Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

Trump trolls the little spoiled brat. LOL!

Having a childish, trolling, lying so-called president is cool.

Have you ever read the comments to his twitter posts?
He’s not liked at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

By her acolytes? No.
Lol a mentally abused child with mental illness parroting pseudo bullshit...
But I guess its better than mass murders like stalin and hitler. Or tyrants like FDR. Or gay Kenyans like obama.
This award has been a joke for a century.
You are the joke everywhere but your tiny bubble of Bologna. 95% of the world thinks you people are nuts. No sacrifice is too great to save the rich and giant corporations from paying their fair share and intelligent regulation, pollution lover.... Watch some real news...
Lol a mentally abused child with mental illness parroting pseudo bullshit...
But I guess its better than mass murders like stalin and hitler. Or tyrants like FDR. Or gay Kenyans like obama.
This award has been a joke for a century.
You are the joke everywhere but your tiny bubble of Bologna. 95% of the world thinks you people are nuts. No sacrifice is too great to save the rich and giant corporations from paying their fair share and intelligent regulation, pollution lover.... Watch some real news...
Speaking of mental illness.
Our President accuses a 16 year old girl of having anger issues

Trump attacks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
Gretta said people are dying and we are headed toward Trump said she must be a very happy person.

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

"Citing lines from Thunberg's address to the Climate Action Summit – the teenager said "people are dying" and "we are in the beginning of a mass extinction" – Trump issued a late-night snarky tweet.

"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future," Trump wrote. "'So nice to see!""

People are dying in famine and hurricanes.

Why is Trump mocking a little girl, when she knows more about the issue than Trump does

Trump claims people are dying from windmill cancer.....what does that make him?
Our President accuses a 16 year old girl of having anger issues

Trump attacks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
Gretta said people are dying and we are headed toward Trump said she must be a very happy person.

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

"Citing lines from Thunberg's address to the Climate Action Summit – the teenager said "people are dying" and "we are in the beginning of a mass extinction" – Trump issued a late-night snarky tweet.

"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future," Trump wrote. "'So nice to see!""

People are dying in famine and hurricanes.

Why is Trump mocking a little girl, when she knows more about the issue than Trump does

Trump claims people are dying from windmill cancer.....what does that make him?

People were dying in famines and hurricanes long before the SUV was even invented. Apparently , this government school educated child is unfamiliar with it. President Trump's wise counsel to her- to chill out- should be taken seriously.
How appropriate. Time liked hitler too.
They "liked" Hitler? Like the GOP did, I guess.

Actually it was roosevelt, you know the Dem president who liked and admired both he and mussolini. Dems seem to have a love affair with dictators. They certainly try and act like them.
Nope, it was the Republicans. All the way up to Pearl Harbor and Hitler declaring war on us. There's a lovely book, anthology of all the Republican speeches in Congress gushing over Hitler and Mussolini....."The Illustrious Dunderheads".

Nope, it was the progressives. Are you that historically ignorant, or are you just stupid?
Love it when you parade your ignorance of history like that. :clap:

You know, had you actually been in the military, as you have claimed, you would have been exposed to the history of those conflicts. But, as you clearly weren't you have to rely on wiki because you are too stupid to do the work yourself.

So, in other words DOOOH! bodie is proven a moron, yet again!

"Were Hitler's economic policies in the 1930s, however, significantly different from those of Roosevelt, his counterpart in the United States? On the contrary, there was a striking similarity between FDR's New Deal and the methods that Hitler used to get Germany out of the Depression. Both FDR and Hitler instituted massive government spending campaigns, including public-works programs, to bring full employment to their countries. In the United States, for example, there was the Hoover Dam. In Germany, there was the national autobahn system.

The Nazis also imposed an extensive system of governmental control over German businesses. Was Roosevelt's approach any different? Consider FDR's pride and joy, his National Recovery Act, which was characterized by the infamous Blue Eagle. With the NRA, the U.S. government required entire industries to combine into government-protected cartels, and directed them to fix wages and prices in their respective industries. If a businessman refused to go along, he faced prosecution and punishment, not to mention protest demonstrations from Blue Eagle supporters. (The Supreme Court ultimately declared the NRA unconstitutional.)

