Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

LOL! A homoerotic enlightened of you! A healthy fantasy life is OK....but I'm pretty sure I'm too old for you....and too smart..and too handsome---and too straight--but i support your lifestyle choice and wish you the best of luck.
You're also too stupid for me, or anyone else.
How is you planting your lips on Greta Thunberg's carbon neutral ass remotely homoerotic!

Maybe you were just caught up in your own homoerotic day dreams?
LOL! A homoerotic enlightened of you! A healthy fantasy life is OK....but I'm pretty sure I'm too old for you....and too smart..and too handsome---and too straight--but i support your lifestyle choice and wish you the best of luck.
You're also too stupid for me, or anyone else.
How is you planting your lips on Greta Thunberg's carbon neutral ass remotely homoerotic!

Maybe you were just caught up in your own homoerotic day dreams?
A child has you soiling yourself, such a pity.
I bow to the obvious voice of experience--I guess being a Trump partisan can use up a lot of chap stick!
Why do you try to make everything about our president? Your obsession seems sick and pointless.
Hopefully by the end of Trump's second term you will learn to deal with your jealousy and hateful preoccupation with someone who is unaware of your very existence.
Truly, so much hatred triggered by an outspoken little girl! Tough crowd. Picture their apoplectic response to being tickled with a feather..:blowup:
Our President obviously doesn’t think Time is a joke

So much so that Trump had fake Time covers made up of himself and prominently displayed in his TRUMP golf clubs
That too is a joke. Only the joke is on you.
Trump obviously thinks Time is prestigious enough to have a fake cover printed up

. . so if Trump thinks Time is prestigious, therefor Time is prestigious? aye? Is that it?

So. . . by this logic... . . Trump thinks impeachment is a witch-hunt, therefor, you must think impeachment is a witch-hunt?

You guys need to get your stories straight

You can’t throw Time under the bus as irrelevant, while your leader cowers for attention
You need to find a sense of humor.
You guys don’t get it.....He was “joking”
Time Magazine

She has succeeded in creating a global attitudinal shift, transforming millions of vague, middle-of-the-night anxieties into a worldwide movement calling for urgent change. She has offered a moral clarion call to those who are willing to act, and hurled shame on those who are not."
She's the flavor of the week nothing more
Persons of the year tend to having lasting exposure
It's quite the closed loop.

The media created her out of whole cloth and now it is congratulating itself on having done so.
A small child brought media attention worldwide to her cause
All started by a small girl sitting on the sidewalk with a sign

You are quite the gullible boy and completely inadept at understanding how things work.

She would still be a small girl sitting on that sidewalk if the media had not decided to make her a star and craft a propaganda campaign around her.

Rosa Parks would just be a black lady sitting on a bus
Except she actually started the boycott that financially choked the public transportation system and that brought about real change.

All Greta did was throw a tantrum at the UN. Where are all the people boycotting fossil fuels because Greta said to?

Like I said she has no clue how the world works so her opinions are worthless

Comparing that spoiled brat to Rosa Parks is a fucking insult
Shows the power of the press
A 16 year old girl understood that

Will she change the world?
It’s a start
It's quite the closed loop.

The media created her out of whole cloth and now it is congratulating itself on having done so.
A small child brought media attention worldwide to her cause
All started by a small girl sitting on the sidewalk with a sign

You are quite the gullible boy and completely inadept at understanding how things work.

She would still be a small girl sitting on that sidewalk if the media had not decided to make her a star and craft a propaganda campaign around her.

Rosa Parks would just be a black lady sitting on a bus
Except she actually started the boycott that financially choked the public transportation system and that brought about real change.

All Greta did was throw a tantrum at the UN. Where are all the people boycotting fossil fuels because Greta said to?

Like I said she has no clue how the world works so her opinions are worthless

Comparing that spoiled brat to Rosa Parks is a fucking insult
Shows the power of the press
A 16 year old girl understood that

Will she change the world?
It’s a start
no, she won't change the world.

She will disappear from the public eye when the media finds a different kid to exploit for a different agenda.
I sure miss the 60s and 70s.

Back then, it was the left that was non conformist and questioned authority.

By the looks of this thread, today's left is all about blind obedience and never questioning the way they have been conditioned.
Truly, so much hatred triggered by an outspoken little girl! Tough crowd. Picture their apoplectic response to being tickled with a feather..:blowup:
The little girl is a tool used by the liberal lunatics to get across their climate change nonsense. The End.

The “little girl” is in agreement with the global scientific community

It is the deniers who are the lunatics
Truly, so much hatred triggered by an outspoken little girl! Tough crowd. Picture their apoplectic response to being tickled with a feather..:blowup:
The little girl is a tool used by the liberal lunatics to get across their climate change nonsense. The End.

The “little girl” is in agreement with the global scientific community

It is the deniers who are the lunatics
I’m glad the actual scientists I speak to don’t know as much as Greta.
Time has long been a joke. Nothing but a government propaganda organ.

Our President obviously doesn’t think Time is a joke

So much so that Trump had fake Time covers made up of himself and prominently displayed in his TRUMP golf clubs
That too is a joke. Only the joke is on you.
Trump obviously thinks Time is prestigious enough to have a fake cover printed up

. . so if Trump thinks Time is prestigious, therefor Time is prestigious? aye? Is that it?

So. . . by this logic... . . Trump thinks impeachment is a witch-hunt, therefor, you must think impeachment is a witch-hunt?

You guys need to get your stories straight

You can’t throw Time under the bus as irrelevant, while your leader cowers for attention

You need to get your story straight. You can tell folks how relevant Time is b/c Trump worships it. . . . .

. . . and a lot of us don't give a fuck what Trump thinks, we just care less what the authoritarian, lying Deep State wants.
Truly, so much hatred triggered by an outspoken little girl! Tough crowd. Picture their apoplectic response to being tickled with a feather..:blowup:
The little girl is a tool used by the liberal lunatics to get across their climate change nonsense. The End.

The “little girl” is in agreement with the global scientific community

It is the deniers who are the lunatics
I’m glad the actual scientists I speak to don’t know as much as Greta.

Have you met any legitimate scientist who do not concur that climate change is occurring?

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