Gross Republican Naievety: R-Stefanik Introduces Bill To Stop Comey-Era FBI Abuses


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Republican Elise Stefanik, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, introduced legislation Wednesday that would require the FBI director to promptly inform Congress when investigations of candidates for federal office are undertaken by federal law enforcement or intelligence authorities.'

What a great idea, dear. Why don't you also make it mandatory for FBI Agents / criminals who violate this or any other law already in existence covering FISA Court Abuses and Illegal spying to self-report?

I mean, when Mueller was Director of the FBI he was called in before a Secret FISA Court to explain why the FBI had engaged in 75 FISA Court Abuses. I am positive there are laws already covering misleading the FISA Court, withholding information, and intentionally attempting to illegally acquire warrants to spy on people.

Mueller obviously did NOT stop it. His protégé maintained the 'culture' of FISA Court Abuses, as proven in this investigation (Ohr's Testimony).

Stefanik, unfortunately, displays the same level of Naivety as does any politician who passes a law and believes it will stop criminals from breaking that law. (I understand action must be taken, and you can't just sit there and do nothing...)

Passage of such a law is CONFIRMED / RENDERED useless when the law-makers and law-Enforcers REFUSE to hold people accountable and punish them according to the law.
-- Case in point, the US might as well not even have an 'Espionage' law if it is only going to protect someone who has violated that law rather than punish them, as was done when Obama's DOJ & FBI protected Hillary.

I also have a problem with creating NEW laws when there is a lack of will to enforce EXISTING laws!
-- To ensure this never happens again 'PUBLICALLY CRUCIFY' the criminals who engaged in FISA Court Abuses. Asking Mueller to 'EXPLAIN' why the FBI Abused the FISA Court 75 (SEVENTY FIVE) times did nothing to stop it from happening again. Prevention / Stopping it from happening again will not come from passing a new law, either. It will come after the perpetrators in the FBI are PUBLICLY and SEVERELY PUNISHED...when perpetrators who are caught are punished EVERY TIME, no matter who you are.

Stefanik Moves To Prevent Comey-Era Spy Abuses At FBI

Better that they abolish FISA and that got-damned unpatriotic Patriot Act post haste.
Better that they abolish FISA and that got-damned unpatriotic Patriot Act post haste.

A SECRET Court, secret process, to 'legally' 'violate' someone's Constitutional a Transparent Democracy...? That didn't work out 75 times previously...and it does not look like it worked out in the Trump Investigation scandal.

Perhaps the process should be to come before a Congressional Committee (combination Intel and Judicial Committees) and present what they have and request warrants...?!

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