Grocery store

The problem is welfare period!

I can see if a single mother, who has no spouse with two kids in diapers needed help, but not a hand out. If she is to go on public assistance then she should work for the state. How about giving her help with daycare, and food stamps for one year. This way she can get a job, save money, and after a year she is cut off. Not only that but if she is to get any income tax rebate, she should not get it back until all Gov. assistance is paid back in full.

This would fund the welfare program alone and relieve the burden on the tax payers

Two adults in the house...too bad ZERO WELFARE...go pick oranges.
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The problem is welfare period!

I can see if a single mother, who has no spouse with two kids in diapers needed help, but not a hand out. If she is to go on public assistance then she should work for the state. How about giving her help with daycare, and food stamps for one year. This way she can get a job, save money, and after a year she is cut off. Not only that but if she is to get any income tax rebate, she should not get it back until all Gov. assistance is paid back in full.

This would fund the welfare program alone and relieve the burden on the tax payers

Two adults in the house...too bad ZERO WELFARE...go pick oranges.

I can't agree with policies that are for breaking up families, the two adults in home as criteria is at the bottom of the problem of single mother families we know too well today. That was an 'unintended consequence' that should have been anticipated.

I would have qualified for food stamps and school lunch programs when my kids were 9-18. I didn't apply for them. I worked 2-4 jobs during that time. Not everyone could, I lived in very safe area, had a long time friend living next door who was at home. My kids knew though that their participating in orchestra, choir, sports was a result of the 2nd/3rd jobs. Keeping us in their school district in a home, same. I was tired all the time, couldn't check their homework all the time, even in 6th grade. I would help with homework if they were stuck, but didn't have the patience I have with my students. Certainly wasn't ideal. Yet, they all ended up with my work ethic, in school and now working.
Maybe you wouldn't feel so bad about it if you just concerned yourself with your own purchases. They can buy anything they want within the guidlines.

Your anger is all about you feeling shitty about your own situation.

Btw, did the woman in this alleged story happen to be Black?

The difference is that the woman's purchases are being made with taxpayers' money.

Therefore, it is our business.

You don't get to tell anyone what to buy with their food stamp card. Period.

Some of you people think you have a lot more power than you do. There are guidelines they have to follow but not yours. Myob

If I am partially paying for that food stamp card, I should be able to tell someone what they can and can't buy.
The difference is that the woman's purchases are being made with taxpayers' money.

Therefore, it is our business.

You don't get to tell anyone what to buy with their food stamp card. Period.

Some of you people think you have a lot more power than you do. There are guidelines they have to follow but not yours. Myob

If I am partially paying for that food stamp card, I should be able to tell someone what they can and can't buy.

I do not want to tell them what they buy, but I also want them to stay the heck out of my paycheck, my bank account, and stop telling me what I can smoke eat and what is good for me!!! The government is out of control, government actions set standards for it's citizens. Therefore they are lowering the standards all the time. Government needs to step back, our nation is falling
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The difference is that the woman's purchases are being made with taxpayers' money.

Therefore, it is our business.

You don't get to tell anyone what to buy with their food stamp card. Period.

Some of you people think you have a lot more power than you do. There are guidelines they have to follow but not yours. Myob

If I am partially paying for that food stamp card, I should be able to tell someone what they can and can't buy.

thats not what paying tax is. if you want to micromanage what people eat with your money, youll have to find some broke folks and agree to buy them certain groceries. you have to pay taxes, or the government will try to put you in jail or enjoin your revenue, for starters. the government is paying for the foodstamps. there isnt a direct connection between you and government spending.

by all means, go to a bad neighborhood and put your philosophy in practice. just post the video on youtube, id love to see.
It's a shame that there are so many people who take advantage of the system, what it really does is take more from the people who really need it.
What I see here is a lot of misinformation about how the welfare system works.

First of all, it's very, VERY difficult for families to qualify for cash assistance if there are two parents in the household. Primarily because in order to do so, the primary wage earner has to verify that the way they left their most recent job does not disqualify them for unemployment. In addition to that, they have to have children in the household, and they have to participate in an intense jobs program. The state does pay for child care to facilitate job search and participation in the jobs program, the state does require them to look for work, and if they don't find a job within a certain period of time, they are required to volunteer somewhere in order to beef up their resume. If they don't, they lose their cash assistance.

Additionally, the state takes most of their child support. Additionally, if they are awarded arrears or any sort of lump sum payment for anything...the sale of a home, an insurance claim, an inhereitance, money from the sale of a home, ANYTHING, the state attaches that to pay itself back.

Nobody gets rich off of TANF. A 2-person family (mom and one kid) gets $448, and for each additional person they get less than $70 per. They receive incentive money for gas to look for work, they receive child care to look for work, they are tested for learning disabilities and other barriers to employment, and for those who do go to work and no longer qualify for TANF, in Oregon we give them an incentive cash bonus.

The state does everything it can to get them back into the workplace. Unfortunately, some of them just have so many barriers.

Most of my families who are receiving TANF have domestic violence, sexual abuse and some sort of substance abuse or mental illness attached to them.
And some of them are lazy and would rather live off the taxpayers than work.
What I see here is a lot of misinformation about how the welfare system works.