Let's also not forget the important paternalistic elements of Hitler's national socialism: Social Security, national health care, public schooling, and unemployment compensation. Sound familiar?

Hitler himself showed keen insight into this matter. In his biography Adolf Hitler, John Toland writes, "Hitler had genuine admiration for the decisive manner in which the President had taken over the reins of government. 'I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,' he told a correspondent for the New York Times two months later, 'because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.' Hitler went on to note that he was the sole leader in Europe who expressed 'understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.'"

In the early 1930s, both Mussolini and Hitler were very much aware of the similarities between their own programs and those of FDR:

  • Both dictators celebrated the New Deal as an initiative that was compatible with their own economic philosophy.
  • In 1934 the Nazi Party’s official newspaper depicted President Roosevelt as a man of “irreproachable, extremely responsible character and immovable will,” and as a “warmhearted leader of the people with a profound understanding of social needs.”
  • The Nazi Party paper also lauded the New Deal for having eliminated “the uninhibited frenzy of market speculation” by adopting “National Socialist strains of thought,” and it noted that "many passages in [FDR's] book Looking Forward could have been written by a National Socialist." "In any case," said the publication, "one can assume that he [Roosevelt] feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy."
  • After FDR had been in office for a year, Hitler himself sent Roosevelt a private letter congratulating “his heroic efforts in the interests of the American people.” “The President’s successful battle against economic distress is being followed by the entire German people with interest and admiration,” wrote the German fuehrer.
  • Mussolini, for his part, praised FDR for recognizing that the American economy could not “be left to its own devices.” “Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change [i.e., FDR's policies] resembles that of Fascism,” Mussolini wrote.
  • In an interview with the German biographer Emil Ludwig, Mussolini made plain his view that “America has a dictator” in FDR.
  • In an essay written for American audiences, Mussolini observed admiringly that FDR was bringing “spiritual renewal” and destroying the anachronistic notion that democracy and liberalism were “immortal principles.” Added Mussolini: “America itself is abandoning [these principles]. Roosevelt is moving, acting, giving orders independently of the decisions or wishes of the Senate or Congress. There are no longer intermediaries between him and the nation. There is no longer a parliament but an ‘état majeur.’ There are no longer parties, but a single party. A sole will silences dissenting voices.”

"Mussolini's admiration for FDR was reciprocated in full measure. In a letter to Breckinridge Long, his ambassador to Italy, Roosevelt made reference to “that admirable Italian gentleman” who “is really interested in what we are doing.” “I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished,” said Roosevelt."

The Progressive Era's Legacy: FDR's New Deal - Discover the Networks

"President Roosevelt is best remembered for leading America towards military preparedness and, later, in the war against Nazi Germany—yet he was remarkably reluctant to even verbally criticize Hitler in the 1930s.

Throughout the pre-war period, FDR strove to maintain cordial diplomatic and economic relations with Nazi Germany. He sent Secretary of Commerce Daniel Roper to speak at a German-American rally in New York City in 1933, where the featured speaker was the Nazi ambassador to Washington, and a large swastika flag was displayed on stage. The president allowed U.S. diplomats to attend the mass Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg in 1937, and his administration helped the Nazis evade the American Jewish community’s boycott of German goods in the 1930s by permitting the Nazis to deceptively label their goods with the city or province of origin, instead of “Made in Germany.”

Despite the intensifying anti-Jewish persecution in Germany in the 1930s, Roosevelt not only refused to criticize the Hitler government, but he personally removed critical references to Hitler from at least three planned speeches by Interior Secretary Harold Ickes in 1935 and 1938. Even Roosevelt’s criticism of the infamous Kristallnacht pogrom—a public statement which has often been cited as proof of the president’s willingness to denounce the Nazis—did not contain a single explicit mention of Hitler, Nazism, or the Jews.

