GUARANTEED pay raises and promotions for government employees?


Dec 16, 2013
This cant be real. Let me just say for the record, as a conservative, I despise welfare and food stamps, and all other handout, freebie programs. It should all be cut. But, this one irks me just as much.

Were you aware that federal government employees get GUARANTEED pay raises/promotions, just for not getting fired?

I saw a military pay chart for officers, and read up on how it works. If you are an O-1 in the Navy, and simply remain employed there for 4-6 years, you AUTOMATICALLY work up to O-2 and O-3....and get guaranteed yearly pay raises. Most of the federal government and military is the same.

WTF? What happened to MERIT pay? Deserving and EARNING your pay increase and promotion, rather than just getting it by not quitting or being fired? THAT isn't how the free market and private sector works.

We need to STAND UP and WAKE UP on behalf of the tax payers of this country. End welfare. End food stamps. End guaranteed pay and promotions and sweetheart retirements that the rest of us don't get in our jobs.
This cant be real. Let me just say for the record, as a conservative, I despise welfare and food stamps, and all other handout, freebie programs. It should all be cut. But, this one irks me just as much.

Were you aware that federal government employees get GUARANTEED pay raises/promotions, just for not getting fired?

I saw a military pay chart for officers, and read up on how it works. If you are an O-1 in the Navy, and simply remain employed there for 4-6 years, you AUTOMATICALLY work up to O-2 and O-3....and get guaranteed yearly pay raises. Most of the federal government and military is the same.

WTF? What happened to MERIT pay? Deserving and EARNING your pay increase and promotion, rather than just getting it by not quitting or being fired? THAT isn't how the free market and private sector works.

We need to STAND UP and WAKE UP on behalf of the tax payers of this country. End welfare. End food stamps. End guaranteed pay and promotions and sweetheart retirements that the rest of us don't get in our jobs.

Yes, we in the military do get automatic promotions after a few years. However, to get promoted to O-4 & beyond, we face promotion boards. We also don't get to choose where we live & we deploy to some pretty rough neighborhoods. We also put out lives on the line to keep the country free. Now, if you are willing to do these things, then you can say something. If not, then kindly shut the hell up...
This cant be real. Let me just say for the record, as a conservative, I despise welfare and food stamps, and all other handout, freebie programs. It should all be cut. But, this one irks me just as much.

Were you aware that federal government employees get GUARANTEED pay raises/promotions, just for not getting fired?

I saw a military pay chart for officers, and read up on how it works. If you are an O-1 in the Navy, and simply remain employed there for 4-6 years, you AUTOMATICALLY work up to O-2 and O-3....and get guaranteed yearly pay raises. Most of the federal government and military is the same.

WTF? What happened to MERIT pay? Deserving and EARNING your pay increase and promotion, rather than just getting it by not quitting or being fired? THAT isn't how the free market and private sector works.

We need to STAND UP and WAKE UP on behalf of the tax payers of this country. End welfare. End food stamps. End guaranteed pay and promotions and sweetheart retirements that the rest of us don't get in our jobs.

You are comparing military pay to welfare! Freedom isn't free dude!
This cant be real. Let me just say for the record, as a conservative, I despise welfare and food stamps, and all other handout, freebie programs. It should all be cut. But, this one irks me just as much.

Were you aware that federal government employees get GUARANTEED pay raises/promotions, just for not getting fired?

I saw a military pay chart for officers, and read up on how it works. If you are an O-1 in the Navy, and simply remain employed there for 4-6 years, you AUTOMATICALLY work up to O-2 and O-3....and get guaranteed yearly pay raises. Most of the federal government and military is the same.

WTF? What happened to MERIT pay? Deserving and EARNING your pay increase and promotion, rather than just getting it by not quitting or being fired? THAT isn't how the free market and private sector works.

We need to STAND UP and WAKE UP on behalf of the tax payers of this country. End welfare. End food stamps. End guaranteed pay and promotions and sweetheart retirements that the rest of us don't get in our jobs.

What's wrong with that? You don't think after someone has another year of experience doing their job they shouldn't get a small pay raise?

The fuck ups usually end up getting busted and losing rank or kicked out. So it's not like everyone automatically gets pay raises.
Guaranteed pay raises should be granted on actual RESULTS, not because of the mistaken perception that a degree makes a person smarter than a person with natural brains.

One of the greatest injustices is that a self-taught, hard-working employee, who in fact produces more than an overpriced yuppie gets paid less than that same overpriced yuppie.

I came to this conclusion as I was correcting the grammatical and spelling errors in the reports of my fellow employees, with fancy degrees, (because they ASKED me to) while my qualifications were hard work and desire to succeed and being grown-up enough to realize that bitching to the boss about my pay being lower than that of the yuppies will not earn me a higher salary. Realizing that the knowledge I earned by my own efforts is worth more and is more satisfying than what's given by professors of questionable credibility.
Depending on your career field, you are mostly guaranteed promotions until you reach working level. Of course, that is based on acceptable performance evaluations and appropriate time in grade.
Beyond that, you must compete for promotions
This cant be real. Let me just say for the record, as a conservative, I despise welfare and food stamps, and all other handout, freebie programs. It should all be cut. But, this one irks me just as much.

