Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

Our President obviously doesn’t think Time is a joke

So much so that Trump had fake Time covers made up of himself and prominently displayed in his TRUMP golf clubs
That too is a joke. Only the joke is on you.
Trump obviously thinks Time is prestigious enough to have a fake cover printed up

. . so if Trump thinks Time is prestigious, therefor Time is prestigious? aye? Is that it?

So. . . by this logic... . . Trump thinks impeachment is a witch-hunt, therefor, you must think impeachment is a witch-hunt?

You guys need to get your stories straight

You can’t throw Time under the bus as irrelevant, while your leader cowers for attention

You need to get your story straight. You can tell folks how relevant Time is b/c Trump worships it. . . . .

. . . and a lot of us don't give a fuck what Trump thinks, we just care less what the authoritarian, lying Deep State wants.

Sure you don’t
This is who the award really goes to. The devil himself, George Soros.

Ok, strange they would honor someone so ineffectual.

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What enables you to measure effectiveness? By what metric? She's enhanced the conversation...and many in her generation are listening to her.
Hell...given the mass amount of hate and out-and-out lying directed at her by most here..she MUST be doing something right!

Congratz Greta--you have already made more of a mark in history at 16 than most of these geezers have made or will make in their entire life.

Being a laughing stock enhances a conversation, but that does not make you effectual. Her latest rants are that climate pledges are meaningless. That will be the end of the line for people lining up at her alter.
She is correct. If that bothers much the better.

It will bother the people who make pledges very much.

Of course it bothers people. Time has to always select someone that irritates others. If they didn't, nobody would recall their magazine even still exists.
Lol a mentally abused child with mental illness parroting pseudo bullshit...
But I guess its better than mass murders like stalin and hitler. Or tyrants like FDR. Or gay Kenyans like obama.
This award has been a joke for a century.
Dude..Asberger's is NOT mental illness. At least, not in the way you portray it. But hey..hater's gotta hate...I get it.

I love to watch the hate generated by conservatives towards a young lady who only wants to protect the environment
That Greta Thunberg is Times’s person of the year is making conservatives’ heads explode is one of many good reasons for her selection.
She should be in school.......................on the other side of the ocean.

Why are conservatives so concerned with her education?
Because she said she should be in school but apparently can't study because the world will end next year?
She feels she has more important things to do rather than attend High School

Things like meeting one on one with world leaders, addressing the world climate change convention and addressing the UN

Things most High School kids don’t do
Lol a mentally abused child with mental illness parroting pseudo bullshit...
But I guess its better than mass murders like stalin and hitler. Or tyrants like FDR. Or gay Kenyans like obama.
This award has been a joke for a century.
Dude..Asberger's is NOT mental illness. At least, not in the way you portray it. But hey..hater's gotta hate...I get it.

I love to watch the hate generated by conservatives towards a young lady who only wants to protect the environment
That Greta Thunberg is Times’s person of the year is making conservatives’ heads explode is one of many good reasons for her selection.
I can see them objecting to her climate change arguments.
But the personal attacks on a young teen are reprehensible
I guess that’s the least Time can do for her since we stole her childhood from her.

Hong Kong protesters have been fighting commie tyranny all year.
Time bitches out and gives it to the autistic puppet and her "sky is falling" bullshit

What I'd like from Greta is to tell me more about how the state must control all industry.
That is the purpose of the state......control the excesses of industry

Something Greta is pointing out that they are failing miserably
That is the purpose of the state......control the excesses of industry

In your native Russia Motherland maybe, but here in America government has no such role.
Lol a mentally abused child with mental illness parroting pseudo bullshit...
But I guess its better than mass murders like stalin and hitler. Or tyrants like FDR. Or gay Kenyans like obama.
This award has been a joke for a century.
Dude..Asberger's is NOT mental illness. At least, not in the way you portray it. But hey..hater's gotta hate...I get it.

I love to watch the hate generated by conservatives towards a young lady who only wants to protect the environment
That Greta Thunberg is Times’s person of the year is making conservatives’ heads explode is one of many good reasons for her selection.
I can see them objecting to her climate change arguments.
But the personal attacks on a young teen are reprehensible

Then she should shut up and stop talking rubbish.

It's her parents fault .....they put her up there as a puppet, for the world to judge.

For her parents, the money they get from her has more value than anything......shame on those greedy parents.

Yet both India & China have far fewer emissions per capita than the US.

China & India are developing countries.

Let us not forget that the carbon content is where it is due to decades of emissions from the industrial nations.

So how's your carbon footprint Dave ? Do you use any modern conviences that were developed by industrial nations ?

I cut mine in half. If everyone did the same, we could ole this problem.

The really funny part is that I saved big money when I did it. Not counting the idea that I do business with companies that work to reduce emissions.

But here you are, expecting others to save your children's future because you are just too fucking stupid to get it.
Lol a mentally abused child with mental illness parroting pseudo bullshit...
But I guess its better than mass murders like stalin and hitler. Or tyrants like FDR. Or gay Kenyans like obama.
This award has been a joke for a century.
Dude..Asberger's is NOT mental illness. At least, not in the way you portray it. But hey..hater's gotta hate...I get it.

I love to watch the hate generated by conservatives towards a young lady who only wants to protect the environment
That Greta Thunberg is Times’s person of the year is making conservatives’ heads explode is one of many good reasons for her selection.
I can see them objecting to her climate change arguments.
But the personal attacks on a young teen are reprehensible

Then she should shut up and stop talking rubbish.

It's her parents fault .....they put her up there as a puppet, for the world to judge.

For her parents, the money they get from her has more value than anything......shame on those greedy parents.
So, kids should just shut the fuck so ignorant assfucks like you can ignore a problem that will affect her life?

Dude..Asberger's is NOT mental illness. At least, not in the way you portray it. But hey..hater's gotta hate...I get it.

I love to watch the hate generated by conservatives towards a young lady who only wants to protect the environment
That Greta Thunberg is Times’s person of the year is making conservatives’ heads explode is one of many good reasons for her selection.
I can see them objecting to her climate change arguments.
But the personal attacks on a young teen are reprehensible

Then she should shut up and stop talking rubbish.

It's her parents fault .....they put her up there as a puppet, for the world to judge.

For her parents, the money they get from her has more value than anything......shame on those greedy parents.
So, kids should just shut the fuck so ignorant assfucks like you can ignore a problem that will affect her life?

Poll 30 kids tomorrow to see what to do with your next paycheck.
Just checked in to see who trump's followers were directing their hatred on today. It's a fifteen year old girl who's concerned about the future of the planet and the world's population. Figures.
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