Roosevelt said nothing about Hitler’s action in the Rhineland (1936); applauded the Munich agreement, which handed western Czechoslovakia to the Nazis (1938); and, eighty years ago this week, ducked reporters’ questions rather than utter a single critical word regarding Hitler’s threat to Danzig."

Why FDR Wouldn't Condemn Hitler | History News Network
The short answer is YES. They could have chosen for example, the Hong Kong protesters who have relented despite all the crackdowns by the Chinese, but no, let's pick a nobody activist communist in her youth years.
Our President accuses a 16 year old girl of having anger issues

Trump attacks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
Gretta said people are dying and we are headed toward Trump said she must be a very happy person.

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

"Citing lines from Thunberg's address to the Climate Action Summit – the teenager said "people are dying" and "we are in the beginning of a mass extinction" – Trump issued a late-night snarky tweet.

"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future," Trump wrote. "'So nice to see!""

People are dying in famine and hurricanes.

Why is Trump mocking a little girl, when she knows more about the issue than Trump does

Trump claims people are dying from windmill cancer.....what does that make him?
Yes.....if just for a small insignificant tax we can solve famine and hurricanes forever.
Money can do miracles.
Trump trolls the little spoiled brat. LOL!

Having a childish, trolling, lying so-called president is cool.

Have you ever read the comments to his twitter posts?
He’s not liked at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is not liked by stupid Moon Bats, especially the idiot Environmental Wackos, but real Americans love him.

He will win by a landslide in 2020.
Trump trolls the little spoiled brat. LOL!

Having a childish, trolling, lying so-called president is cool.

Have you ever read the comments to his twitter posts?
He’s not liked at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is not liked by stupid Moon Bats, especially the idiot Environmental Wackos, but real Americans love him.

He will win by a landslide in 2020.

I just took a screenshot of your post.
You’ll see it again after the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump trolls the little spoiled brat. LOL!

Having a childish, trolling, lying so-called president is cool.

Have you ever read the comments to his twitter posts?
He’s not liked at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is not liked by stupid Moon Bats, especially the idiot Environmental Wackos, but real Americans love him.

He will win by a landslide in 2020.

I just took a screenshot of your post.
You’ll see it again after the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just like we saved some of the stupid posts by you Moon Bats that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide? LOL!

The filthy ass TDS afflicted Democrats are fucking up real bad with this silly impeachment bullshit and it is energizing Trump's base.
Trump trolls the little spoiled brat. LOL!

Having a childish, trolling, lying so-called president is cool.

Have you ever read the comments to his twitter posts?
He’s not liked at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is not liked by stupid Moon Bats, especially the idiot Environmental Wackos, but real Americans love him.

He will win by a landslide in 2020.

I just took a screenshot of your post.
You’ll see it again after the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just like we saved some of the stupid posts by you Moon Bats that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide? LOL!

I didn’t vote for Hillary.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump trolls the little spoiled brat. LOL!

Having a childish, trolling, lying so-called president is cool.

Have you ever read the comments to his twitter posts?
He’s not liked at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is not liked by stupid Moon Bats, especially the idiot Environmental Wackos, but real Americans love him.

He will win by a landslide in 2020.

I just took a screenshot of your post.
You’ll see it again after the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just like we saved some of the stupid posts by you Moon Bats that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide? LOL!

The filthy ass TDS afflicted Democrats are fucking up real bad with this silly impeachment bullshit and it is energizing Trump's base.
They are totally energized with garbage character assassination hate and misinformation racist propaganda all the time. Absolute idiocy.
Our President accuses a 16 year old girl of having anger issues

Trump attacks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
Gretta said people are dying and we are headed toward Trump said she must be a very happy person.

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

"Citing lines from Thunberg's address to the Climate Action Summit – the teenager said "people are dying" and "we are in the beginning of a mass extinction" – Trump issued a late-night snarky tweet.

