Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

Time magazine has named Greta Thunberg it's person of the year? Seriously? That sour faced little brat rehearses and delivers a speech her parents wrote and she's the most relevant person Time can find? How about Boyan Slat? At least he's doing something more tangible than faking outrage that could win an academy award. So much for good Journalism. Hey Greta The White Island Volcano in New Zealand just threw enough crap into the earths atmosphere to undo any headway made in eliminating green house gasses for the last three years. Lets see you control that climate change.

Is she still swanning around the world, chastising grownups?

When is she going home?
Time magazine has named Greta Thunberg it's person of the year? Seriously? That sour faced little brat rehearses and delivers a speech her parents wrote and she's the most relevant person Time can find? How about Boyan Slat? At least he's doing something more tangible than faking outrage that could win an academy award. So much for good Journalism. Hey Greta The White Island Volcano in New Zealand just threw enough crap into the earths atmosphere to undo any headway made in eliminating green house gasses for the last three years. Lets see you control that climate change.
Seen that shit coming from miles away.


1983: Reagan

1995: Newt Gingrich

2001: Rudy Giuiliani

point is, Greta is not the only retard to have been named Time person of the year
I'm not surprised. Remember that 90% (it's probably more by now) of the media is controlled by 5 or 6 companies, and they're globalists with an agenda. Crazy as it may sound, 'climate' alarmism is one of their main pretexts for the NWO. And of course she is their main puppet. I hate to be repetitive, but it's Problem - Reaction -Solution.
How do you know that the others haven't complained?

I didn't see them addressing the UN or on the cover of Time.
No, you did not. I guess, in your little mind that means they never have complained. :71:

That confused little girl lives better than most of the children on earth. She lives well because of the very technology and energy that she is bitching about.

She should in school learning History, Math and Economics, playing sports and just now getting interested in boys but instead she is the laughing stock of the world. She has been brainwashed by some really stupid adults that should be ashamed of themselves for polluting her mind with this silly ass AGW scam.

Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Ethics or Biology,
Time Magazine

She has succeeded in creating a global attitudinal shift, transforming millions of vague, middle-of-the-night anxieties into a worldwide movement calling for urgent change. She has offered a moral clarion call to those who are willing to act, and hurled shame on those who are not."
She's the flavor of the week nothing more
Persons of the year tend to having lasting exposure
Who were the last 2

And don't Google it

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It's quite the closed loop.

The media created her out of whole cloth and now it is congratulating itself on having done so.
A small child brought media attention worldwide to her cause
All started by a small girl sitting on the sidewalk with a sign

You are quite the gullible boy and completely inadept at understanding how things work.

She would still be a small girl sitting on that sidewalk if the media had not decided to make her a star and craft a propaganda campaign around her.

Rosa Parks would just be a black lady sitting on a bus
Except she actually started the boycott that financially choked the public transportation system and that brought about real change.

All Greta did was throw a tantrum at the UN. Where are all the people boycotting fossil fuels because Greta said to?

Like I said she has no clue how the world works so her opinions are worthless

Comparing that spoiled brat to Rosa Parks is a fucking insult
Shows the power of the press
A 16 year old girl understood that

Will she change the world?
It’s a start
She's had her 15 minutes

So tell me have you boycotted all products that use fossil fuels yet?

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Yet both India & China have far fewer emissions per capita than the US.

China & India are developing countries.

Let us not forget that the carbon content is where it is due to decades of emissions from the industrial nations.

So how's your carbon footprint Dave ? Do you use any modern conviences that were developed by industrial nations ?

I cut mine in half. If everyone did the same, we could ole this problem.

The really funny part is that I saved big money when I did it. Not counting the idea that I do business with companies that work to reduce emissions.

But here you are, expecting others to save your children's future because you are just too fucking stupid to get it.
How do you know you cut it in half?

Do you drive half as much
Do you heat your home half as much
Do you use half as many products That are made or delivered using fossil fuels

The fact is you probably have no idea how much co2 you are responsible for

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Dude..Asberger's is NOT mental illness. At least, not in the way you portray it. But hey..hater's gotta hate...I get it.

I love to watch the hate generated by conservatives towards a young lady who only wants to protect the environment
That Greta Thunberg is Times’s person of the year is making conservatives’ heads explode is one of many good reasons for her selection.
I can see them objecting to her climate change arguments.
But the personal attacks on a young teen are reprehensible

Then she should shut up and stop talking rubbish.

It's her parents fault .....they put her up there as a puppet, for the world to judge.

For her parents, the money they get from her has more value than anything......shame on those greedy parents.
So, kids should just shut the fuck so ignorant assfucks like you can ignore a problem that will affect her life?

Yes children should be seen and not heard

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