Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

Billions of people have been brainwashed with the Man Made Global Warming Myth.
Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Ethics or Biology,

That a child rattles the world in denial rates w/me....



She doesn't. She's a carnival sideshow aimed at freaks seeking a new Messiah now that Obama is history.

Talky Tina, if you will. Pre-programmed. Pull the string.

Climate change is a reality
Greta is attacking politicians for selling out to oil companies

It is the Climate Deniers who are sideshow freaks
I here Epstein had her dressed in a flight costume lol
REALLY dwelling on pedophilia.............:114:
Were you on the plane?
The little girl is a tool used by the liberal lunatics to get across their climate change nonsense. The End.

The “little girl” is in agreement with the global scientific community

It is the deniers who are the lunatics
I’m glad the actual scientists I speak to don’t know as much as Greta.

Have you met any legitimate scientist who do not concur that climate change is occurring?
Climate change will affect any given region by 5 degrees within 100 years...
NY’s low to high will increase by 5 degrees within the next 100 years given the current methods of technology.
More and more technologies are changing from mechanical to electronic, thus vastly reducing mankind’s effect on the climate.

That’s what a scientist will tell you when their boss isn’t in the room.
You mean scientists around the globe are conspiring to piss off US Conservatives?
They are reporting what they get paid to report.
Not much different than many other industries.
I wonder if Greta's handlers told her about this:

Receding Swiss glaciers incoveniently reveal 4000 year old forests – and make it clear that glacier retreat is nothing new

Anthony Watts / August 8, 2014

By Larry Bell

Dr. Christian Schlüchter’s discovery of 4,000-year-old chunks of wood at the leading edge of a Swiss glacier was clearly not cheered by many members of the global warming doom-and-gloom science orthodoxy.

This finding indicated that the Alps were pretty nearly glacier-free at that time, disproving accepted theories that they only began retreating after the end of the little ice age in the mid-19th century. As he concluded, the region had once been much warmer than today, with “a wild landscape and wide flowing river.”

Dr. Schlüchter’s report might have been more conveniently dismissed by the entrenched global warming establishment were it not for his distinguished reputation as a giant in the field of geology and paleoclimatology who has authored/coauthored more than 250 papers and is a professor emeritus at the University of Bern in Switzerland.

Then he made himself even more unpopular thanks to a recent interview titled “Our Society is Fundamentally Dishonest” which appeared in the Swiss publication Der Bund where he criticized the U.N.-dominated institutional climate science hierarchy for extreme tunnel vision and political contamination.
What's sad is that at some point she will have to realize her moment already came and went. All the time magazine thing will be is a picture on her wall. Even now no one says her name unless they are cracking wise.
I think it's partisan, like everything else.

At the end of the day, she's 1 of 92 of something that people yapp-yapp about every year, haters and lovers, in a world of 7.5 billion people not counting the ones who've died.

Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Ethics or Biology,

That a child rattles the world in denial rates w/me....



She doesn't. She's a carnival sideshow aimed at freaks seeking a new Messiah now that Obama is history.

Talky Tina, if you will. Pre-programmed. Pull the string.

Climate change is a reality
Greta is attacking politicians for selling out to oil companies

It is the Climate Deniers who are sideshow freaks
What’s the carbon footprint of a $15M mansion on a Martha’s Vineyard beach?
Democrats used to pimp out blacks like sharpton, Cummings, now teenage girls
Ridiculous that a child is named person of the year.
It's happened before.

Trump's bowel movements have done more to help people then this young stooge of the globalists.
Says a Trump stooge! :rolleyes:
Trump's message when running for President was not hard to understand...… A Sovereign Nation with Borders and a Common Americanized Culture that all of us make. And this has become treason to the treasonists.
I don't see where this mentally challenged child is really worth listening to. She's a child with no knowledge of anything.
I am sad to hear that you are being forced to listen to her.....:cryhug_1_:
That's right... people should do like I did... when this little twirp was peddled out to put on her act, I either muted the sound or turned the channel.
How very brave and clever of you....
No... just common sense. THAT what you call it? :71:
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how often has it happened before now? I don't see anything wrong with it going to someone younger. Sometimes those who are younger end up having more sense than an older person and when you believe that something wrong is being done, saying something is what a person is supposed to do because remaining silent only means that the wrong doing can and will continue.

Amen to this. Anything else is only a form on enabling.

God bless you and the girl and our current leader always!!!

All she ever did was say "how dare you?" to a roomful of delegates which IMO was extremely disrespectful.

She is a child who basically had a temper tantrum in front of the UN
What would you rather have come from a person if anything controversial is going to happen with them at all? Something like what she is now known for or something more along the lines of what takes place everywhere else on this sick and twisted planet?

Washington DC, PA, and New York on 9/11
Washington DC one year after 9/11 (Sniper City it may has well have been labeled)
Vegas (country music concert)
Sandy Hook (school shooting)
Blacks Burg, VA (college shooting)
Columbine (school shooting)
El Paso, TX (Wal-Mart)
Dayton, OH
Aurora CO (movie theater)
Park Land FL (school shooting)
California (The Borderline Club)
Sutherland Springs, TX (church shooting)
Charleston SC (another church shooting)
Orlando FL (the other club shooting)
Roanoke VA (a news station of all places, WDBJ that is)

And of course the list just goes on.

God bless you and everyone who has lost someone to another person in one way or another always!!!

For one I never compared Greta Von spoiled brat to Sandy Hook or any other time people tragically lost their lives to senseless violence.

That you think I did says more about your mental instability than anything else
I was only going by how you chose to present your opinion. Paint a better picture if you want a better caption for it.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Me? I am just happy to have a caption period for whatever I put out there.
No you were fabricating an argument that you then attributed to me then you argued against your own fictional argument
An argument only starts, if one starts at all, when the first opinion is put out there. My two pennies were thrown down right after you got yours out and because it isn't just me in the argument as you call it, how can it be one of my own when it takes more than one person to make one happen? Also calling it a fictional argument is wrong too. I don't know what your intention is when getting your two pennies out although I have a pretty good idea considering how they currently look, but causing problems is so far down my list of reasons for saying anything that you may not ever get to it and that is if causing problems is on the list at all. You said that giving a child such an acknowledgement was a ridiculous thing to do. Well that right there is just it. Blowing out what may be a well meaning candle, unlike other ones that are out there, will never make your light shine any brighter especially if your flame is not even lit up in the first place.

God bless you and that girl always!!!

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