(Groan) Bergdahl an offial 'Obama' Disaster!

Bergdahl may well have served with honor and distinction prior to his desertion. A number of people have served with honor and distinction, only to go off the deep end a bit later. War does not have nice effects on the psyches of human beings.

Bergdahl was a 'pawn'.

What happens to Bergdahl really doesn't matter to Obama, though, because he got what he wanted. He would never be able to close GITMO as long as the 'Taliban 5' were still in GITMO. They were to 'high profile' to simply release like the others. He needed some B$ story / excuse to let them go...enter Bowe Bergdahl. He paid the ransom for his release, told the world a B$ story about the '5' being part of the deal, then let them go.

He will probably see this 'stain' on his record - Bergdahl's prosecution - as worth it in the end since he successfully achieved his goal.
Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.
Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.


Did you REALLY just try to blame BUSH for Bowe Bergdahl going awol, for desertion, for endangering his unit, for OBAMA using him to release the Taliban 5, and for HONORING him - ignoring the military that was warning him NOT to do that because of what the facts looked like?

THAT might be one of the BEST, FUNNIEST 'b...b...BUT BUSH' attempts EVER!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Desertion is punishable by death...if found guilty that should be the verdict.
Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.

Wrong, the Muzzie lover was weak and deserted, shot at dawn is a just punishment
Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.
Did you REALLY just try to blame BUSH for Bowe Bergdahl going awol, for desertion, for endangering his unit, for OBAMA using him to release the Taliban 5, and for HONORING him - ignoring the military that was warning him NOT to do that because of what the facts looked like?
Why not? What about what I said was incorrect. Laugh all you want. I'm waiting for an explanation for why Iraq had to be invaded before the job in Afghanistan was done.
Desertion is punishable by death...if found guilty that should be the verdict.
Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.
Wrong, the Muzzie lover was weak and deserted, shot at dawn is a just punishment
If Bush does his job, Bergdahl never ends up in Afghanistan.
Bergdahl may well have served with honor and distinction prior to his desertion. A number of people have served with honor and distinction, only to go off the deep end a bit later. War does not have nice effects on the psyches of human beings.

You might have a point with that if Rice's comments came prior to Bergdahl's desertion...since they came after...it's simply one more stupid statement by another Obama "mouthpiece".
Is the burden on the army for accepting Bergdahl after the Coast Guard dumped him as unsuitable?

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