Green silenced for lack of civility?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Congress woman Green was silenced due to her lack of civility towards someone else. The crime? It was calling someone a liar.

So if someone is a liar and is lying, is it uncivil to call them out for lying?


Meanwhile, the GOP can be maligned all day long as they are continually referred to the Taliban and Nazis. Justice Kavanaugh is a witness to that. You can drag his name through the preverbal mud by calling him everything from a rapist to a child molester and no one flinches.

Methinks once again hypocrisy and double standards apply, but then, we all knew that beforehand.

Congress woman Green was silenced due to her lack of civility towards someone else. The crime? It was calling someone a liar.

So if someone is a liar and is lying, is it uncivil to call them out for lying?


Meanwhile, the GOP can be maligned all day long as they are continually referred to the Taliban and Nazis. Justice Kavanaugh is a witness to that. You can drag his name through the preverbal mud by calling him everything from a rapist to a child molester and no one flinches.

Methinks once again hypocrisy and double standards apply, but then, we all knew that beforehand.
libs get away with kiddie diddling...but then again their emotional maturity is on level
Maybe this will begin a sincere effort across the political spectrum.

Time to grow up.

I'm certainly not expecting that, of course, but it would be nice.
How is calling a liar a liar not growing up? Making people accountable for their actions is what growing up is all about, but that never seems to happen at the Federal level, does it.

Not being able to call out bad or criminal behavior. all on the grounds of civility, is the last thing we need, especially with the rampant corruption over the years.

For me, it is just one more symptom of the inner rot of the Swamp.
How is calling a liar a liar not growing up? Making people accountable is what growing up is all about.

Not being able to call out bad or criminal behavior. all on the grounds of civility, is the last thing we need, especially with the rampant corruption over the years.

For me, it is just one more symptom of the inner rot of the Swamp.
It's about how it's done by decent, civil, mature, intelligent adults.

If you don't understand, you don't understand.
It's about how it's done by decent, civil, mature, intelligent adults.

If you don't understand, you don't understand.
So was she using the wrong tone of voice or maybe had a twitch in her eye, do tell Mac, why did she do it so wrong?

Congress woman Green was silenced due to her lack of civility towards someone else. The crime? It was calling someone a liar.

So if someone is a liar and is lying, is it uncivil to call them out for lying?


Meanwhile, the GOP can be maligned all day long as they are continually referred to the Taliban and Nazis. Justice Kavanaugh is a witness to that. You can drag his name through the preverbal mud by calling him everything from a rapist to a child molester and no one flinches.

Methinks once again hypocrisy and double standards apply, but then, we all knew that beforehand.

Sorry, but a Congressional hearing isn't the Jerry Springer show. There are standards of decorum. She knew them and willingly chose to violate them.
Sorry, but a Congressional hearing isn't the Jerry Springer show. There are standards of decorum. She knew them and willingly chose to violate them.
She's just following the party leader and pleasing the enraged base.

The angrier, nastier and more pugilistic, the better. Remember, they're at war.
Sorry, but a Congressional hearing isn't the Jerry Springer show. There are standards of decorum. She knew them and willingly chose to violate them.
There's been pistol duels in Congress, are you from the US?

I'm not kidding..

Oman, I was wrong! It was a rifle duel. :auiqs.jpg:
On February 24, 1838, the two representatives and several other men met for a duel with rifles in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Neither congressman was very good with a rifle, and both missed each other or misfired on the first two rounds. On the third round, Graves shot and killed his colleague, Cilley.

This culture of violence also extended to state legislatures. The year before Graves killed Cilley, a representative in the Arkansas House insulted the Speaker during debate, and the Speaker responded by murdering him with a bowie knife right there on the House floor. “Expelled and tried for murder,” Freeman writes, “he was acquitted for excusable homicide and reelected, only to pull his knife on another legislator during debate, though this time the sound of colleagues cocking pistols stopped him cold.”

I know some things about history. :biggrin:
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There's been pistol duels in Congress, are you from the US?

On this date, Jonathan Cilley of Maine was killed by Representative William Graves of Kentucky in a duel on the outskirts of D.C., in Prince George’s County, Maryland.

The House of Representatives has never been located in Prince George's County, Maryland.

And in any event, dueling was prohibited by Congress, and duels now are illegal pretty much everywhere.

Are you from the US?

Congress woman Green was silenced due to her lack of civility towards someone else. The crime? It was calling someone a liar.

So if someone is a liar and is lying, is it uncivil to call them out for lying?


Meanwhile, the GOP can be maligned all day long as they are continually referred to the Taliban and Nazis. Justice Kavanaugh is a witness to that. You can drag his name through the preverbal mud by calling him everything from a rapist to a child molester and no one flinches.

Methinks once again hypocrisy and double standards apply, but then, we all knew that beforehand.
There is no civility in Congress by either side.
Why was Justice Kavanaugh treated differently then?

I was embarrassed for everyone in that room. What a disgrace!

None of the Senators broke chamber protocol. Congressmen/women and Senators can ask tough questions. They can express skepticism. Trey Gowdy and other GOP reps were pretty tough during the (baseless) Bengazi hearings, but they were careful to stay within the rules. You can't just say Liar! Liar! in an official House proceeding. Greene engaged in petty, childish name-calling, which is not allowed. She knew that. She just assumed that because her party was in the majority the rules weren't going to be enforced.

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