Gues who looks like DIck Cheney!?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.

Here's the cool thing.

Obama used that very item as a joke.

Obama: Devil comparison not fair to Satan | News - Home

How ever, conservatives didn't have such good humor when "Game of Thrones" used Bush's likeness in a decapitation.

HBO pulling ?Game of Thrones? episode which featured likeness of former President George W. Bush on severed head* - NY Daily News



George W. has a terrific and extremely self deprecating sense of humor.

George W. Bush, for all his problems, does in fact have a great sense of humor, from what I've heard.

The Conservative Right as a whole? They don't.

From what you've heard, and not from what you've seen yourself?

Sorry............................but I really don't think that Curious George Jr. has much of a sense of humor, as much as he has an inability to see when he's being laughed at.'re right...................the conservatives don't really have any kind of humor, all they have is mean spirited bitchiness.
I seem to recall Dick Cheney giving a speech somewhere and as he stepped up to the podium they played the Star Wars Darth Vader music.

Here's the cool thing.

Obama used that very item as a joke.

Obama: Devil comparison not fair to Satan | News - Home

How ever, conservatives didn't have such good humor when "Game of Thrones" used Bush's likeness in a decapitation.

HBO pulling ?Game of Thrones? episode which featured likeness of former President George W. Bush on severed head* - NY Daily News



George W. has a terrific and extremely self deprecating sense of humor.


Oh I agree.

Bush wasn't a bad guy.

He just got in with a bad crowd.
Here's the cool thing.

Obama used that very item as a joke.

Obama: Devil comparison not fair to Satan | News - Home

How ever, conservatives didn't have such good humor when "Game of Thrones" used Bush's likeness in a decapitation.

HBO pulling ?Game of Thrones? episode which featured likeness of former President George W. Bush on severed head* - NY Daily News



George W. has a terrific and extremely self deprecating sense of humor.


Oh I agree.

Bush wasn't a bad guy.

He just got in with a bad crowd.

Same can be said about Obama.....right?
Here's the cool thing.

Obama used that very item as a joke.

Obama: Devil comparison not fair to Satan | News - Home

How ever, conservatives didn't have such good humor when "Game of Thrones" used Bush's likeness in a decapitation.

HBO pulling ?Game of Thrones? episode which featured likeness of former President George W. Bush on severed head* - NY Daily News



George W. has a terrific and extremely self deprecating sense of humor.


Oh I agree.

Bush wasn't a bad guy.

He just got in with a bad crowd.

You're right...........................Jr. wasn't a bad guy, he was a fucking idiot who got in with the wrong crowd and was used like a puppet to further the wants of Cheney.

Jr. wasn't either bad or evil, he was just fucking stupid and an idiot frat boy.

Cheney was the evil one.
George W. Bush, for all his problems, does in fact have a great sense of humor, from what I've heard.

The Conservative Right as a whole? They don't.

You have met them all, doctor pork chop?

I think you misunderstand me. I know many Conservatives who have fantastic senses of humor.

The Right as a whole? Nope. Neither does the Left, for that matter.
George W. Bush, for all his problems, does in fact have a great sense of humor, from what I've heard.

The Conservative Right as a whole? They don't.

You have met them all, doctor pork chop?

I think you misunderstand me. I know many Conservatives who have fantastic senses of humor.

The Right as a whole? Nope. Neither does the Left, for that matter.

Actually, I'd prefer the balanced approach that Bill Maher or Jon Stewart has to the bitchiness and mean spirited humor of those like Dennis Miller.

Dennis Miller blows goats and sucks as a comedian. If he wasn't so busy checking his bank account, maybe he'd have time to quit blowing the GOP. Same for the comedians on FAUX Nooze (Billo the Clown and FAUX and Fiends).

But.....................apparently the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil (aka Palin), as well as the bat shit crazy idiot known as Bachmann taught them how to be hateful.

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