Gruber Said Voters Are Stupid. Why So Offended?


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
Yet another video has surfaced of Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Jonathan Gruber, who was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for consulting on Obamacare and has stated that he counted on the “stupidity” of Americans for the law to be adopted, but this one shows he puts Barack Obama in a different league.

In this, Gruber, who teaches in the school’s economics department, said, “Now Barack Obama’s not a stupid man.”

His comment was in the context of Obama knowing that “the American public doesn’t actually care that much about the uninsured.”

That’s why, he said, although the Obamacare legislation was 90 percent about health insurance coverage and 10 percent about cost control – all the American public heard was about that cost control.

There has been a firestorm stirred up around Gruber’s comments as several videos have surfaced of his opinion of the American public: “Stupid,” “Stupid,” and they don’t really comprehend. He was talking about the strategies used by the Obama administration to push Obamacare into law.

He has praised the deceptive maneuvering by the Obama administration and said it was well worth it because he wanted the law.

Gruber in 4th video Obama not stupid

So, finally, someone has told something that might be true. I’m not saying that everybody is stupid, but common, our government does so much crazy and even unlawful stuff while we tolerate that. Isn’t it stupid? And frankly speaking, great number of people are ignorant and gullible, so Gruber has his reasons to consider electorate stupid.

Why did everybody get so offended? Because it’s not polite? Or because it’s the truth that hurts?
Had these videos been seen by Americans a few years back along with Obama's lies about being able to keep your doctor and keep your plans, Obamacare would never have passed.
Yet another video has surfaced of Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Jonathan Gruber, who was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for consulting on Obamacare and has stated that he counted on the “stupidity” of Americans for the law to be adopted, but this one shows he puts Barack Obama in a different league.

In this, Gruber, who teaches in the school’s economics department, said, “Now Barack Obama’s not a stupid man.”

His comment was in the context of Obama knowing that “the American public doesn’t actually care that much about the uninsured.”

That’s why, he said, although the Obamacare legislation was 90 percent about health insurance coverage and 10 percent about cost control – all the American public heard was about that cost control.

There has been a firestorm stirred up around Gruber’s comments as several videos have surfaced of his opinion of the American public: “Stupid,” “Stupid,” and they don’t really comprehend. He was talking about the strategies used by the Obama administration to push Obamacare into law.

He has praised the deceptive maneuvering by the Obama administration and said it was well worth it because he wanted the law.

Gruber in 4th video Obama not stupid

So, finally, someone has told something that might be true. I’m not saying that everybody is stupid, but common, our government does so much crazy and even unlawful stuff while we tolerate that. Isn’t it stupid? And frankly speaking, great number of people are ignorant and gullible, so Gruber has his reasons to consider electorate stupid.

Why did everybody get so offended? Because it’s not polite? Or because it’s the truth that hurts?
Since only Dem's voted for it...
Yet another video has surfaced of Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Jonathan Gruber, who was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for consulting on Obamacare and has stated that he counted on the “stupidity” of Americans for the law to be adopted, but this one shows he puts Barack Obama in a different league.

In this, Gruber, who teaches in the school’s economics department, said, “Now Barack Obama’s not a stupid man.”

His comment was in the context of Obama knowing that “the American public doesn’t actually care that much about the uninsured.”

That’s why, he said, although the Obamacare legislation was 90 percent about health insurance coverage and 10 percent about cost control – all the American public heard was about that cost control.

There has been a firestorm stirred up around Gruber’s comments as several videos have surfaced of his opinion of the American public: “Stupid,” “Stupid,” and they don’t really comprehend. He was talking about the strategies used by the Obama administration to push Obamacare into law.

He has praised the deceptive maneuvering by the Obama administration and said it was well worth it because he wanted the law.

Gruber in 4th video Obama not stupid

So, finally, someone has told something that might be true. I’m not saying that everybody is stupid, but common, our government does so much crazy and even unlawful stuff while we tolerate that. Isn’t it stupid? And frankly speaking, great number of people are ignorant and gullible, so Gruber has his reasons to consider electorate stupid.

Why did everybody get so offended? Because it’s not polite? Or because it’s the truth that hurts?

Alas you truly have missed the point of Gruber's comments.

I don't believe people are offended as much as outraged by the arrogance of this man bragging about counting on the ignorance and or stupidity of the American electorate to design a horrid piece of legislation.
Had these videos been seen by Americans a few years back along with Obama's lies about being able to keep your doctor and keep your plans, Obamacare would never have passed.

I doubt that ... We know the truth about the lies and have always known the Democrats think their voters are stupid.

The ACA passed because Progressive Liberals wanted it no matter the damage, cost, lack of transparency or deceit necessary to accomplish that goal. Look at how many still support it knowing the truth and what their leaders actually think about them.

The people never voted on Obamacare. The representatives did. However, we, in turn, votes for our representatives and we voted them back in office, for the most part (in the Senate in 2010).

There were warnings from some in the Republican party and those warnings were not heeded.

We all should have been skeptical of the over 2000 pages of a a bill, a bill that no one read, no one debated, and a leader in the House who actually said, "We have to pass it to see what is in it." Who passes a bill into law that way other than the Democrats?

