Growing Discomfort at Law Firms Representing Trump in Election Lawsuits

If there was mass evidence of voter fraud and a fixed election these law firms wouldn't be so nervous about taking on Trumps suits.........

Doing business with Trump — with his history of inflammatory rhetoric, meritless lawsuits and refusal to pay what he owes — has long induced heartburn among lawyers, contractors, suppliers and lenders. But the concerns are taking on new urgency as the president seeks to raise doubts about the election results.

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Anonymous sources, "partners and associates"

So some SJW junior lawyers are bitching, big fucking deal.
It's all fun and games until..
Someone stiffs you on the bill, hahaha
Loser Demmies pay all for their Extortion-artist con man Joe Biden. Maybe the American taxpayers will get their money back that was diverted from the Ukraine to Joe Biden and his son's gaming of the system using and naming himself the VPOTUS to get cash on the barrelhead, which is easier to conceal than a checque from the victim 3rd world country's generous gift diverted from taxpayers in the United States of America to Pickpocket Joe Biden.

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