Greta inspired organization self closing because it is racist.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2020
Yes, they are claiming that it is racist for white people (kids) to be protesting and being Greta's minions when it is not whites but more pigmented people who will be the ones affected by the climate change. (Think the kids are finally growing up and upgrowing childish things like globalist crooks made up environmental issues to make others money.)

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Yes, they are claiming that it is racist for white people (kids) to be protesting and being Greta's minions when it is not whites but more pigmented people who will the ones effected by the climate change. (Think the kids are finally growing up and upgrowing childish things like globalist crooks made up environmental issues to make others money.)

The line of acceptable wokeness will continue to move to the ridiculous until we all bow to communism.

Critical Theory, people. That's how it works.

And in America, since we don't have a class system, it's Critical RACE Theory.

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