Greta Thurberg puts it to Uncle Joe


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
Tommorow's press briefing with Ms. Psaki ought be a hoot, because someone is going to ask her what the president's reaction was to Greta's speech.

Build back better - blah, blah, blah . . .
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The problem with releasing an extremist firebrand to publicize your cause ... they, more often or not, will start to take themselves seriously and turn on their owners.

The problem with releasing an extremist firebrand to publicize your cause ... they, more often or not, will start to take themselves seriously and turn on their owners.

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She speaks Truth to Power...and plays no favorites...good for her~

BTW..I don't think she was 'released' and if she was...seems she's free now eh?
Good for her.
Greta's 15 mins are up. She will never again get an international platform.

She will attend the Swedish equivalent of a community college for a few years and drop out to marry an insurance broker or reindeer herder that knocked her up.

I have to admit ... her first show was entertaining ... but she's the Bill Shatner of the environmentalist movement.

but this girl has already done more than 99% of the rest of humanity..

Done what, precisely? She took a free yacht cruise to New York to scream like a sweet sixteen prom queen at the UN and then floated off into obscurity.


Captain Planet has been more influential to "the movement" than Greta.
Yet another false equivalence? Too funny~

In the end, we shall see--but this girl has already done more than 99% of the rest of there's that.
Yeah, you usually have to go on Jerry Springer to make this much of an ass of yourself on vapid, meaningless media!
Done what, precisely? She took a free yacht cruise to New York to scream like a sweet sixteen prom queen at the UN and then floated off into obscurity.

View attachment 544995

Captain Planet has been more influential to "the movement" than Greta.
How odd..that someone who floated off into obscurity speaks...and the whole world listens..including you.
EvilEyeFleegle She's a little twit who globalists have elevated to deity status and as such has millions of "followers" including you apparently.
Nah...I admire her drive....i think the world needs gadflys to spur it into activity. Her all or nothing approach is something i hope she grows out of...but that she can get a bucnh of yahoo's on USMB to piss their a bonus..for me.
That autistic little shit almost looked sexy with that beat down of the stuttering shit clown.

I may take her out for a burger and see where it goes.

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