Grocery prices in July had largest price increase since 1979 — with one food staple rising by 38% on the year

Bush II was worse than Carter

Obama was worse than Carter

Trump was worse than Carter, if you do not ignore 2020

Biden has been worse than Carter so far, and that is not likely to change.
Before Covid started, pretty much everything was getting better under Trump.
Bush II was mediocre. His worst offenses was ignoring the building immigration problems and how he directed the Iraq war.
Other than that... he was smart enough to see things, but didn't care enough to change it.
As a for instance he said in 2006 that a housing collapse was going to happen if nothing was done... to which, the Democrats went crazy and said the housing market is better than ever... the corporatist Republicans said everything was fine also.
Bush lacked the strength and will to change things like Reagan did.
We need another Reagan desparately.
Before Covid started, pretty much everything was getting better under Trump.

But COVID happened.

Bush II was mediocre. His worst offenses was ignoring the building immigration problems and how he directed the Iraq war.

The Iraq war alone is enough to put him below Carter. We are still paying for that historical fuck up

We need another Reagan desparately.

Yeah, someone that will sell guns to our enemies is always someone we need. Someone that will add 180% to the national debt is for sure what we need right now! o_O
Yeah, someone that will sell guns to our enemies is always someone we need. Someone that will add 180% to the national debt is for sure what we need right now! o_O
That is minor compared to the whopping good he did.
As Stephen Ambrose stated "every great leader throughout history has done something terrible"
Any leader worth anything is going to do something wrong, you measure them by how much good they did.. and how much it outweighs the bad.
Reagan did tremendous good. But Presidents after him. took the measures he used... and expanded on them even though we no longer needed it. (Spending via debt)
Coolidge was the best president last century. Not, JFK, FDR, Ike or Reagan, it was Coolidge by a wide margin.
Its sad that history looks down on him because he liked to veto and didnt do enough to the economy. Basically, he didnt abuse his powers so he gets shit on now.
Its sad that history looks down on him because he liked to veto and didnt do enough to the economy. Basically, he didnt abuse his powers so he gets shit on now.
history was supposed to be "historians"

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