Were you aware that federal government employees get GUARANTEED pay raises/promotions, just for not getting fired?

I saw a military pay chart for officers, and read up on how it works. If you are an O-1 in the Navy, and simply remain employed there for 4-6 years, you AUTOMATICALLY work up to O-2 and O-3....and get guaranteed yearly pay raises. Most of the federal government and military is the same.

WTF? What happened to MERIT pay? Deserving and EARNING your pay increase and promotion, rather than just getting it by not quitting or being fired? THAT isn't how the free market and private sector works.

We need to STAND UP and WAKE UP on behalf of the tax payers of this country. End welfare. End food stamps. End guaranteed pay and promotions and sweetheart retirements that the rest of us don't get in our jobs.

Yes, we in the military do get automatic promotions after a few years. However, to get promoted to O-4 & beyond, we face promotion boards. We also don't get to choose where we live & we deploy to some pretty rough neighborhoods. We also put out lives on the line to keep the country free. Now, if you are willing to do these things, then you can say something. If not, then kindly shut the hell up...

You signed up for it.

The day you raised your hand, and volunteered to begin living off MY tax dollar, you became part of the government, and thus, you are a taker. You and your coworkers perform a job, which was explained to you, just like all government workers perform a job. You get a paycheck, consisting of taxpayer dollars.

You, or any person who volunteered to live off taxpayer money, should not get a better deal than the very taxpayers you live off of. There aren't guaranteed raises/promotions in the private sector, so no government employee should get them either.

Afterall, its OUR money you work for.
Government jobs should be given raises NO DIFFERENT than that of the private sector. NOT GUARANTEED...and that includes the Congress.

...any person who volunteered to live off taxpayer money, should not get a better deal than the very taxpayers you live off of...
Let's all bear in mind that serving in uniform is not necessarily a better deal, it's just a different deal. Those 'guaranteed pay raises' only apply those who remain in the service many do not--

--for various reasons.
...There aren't guaranteed raises/promotions in the private sector, so no government employee should get them either...
They don't. Civil service grade increases only go to those that begin doing work that's more difficult and costs more on the open market. Just like the private sector. Step increases only apply to newer workers that prove they've learned new skills; step increases stop after a limited time --as in the private sector. Cost of living increases happen with inflation, just like they do in the private sector:
Government jobs should be given raises NO DIFFERENT than that of the private sector. NOT GUARANTEED...and that includes the Congress.


With the exception of cost of living increases, all government raises are based on merit
I saw a military pay chart for officers, and read up on how it works. If you are an O-1 in the Navy, and simply remain employed there for 4-6 years, you AUTOMATICALLY work up to O-2 and O-3....and get guaranteed yearly pay raises. Most of the federal government and military is the same.

Did you know that many E-1's and such (1) don't make minimum wage when you consider the hours they work and (2) have to go on food stamps and other programs to help their families. Is it OK in your book if they have a pay raise every now and then to at least keep up with inflation a little bit?

For an O-2, base pay is $4,538.76/month. Let's take a 6 month deployment when you're literally at work and on call 24 hours a day, living 5 ft away from your boss and unable to see friends and family. Your pay per hour is $6.30 when on deployment. Sailors get paid less when they do the hardest and most dangerous part of their job. Is it OK with you if they get a pay raise to at least keep up with inflation?

WTF? What happened to MERIT pay? Deserving and EARNING your pay increase and promotion, rather than just getting it by not quitting or being fired? THAT isn't how the free market and private sector works.

So O-2's in the navy don't merit their pay? Is that what you're saying?
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Did you know that many E-1's and such (1) don't make minimum wage when you consider the hours they work and (2) have to go on food stamps and other programs to help their families.
It is a salary position, not as simple as trying to make an apples to apples comparison to an hourly rate. How about 30 days paid leave, how does that figure into the comparison with someone compensated hourly?

For an E1 with < 2 years experience and a family (approx)
Base: 1500
BAS: 350
BAQ: depends on local housing costs, for my zip code = 1300

So 1500+350+1300 = 3150/month x 12 = $37,800 annual pay for an entry level position (often relatively unskilled) that is usually held by young men and women in the late teens to early 20s. Sure there are some enlisted people who receive food stamps and while that makes for a nifty talking point in reality it uncommon and limited to very junior enlisted with large families who quickly promote out of it.

"The latest Agriculture Department data show 5,000 active-duty military families received SNAP benefits in 2011, about 0.01 percent of participants nationwide and about 0.36 percent of the active-duty military population."

From Food stamp usage levels off at commissaries | Army Times |

Let's take a 6 month deployment when you're literally at work and on call 24 hours a day
You aren't "literally" at work 24 hours per day, or else you wouldn't even sleep. I'm a software developer and if our shit goes down they are calling me even if it is 2:00 am, does that mean I'm allowed to claim I literally work 24 hours per day and make calculations based on that to come up with hourly pay figures?
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