive time”
setting in front of the Tv watching FOX News and stuffing my jaws with quarter pounders like your president.

no. you just pretend the entire right does that.

stupid as fuck.
isn't it the left that doesn't like profiling? I mean, they sure love to profile.

We can’t help it. When the stupid really stands out and apart...... we just have to comment on it.

How else are y’all supposed to enlighten yourselves if nobody will point out your stupidity for you?

You think FOX NEWS is going to do it?

LOLOL :auiqs.jpg:
Year after year of rising average temperatures of the earth is not silly. 20 years ago the data was sketchy but not today. One would have to be blind or a fool to ignore it.

IF the data was sketchy at the turn of the century, only 20 years ago, how do you have anything accurate to compare today's "accurate data"?

Twenty years, less than a heartbeat in the history of the earth. Let's see, what part of 6+ billion years is 20 years?
There are far more government agencies, universities, and private research institutes gather data today and there is much more research being done collecting historical data.

It's not just about collecting data. Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner.

Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.

What percentage of our total atmosphere is CO2?

What percentage of that CO2 is affected by man?
CO2 is a very small percent of our atmosphere. I think it's about .04% if I remember correctly. It is natural to assume that a gas with such as small concentration could not possibly effect the temperature of the earth but it does and here's why. 99% of the atmosphere is made of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Argon. These gases pass both visible light and infrared without reflecting it back to earth.

That 1% of atmosphere contains neon
, helium, methane, krypton hydrogen, and water vapor in addition to c02. There are of course other gases in minute mounts. The three main greenhouse gases are water vapor, co2, and methane. Without them the earth would be much colder because less heat would be reflected back to earth. As long the average concentration of greenhouses gases are stable over time, their contribution to atmospheric temperature change is minimal. However, when their concentration rises as it has been for many years we start seeing the average temperature of the atmosphere rise which we have been seeing for some time.
It's explained better in the following link.
If carbon dioxide makes up only a minute portion of the atmosphere, how can global warming be traced to it? And how can such a tiny amount of change produce such large effects?
It's a rather simplistic take on the situation. In addition, this author appears to make some rather bold assumptions.and claims. For instance,

"the total heating produced by the increases of all long-lived greenhouse gases (excluding water" vapor) since preindustrial times is equal to about 1 percent of all solar radiation absorbed at the surface."

I'd be interested to see how they came to that conclusion.


"the ice ages during the last several million years--and the warmer periods in between--appear to have been triggered by no more than a different seasonal and latitudinal distribution of the solar energy absorbed by the Earth"

I would venture he's rather alone on this view as everyone I've heard speak on the subject has flatly stated that we have no idea of what caused the ice ages. There is much conjecture and speculation.

I also find it interesting that they make the point to "exclude water vapor". Even the most strident global warming advocates have admitted long ago that GHGs cannot have the effect which was originally claimed. The models rely on the water vapor feedback to attain the warming. I've yet to hear anyone claim that said feedback can be measured or observed for that matter.

In addition, there are others who point out that increased water vapor would likely lead to increased cloud cover. Clouds are efficient at trapping heat, they are also very good at reflecting sunlight.

However, none of this speaks to the main issue. How much warming can be expected from a doubling of CO2. The estimates vary wildly. I've seen estimates from ranging from .4 to 10 deg. All from "scholarly" sources. James Hansen in 1988 estimated the US would see a 4 C rise by 2020. How's that going?

I've listened to people that can name hundreds of factors that could likely influence climate. The models I've seen described use at most 10 or 12.

Just one time I'd like the warmists admit that they truly do not know.
As has been said many times it is not an exact science. While the world's scientific community may argue over how many degrees and how fast, the vast majority do agree the planet is warming and humans are a major cause. The disagreement between scientists over how much and when creates just enough doubt for people to say maybe we should wait until we know for sure.

I heard someone say once, suppose all the scientists got it wrong and we eliminated most fossil fuel usage, would the world be a better place?
Nice playing with you boys and remember, the library is open 8 hours a day. I’m sure you can find something in there that will catch your fancy.

Be good now.

lolol :)

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