First of all, it's very, VERY difficult for families to qualify for cash assistance if there are two parents in the household. Primarily because in order to do so, the primary wage earner has to verify that the way they left their most recent job does not disqualify them for unemployment. In addition to that, they have to have children in the household, and they have to participate in an intense jobs program. The state does pay for child care to facilitate job search and participation in the jobs program, the state does require them to look for work, and if they don't find a job within a certain period of time, they are required to volunteer somewhere in order to beef up their resume. If they don't, they lose their cash assistance.

Additionally, the state takes most of their child support. Additionally, if they are awarded arrears or any sort of lump sum payment for anything...the sale of a home, an insurance claim, an inhereitance, money from the sale of a home, ANYTHING, the state attaches that to pay itself back.

Nobody gets rich off of TANF. A 2-person family (mom and one kid) gets $448, and for each additional person they get less than $70 per. They receive incentive money for gas to look for work, they receive child care to look for work, they are tested for learning disabilities and other barriers to employment, and for those who do go to work and no longer qualify for TANF, in Oregon we give them an incentive cash bonus.

The state does everything it can to get them back into the workplace. Unfortunately, some of them just have so many barriers.

Most of my families who are receiving TANF have domestic violence, sexual abuse and some sort of substance abuse or mental illness attached to them.

Some of those barriers just might have something to do with a big government thumb keeping them down. They become depressed and have no hope for a future unless someone tells them that making things happen for themselves is how you overcome all the pitfalls life sometime deals all of us
It's funny, for once Allie knows what she's talking about and yet the rightwingloons ignore what she is saying and insist that there is a way to be lazy and receive food stamps.
It's funny, for once Allie knows what she's talking about and yet the rightwingloons ignore what she is saying and insist that there is a way to be lazy and receive food stamps. takes hard work to qualify for foodstamps.

Go ahead...neg rep me for lying again.
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It's funny, for once Allie knows what she's talking about and yet the rightwingloons ignore what she is saying and insist that there is a way to be lazy and receive food stamps.

Actually, there is.

I will have people coming in an asking if they can fill out an application, and then put something so utterly ridiculous on it that it's not funny. When I tell them I don't have the position available that they just made up, they tell me they're doing it because they *have to* fill out XX amount of applications in a day. They're not actually looking for work - just making sure the money keeps coming in.

I'm not saying all of them are like that, but enough of them are to make the system in place right now faulty.
Oh, and then they expect ME to fill out their paperwork stating they applied for a job. I do. With a notation that they applied for a nonexistent job simply to state they handed a piece of paper in.
And some of them are lazy and would rather live off the taxpayers than work.

That goes hand in hand with those barriers I was talking about. Choosing to sit on yoru ass for less money than it takes to pay rent and electricity is symptomatic of something more than laziness.
And some of them are lazy and would rather live off the taxpayers than work.

That goes hand in hand with those barriers I was talking about. Choosing to sit on yoru ass for less money than it takes to pay rent and electricity is symptomatic of something more than laziness.

Not really. Some people are just lazy.
And some of them are lazy and would rather live off the taxpayers than work.

That goes hand in hand with those barriers I was talking about. Choosing to sit on yoru ass for less money than it takes to pay rent and electricity is symptomatic of something more than laziness.

Not really. Some people are just lazy.

If they got rid of the fraud in the system we wouldn't be broke.

That's the kicker. Who's willing to tackle the fraud?
I want to say, once again, I feel for the elderly, the handicapped, and those who truely can't work or find a job.

Unfortunately, there are is a sizable portion, that just want to live off the system, because it's easier than working.
I work with some people who had horrific childhoods. They overcame all that.

I admire them so much!
I know what the op means. Lately I have noticed that I am the only one standing in line paying for my food. People in front & lanes on both sides are paying with those EBT cards.

Last week I followed two :eusa_snooty:very well dressed women, hair all done up & smelling like a bed of roses.:eusa_snooty: They had a cart load of the finest cuts of steak, corn on the cob, bake potatoes, veggies, Bushes baked beans, cheeses, crackers, dips & all sorts of party foods.:eusa_drool: They had a second cart of wine & beer. They were talking about this big party at their new place. :booze:The booze cart was paid for with cash. :eusa_naughty:CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY PAID WITH AN EBT CARD FOR THAT CART FULL OF STEAK & PARTY FOOD!:hellno: I followed these women out into the parking lot where they got into a BRAND NEW CADILLAC ESCALADE with BIG FANCY WHEELS. :hellno::drillsergeant: Un-fucking believable!!! :drillsergeant::hellno:

I remember my broke & starving college days well.:( I would by those cheap bags of navy beans & boil them in a pot of water to keep down the hunger pains.:( When I could afford it I would get some bacon to put in the beans for flavor.:eusa_boohoo: The best eats I got there was the day McDonald's put a coupon in the campus paper for a free McLean hamburger. I went around to the building entrances where they drop the news paper bundles & cut out 50 coupons. :eusa_angel:Man I thought I had died & gone to heaven.:eusa_angel: I brought extra home & stuffed in the fridge. I ate good for a month.:eusa_pray:

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