Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

How about the people of Hong Kong who are risking their lives for freedom fighting against the oppression of the Chinese mainland and WINNING? Greta thunberg is more important than that?
But she saved the whole planet.
Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Ethics or Biology,

That a child rattles the world in denial rates w/me....



She doesn't. She's a carnival sideshow aimed at freaks seeking a new Messiah now that Obama is history.

Talky Tina, if you will. Pre-programmed. Pull the string.

Climate change is a reality
Greta is attacking politicians for selling out to oil companies

It is the Climate Deniers who are sideshow freaks
Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Ethics or Biology,

That a child rattles the world in denial rates w/me....



She doesn't. She's a carnival sideshow aimed at freaks seeking a new Messiah now that Obama is history.

Talky Tina, if you will. Pre-programmed. Pull the string.

Climate change is a reality

That's a given via natural causation. The anthropogenic argument is no more than an attempt at financial extortion.

Greta is attacking politicians for selling out to oil companies

Greta is a bot attacking those whom she has been programmed to attack.

It is the Climate Deniers who are sideshow freaks

They're not the ones jetting en masse to caviar and scotch "climate conferences" for mutual back-slapping sessions.

How appropriate. Time liked hitler too.
They "liked" Hitler? Like the GOP did, I guess.

Actually it was roosevelt, you know the Dem president who liked and admired both he and mussolini. Dems seem to have a love affair with dictators. They certainly try and act like them.
Nope, it was the Republicans. All the way up to Pearl Harbor and Hitler declaring war on us. There's a lovely book, anthology of all the Republican speeches in Congress gushing over Hitler and Mussolini....."The Illustrious Dunderheads".

Nope, it was the progressives. Are you that historically ignorant, or are you just stupid?
Love it when you parade your ignorance of history like that. :clap:
Nope, it was the progressives
100% backwards and wrong.The Nazis decried Roosevelt and his "Bolshevik-Jew" leadership, including the Nazis on American soil. The counter protestors they assaulted were progressives and Jews (progressives also). The conservatives latched onto the anti-Semitic propaganda train, adopting their memes to assault the progressives and the New Deal.. This "New World Order" horseshit you love so much? Yeah, as it turns out, you fools have been saying the same shit for a long time. Back then, you would have been the guy screaming about the Jew world order, and screaming it in the face of actual progressives trying to tell you that you were buying into utter nonsense... just like you experience today.

I wonder how many of our CRC trumpanzees would have been at this rally:
The little girl is a tool used by the liberal lunatics to get across their climate change nonsense. The End.

The “little girl” is in agreement with the global scientific community

It is the deniers who are the lunatics
I’m glad the actual scientists I speak to don’t know as much as Greta.

Have you met any legitimate scientist who do not concur that climate change is occurring?
Climate change will affect any given region by 5 degrees within 100 years...
NY’s low to high will increase by 5 degrees within the next 100 years given the current methods of technology.
More and more technologies are changing from mechanical to electronic, thus vastly reducing mankind’s effect on the climate.

That’s what a scientist will tell you when their boss isn’t in the room.
You mean scientists around the globe are conspiring to piss off US Conservatives?
It's a world wide conspiracy to get US con-servatives. Haven't you caught on yet?
Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Ethics or Biology,

That a child rattles the world in denial rates w/me....



She doesn't. She's a carnival sideshow aimed at freaks seeking a new Messiah now that Obama is history.

Talky Tina, if you will. Pre-programmed. Pull the string.

Climate change is a reality

That's a given via natural causation. The anthropogenic argument is no more than an attempt at financial extortion.

Greta is attacking politicians for selling out to oil companies

Greta is a bot attacking those whom she has been programmed to attack.

It is the Climate Deniers who are sideshow freaks

They're not the ones jetting en masse to caviar and scotch "climate conferences" for mutual back-slapping sessions.
Greta has taken the position she will not tolerate those who are willing to sell out the environment for short term gain

She is on the right side of the issue
Ok, strange they would honor someone so ineffectual.

View attachment 294293
What enables you to measure effectiveness? By what metric? She's enhanced the conversation...and many in her generation are listening to her.
Hell...given the mass amount of hate and out-and-out lying directed at her by most here..she MUST be doing something right!

Congratz Greta--you have already made more of a mark in history at 16 than most of these geezers have made or will make in their entire life.
..a lot of people listened to hitler also....listening to her crap==WOW--that deserves Person of the Year?? hahahahhahahah

Hitler at least had concrete proposals. Greta makes a lot of noise without actually proposing anything.

Greta is a kid, she isn't supposed to know anything.

So she deserves to be person of the year because she is ignorant?
Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Ethics or Biology,

That a child rattles the world in denial rates w/me....



She doesn't. She's a carnival sideshow aimed at freaks seeking a new Messiah now that Obama is history.

Talky Tina, if you will. Pre-programmed. Pull the string.

Climate change is a reality
Greta is attacking politicians for selling out to oil companies

It is the Climate Deniers who are sideshow freaks
I here Epstein had her dressed in a flight costume lol
REALLY dwelling on pedophilia.............:114:
[The anthropogenic argument is no more than an attempt at financial extortion.

Absolutely. No evidence whatsoever that man made activities has changed the climate of the earth. Just some silly ass correlation where the base data for the correlation is suspect.

If AGW was real then the climate scientists would have to fabricate data, lie about data and every once in awhile one of their dire predictions would actually come true, which it never does.

Greta and her handlers are scam artists.
I don't see where this mentally challenged child is really worth listening to. She's a child with no knowledge of anything.
I am sad to hear that you are being forced to listen to her.....:cryhug_1_:
That's right... people should do like I did... when this little twirp was peddled out to put on her act, I either muted the sound or turned the channel.
How very brave and clever of you....
I don't see where this mentally challenged child is really worth listening to. She's a child with no knowledge of anything.
I am sad to hear that you are being forced to listen to her.....:cryhug_1_:
That's right... people should do like I did... when this little twirp was peddled out to put on her act, I either muted the sound or turned the channel.
How very brave and clever of you....
No... just common sense.
Our President accuses a 16 year old girl of having anger issues

Trump attacks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
Gretta said people are dying and we are headed toward Trump said she must be a very happy person.

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

"Citing lines from Thunberg's address to the Climate Action Summit – the teenager said "people are dying" and "we are in the beginning of a mass extinction" – Trump issued a late-night snarky tweet.

"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future," Trump wrote. "'So nice to see!""


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