"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future," Trump wrote. "'So nice to see!""

People are dying in famine and hurricanes.

Why is Trump mocking a little girl, when she knows more about the issue than Trump does

Trump claims people are dying from windmill cancer.....what does that make him?

People were dying in famines and hurricanes long before the SUV was even invented. Apparently , this government school educated child is unfamiliar with it. President Trump's wise counsel to her- to chill out- should be taken seriously.
Very true.....and conditions are getting worse
So are forest fires and floods
Having a childish, trolling, lying so-called president is cool.

Have you ever read the comments to his twitter posts?
He’s not liked at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is not liked by stupid Moon Bats, especially the idiot Environmental Wackos, but real Americans love him.

He will win by a landslide in 2020.

I just took a screenshot of your post.
You’ll see it again after the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just like we saved some of the stupid posts by you Moon Bats that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide? LOL!

I didn’t vote for Hillary.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's amazing that today no one voted for Hillary 3 years ago.
Having a childish, trolling, lying so-called president is cool.

Have you ever read the comments to his twitter posts?
He’s not liked at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is not liked by stupid Moon Bats, especially the idiot Environmental Wackos, but real Americans love him.

He will win by a landslide in 2020.

I just took a screenshot of your post.
You’ll see it again after the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just like we saved some of the stupid posts by you Moon Bats that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide? LOL!

The filthy ass TDS afflicted Democrats are fucking up real bad with this silly impeachment bullshit and it is energizing Trump's base.
They are totally energized with garbage character assassination hate and misinformation racist propaganda all the time. Absolute idiocy.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Have you ever read the comments to his twitter posts?
He’s not liked at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is not liked by stupid Moon Bats, especially the idiot Environmental Wackos, but real Americans love him.

He will win by a landslide in 2020.

I just took a screenshot of your post.
You’ll see it again after the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just like we saved some of the stupid posts by you Moon Bats that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide? LOL!

I didn’t vote for Hillary.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's amazing that today no one voted for Hillary 3 years ago.
Have you ever read the comments to his twitter posts?
He’s not liked at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is not liked by stupid Moon Bats, especially the idiot Environmental Wackos, but real Americans love him.

He will win by a landslide in 2020.

I just took a screenshot of your post.
You’ll see it again after the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just like we saved some of the stupid posts by you Moon Bats that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide? LOL!

I didn’t vote for Hillary.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's amazing that today no one voted for Hillary 3 years ago.

I was a Republican until tramp was elected.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Our President accuses a 16 year old girl of having anger issues

Trump attacks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
Gretta said people are dying and we are headed toward Trump said she must be a very happy person.

Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

"Citing lines from Thunberg's address to the Climate Action Summit – the teenager said "people are dying" and "we are in the beginning of a mass extinction" – Trump issued a late-night snarky tweet.

"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future," Trump wrote. "'So nice to see!""

People are dying in famine and hurricanes.

Why is Trump mocking a little girl, when she knows more about the issue than Trump does

Trump claims people are dying from windmill cancer.....what does that make him?

People were dying in famines and hurricanes long before the SUV was even invented. Apparently , this government school educated child is unfamiliar with it. President Trump's wise counsel to her- to chill out- should be taken seriously.
Very true.....and conditions are getting worse
So are forest fires and floods

Au contraire. Back in antiquity, there was a world wide flood after rain for 40 days and 40 nights which had a very high death toll.

And serious fires, like that which engulfed the Gay Metropolis of Sodom as well as Gomorrah occurred as well.

These historical events happened before SUV's were even invented.
You know, had you actually been in the military, as you have claimed, you would have been exposed to the history of those conflicts. But, as you clearly weren't you have to rely on wiki because you are too stupid to do the work yourself.
You mean like Jonah Goldberg was? Not according to his wiki.. Just your average, highly pampered, uber opportunistic pusher of revisionist drivel for fun and profit it seems.. Sorry to bear such sad news :(

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