Growing Arab Support For Israel

Arab Report: Another Jewish Home Redeemed in Silwan

According to a Shebab news agency tweet on Wednesday, yet another home has been redeemed in the formerly Jewish neighborhood of Kfar Ha’Shiloach, a.k.a. Silwan.

Last April, Sheikh Ekrima Sa’id Sabri, who was appointed by Yasser Arafat to serve as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem between 1994 and 2006, issued a fatwa (a legal opinion on a point of Islamic law given by a qualified jurist – DI) against sellers and real estate brokers of homes and land to Jews. The fatwa followed an announcement that 15 Jewish families had settled in their homes in Kfar HaShiloach in eastern Jerusalem.

According to the writ, the traitors should be boycotted, marriage to them is forbidden, they may not buy or rent homes, and when they die their bodies should not be washed and wrapped in shrouds, nor be buried in Muslim cemeteries.

In 2002, Sabri issued a pamphlet entitled “Palestine – the Man and the Land,” published by the Arab information Center, which included anti-Semitic motifs drawn from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, denied the historical right of the Jews to the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, and challenged the legitimacy of the existence of the State of Israel.

In a 2000 interview with the Italian newspaper la Repubblica, said, “Six million Jews dead? No way, they were much fewer. Let’s stop with this fairytale exploited by Israel to capture international solidarity. It is not my fault if Hitler hated Jews, indeed they were hated a little everywhere. Instead, it is necessary to denounce the unjust occupation endured by my people. Tomorrow I will ask John Paul II… to support our cause.”

Mahmoud Abbas removed Sabri as mufti In July 2006, replacing him with Muhammad Ahmad Hussein.

Lebanon president says open to Israel peace talks

Asked in an exclusive interview with France’s BFM television whether Lebanon was ready to make peace with Israel, he responded: “That depends. We have problems with Israel and we have to resolve them first.”

It was a shocking statement by a president whose rise has benefited from a more than decade-old alliance with Hezbollah, arguably the most powerful military force in the country.



Does "Kuss Achtaq" really require a direct translation into English?
Cause I can't bring myself to say those...

Orthodox singer Narkis stuns as Israeli wins best designer at Dubai fashion festival

Israeli music and design came together at the World Fashion Festival Awards in Dubai, with Ilanit Mizrahi winning best designer


Israeli singer Narkis, a religiously observant Jew, performed at the World Fashion Festival Awards in Dubai on Saturday during a runway walk showing off dresses by Israeli designer Ilanit Mizrahi, who ended up winning first place at the fashion week for best bridal designer.

Narkis performed her song "Holechet Itcha" (Walking with You) in both Hebrew and Arabic while wearing a dress with the Emirati and Israeli flags embroidered on it.

"Holechet Itcha has also arrived in Dubai," wrote Narkis on Instagram. "Much respect to Israel.
"May we merit to get to more moments like this. Believe in yourselves," wrote Mizrahi.

So wonderful more & more Arab countries joining in peace with Israel. Oh Palestinians, how long will you choose to be the only self chosen losers?
An amazing video from 1956, listen to a Lebanese woman explaining life and consciousness in Lebanon as it was then. Notice she appears alongside an Israeli representative, today we will not see it conspicuously anymore.

Lebanon under the Shia Islamist rule degrades backwards,
as Israel continues to advance and perpetuate itself a regional power.

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Saudi Lawyer Claims Al Aqsa Mosque Is In Saudi Arabia, Not Jerusalem

Rabat - Saudi lawyer Oussama Yemani made controversial remarks, claiming that Al Aqsa Mosque is not in Jerusalem but in Saudi Arabia.

The lawyer published an opinion piece with the Okaz news outlet, saying that millions of Muslims have had “wrong answers” for years regarding the location of Al Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam.
He argued that many people believe Al Aqsa Mosque is in Jerusalem because of history books.

“Jerusalem is not [the site of] Al-Aqsa [Mosque] as it was not bearing this name during the mission of the messenger of God, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, nor during the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs,” he said.

Yemani also said people are confused about the qiblah, which is the direction of the Kaaba of the sacred mosque in Mecca, or the direction Muslims pray.

“Note that the first qibla has nothing to do with Al-Aqsa Mosque, just as there is no consensus about the first qibla,” the Saudi thinker said. He also claimed many people have divided opinions regarding the first qibla. “Many say that the first qibla is the Kaaba, and they mention that the messenger of God used to pray in Mecca to the Kaaba and then was ordered to pray to the rock of Jerusalem after the migration,” Yemani said.

Concluding his theory, Yemani claimed that the Al Aqsa Mosque is in Al Ju'ranah, a village in Mecca province, in western Saudi Arabia. Al Ju’ranah is located 18 miles northeast of Mecca.

Yemani claimed that through his theories one can conclude that the difference between “narratives and narrators is due to political matters that have been employed in favor of events, issues, and political stances that have nothing to do with faith or interest in deeds and worship.”

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RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
SUBTOPIC: News of the Day
et al,

Our friend "rylah" has posted several "tweets" (many thanks) on the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation that have been very enlightening; if not rather great eye candy.

But the Tweet that caught my eye was:

Comment on the So Called 1967 Borders.png

I have made similar comments, and it is refreshing to see that others have made the same observation.


Most Respectfully,

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