Shame on us for letting them get away with that! Wasn't it Obama said that once said the legislature would have three days to read a bill before voting on it? Where was that 3 days? It was more like 3 hours!

We have a new majority in the Senate now. Hold them to a higher standards! None of the crap that was pulled in the dark of night any more.
It's not so much what Gruber said. It's the motives for doing what he's admitting to. Without outright lying, obfuscating, misleading, etc., BarryCare would have gone the way of HillaryCare.
Yet another video has surfaced of Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Jonathan Gruber, who was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for consulting on Obamacare and has stated that he counted on the “stupidity” of Americans for the law to be adopted, but this one shows he puts Barack Obama in a different league.

In this, Gruber, who teaches in the school’s economics department, said, “Now Barack Obama’s not a stupid man.”

His comment was in the context of Obama knowing that “the American public doesn’t actually care that much about the uninsured.”

That’s why, he said, although the Obamacare legislation was 90 percent about health insurance coverage and 10 percent about cost control – all the American public heard was about that cost control.

There has been a firestorm stirred up around Gruber’s comments as several videos have surfaced of his opinion of the American public: “Stupid,” “Stupid,” and they don’t really comprehend. He was talking about the strategies used by the Obama administration to push Obamacare into law.

He has praised the deceptive maneuvering by the Obama administration and said it was well worth it because he wanted the law.

Gruber in 4th video Obama not stupid

So, finally, someone has told something that might be true. I’m not saying that everybody is stupid, but common, our government does so much crazy and even unlawful stuff while we tolerate that. Isn’t it stupid? And frankly speaking, great number of people are ignorant and gullible, so Gruber has his reasons to consider electorate stupid.

Why did everybody get so offended? Because it’s not polite? Or because it’s the truth that hurts?
Since only Dem's voted for it...

Yuppers. I've been having a blast watching Democrats like that old "lie like a rug" Pelosi claiming she didn't know who Gruber was.


Even though she gives him credit on her blog.
The people never voted on Obamacare. The representatives did. However, we, in turn, votes for our representatives and we voted them back in office, for the most part (in the Senate in 2010).

There is some good news though ...

If Senator Landrieu doesn't win her run-off ... 29 of the Democrat Senators who voted for the ACA will no longer be in the Senate. That is more than half of the Senators that voted for the legislation.

The people never voted on Obamacare. The representatives did. However, we, in turn, votes for our representatives and we voted them back in office, for the most part (in the Senate in 2010).

There is some good news though ...

If Senator Landrieu doesn't win her run-off ... 29 of the Democrat Senators who voted for the ACA will no longer be in the Senate. That is more than half of the Senators that voted for the legislation.


I was just reading about the number of Senators who have fallen on the blade of Obamacare.

It's a staggering figure. Although they've lost their Senate seats I'd much prefer to see them wearing orange with silver bracelets that tie together for foisting such a criminal piece of legislation on the American people.
The people never voted on Obamacare. The representatives did. However, we, in turn, votes for our representatives and we voted them back in office, for the most part (in the Senate in 2010).

There is some good news though ...

If Senator Landrieu doesn't win her run-off ... 29 of the Democrat Senators who voted for the ACA will no longer be in the Senate. That is more than half of the Senators that voted for the legislation.

We have to get the other half! Namely Reid! lol I believe he's up in 2015.
The people never voted on Obamacare. The representatives did. However, we, in turn, votes for our representatives and we voted them back in office, for the most part (in the Senate in 2010).

There is some good news though ...

If Senator Landrieu doesn't win her run-off ... 29 of the Democrat Senators who voted for the ACA will no longer be in the Senate. That is more than half of the Senators that voted for the legislation.


I was just reading about the number of Senators who have fallen on the blade of Obamacare.

It's a staggering figure. Although they've lost their Senate seats I'd much prefer to see them wearing orange with silver bracelets that tie together for foisting such a criminal piece of legislation on the American people.

There should be a gold plaque in the Senate listing the names of the men and women who voted on a this bill without reading and debating and ultimately lost their seats for their lack of due diligence.
It was 5 days originally, then he reduced it to 3. He then proceeded to sign in his first piece of legislation 2 days after it passed.

he says it a little over half way through the video

And I can't find it, but believe it was only 24 hours the ppaca was posted online before passage. I stayed up to read it.
The people never voted on Obamacare. The representatives did. However, we, in turn, votes for our representatives and we voted them back in office, for the most part (in the Senate in 2010).

There were warnings from some in the Republican party and those warnings were not heeded.

We all should have been skeptical of the over 2000 pages of a a bill, a bill that no one read, no one debated, and a leader in the House who actually said, "We have to pass it to see what is in it." Who passes a bill into law that way other than the Democrats?

Shame on us for letting them get away with that! Wasn't it Obama said that once said the legislature would have three days to read a bill before voting on it? Where was that 3 days? It was more like 3 hours!

We have a new majority in the Senate now. Hold them to a higher standards! None of the crap that was pulled in the dark of night any more.

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