Guess which state will have to raise taxes?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
The meth capital of this great nation :up: Alaska
The governor, facing a profound fiscal crisis, has proposed the imposition of a personal income tax for the first time in 35 years. State lawmakers, who recently moved into a palatial new office building here, where they work when not toiling in the far-off Capitol in Juneau, are now seeking less costly digs.

And a state budget that was a point of Alaskan pride — and envy from around the nation — lies in tatters as revenue that flowed from selling crude oil from Prudhoe Bay over the past four decades has been swept away.
One of the many welfare states that takes more from Washington than it kicks-in. Shows what happens when you don't diversify

The meth capital of this great nation :up: Alaska
The governor, facing a profound fiscal crisis, has proposed the imposition of a personal income tax for the first time in 35 years. State lawmakers, who recently moved into a palatial new office building here, where they work when not toiling in the far-off Capitol in Juneau, are now seeking less costly digs.

And a state budget that was a point of Alaskan pride — and envy from around the nation — lies in tatters as revenue that flowed from selling crude oil from Prudhoe Bay over the past four decades has been swept away.
One of the many welfare states that takes more from Washington than it kicks-in. Shows what happens when you don't diversify

The story you quote say NOTHING about meth. Now for some TRUTH.
Missouri is no longer the meth capital of the U.S. : News
The meth capital of this great nation :up: Alaska
The governor, facing a profound fiscal crisis, has proposed the imposition of a personal income tax for the first time in 35 years. State lawmakers, who recently moved into a palatial new office building here, where they work when not toiling in the far-off Capitol in Juneau, are now seeking less costly digs.

And a state budget that was a point of Alaskan pride — and envy from around the nation — lies in tatters as revenue that flowed from selling crude oil from Prudhoe Bay over the past four decades has been swept away.
One of the many welfare states that takes more from Washington than it kicks-in. Shows what happens when you don't diversify

The story you quote say NOTHING about meth. Now for some TRUTH.
Missouri is no longer the meth capital of the U.S. : News
But you still have the after effects, like toothless strippers....
The meth capital of this great nation :up: Alaska
The governor, facing a profound fiscal crisis, has proposed the imposition of a personal income tax for the first time in 35 years. State lawmakers, who recently moved into a palatial new office building here, where they work when not toiling in the far-off Capitol in Juneau, are now seeking less costly digs.

And a state budget that was a point of Alaskan pride — and envy from around the nation — lies in tatters as revenue that flowed from selling crude oil from Prudhoe Bay over the past four decades has been swept away.
One of the many welfare states that takes more from Washington than it kicks-in. Shows what happens when you don't diversify


Kind of funny since the federal government owns more then 50% of Alaska...

Here is an idea why don't Washington give it back to them?
The meth capital of this great nation :up: Alaska
The governor, facing a profound fiscal crisis, has proposed the imposition of a personal income tax for the first time in 35 years. State lawmakers, who recently moved into a palatial new office building here, where they work when not toiling in the far-off Capitol in Juneau, are now seeking less costly digs.

And a state budget that was a point of Alaskan pride — and envy from around the nation — lies in tatters as revenue that flowed from selling crude oil from Prudhoe Bay over the past four decades has been swept away.
One of the many welfare states that takes more from Washington than it kicks-in. Shows what happens when you don't diversify


Kind of funny since the federal government owns more then 50% of Alaska...

Here is an idea why don't Washington give it back to them?
Who is "them"?
NOT ONE WORD about meth in your link. Mods PLEASE move this to the rubber room.
The meth capital of this great nation :up: Alaska
The governor, facing a profound fiscal crisis, has proposed the imposition of a personal income tax for the first time in 35 years. State lawmakers, who recently moved into a palatial new office building here, where they work when not toiling in the far-off Capitol in Juneau, are now seeking less costly digs.

And a state budget that was a point of Alaskan pride — and envy from around the nation — lies in tatters as revenue that flowed from selling crude oil from Prudhoe Bay over the past four decades has been swept away.
One of the many welfare states that takes more from Washington than it kicks-in. Shows what happens when you don't diversify


Kind of funny since the federal government owns more then 50% of Alaska...

Here is an idea why don't Washington give it back to them?
Who is "them"?

Corection the federal government owns 69% of Alaska , Damn I didn't think it was that high.
Look at the liberal laugh at the Feds impoverishing more people by preventing new oil reaching the pipeline.......
"To come up with a list of the worst state budget situations, ABC News asked the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to look at the budget gaps that states closed -- or still need to close -- as a percentage of their overall budgets.

Coming in at the top of the busted list is California, which is going through a miserable budget crisis. But there are also some surprises on the list, including Alaska and Vermont.

California: $53.7 billion shortfall or 58 percent of its budget"

Budget Nightmare: 10 Most Broke States

Evidently, diversity isn't the solution.

Out of the 11 most broke states, only TWO are red...Alaska and Arizona...the other EIGHT are liberal or left leaning.

New York, Illinois, Nevada, Vermont, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and Connecticut...and of course the aforementioned California, which is almost in debt more than the other 10 combined.
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The meth capital of this great nation :up: Alaska
The governor, facing a profound fiscal crisis, has proposed the imposition of a personal income tax for the first time in 35 years. State lawmakers, who recently moved into a palatial new office building here, where they work when not toiling in the far-off Capitol in Juneau, are now seeking less costly digs.

And a state budget that was a point of Alaskan pride — and envy from around the nation — lies in tatters as revenue that flowed from selling crude oil from Prudhoe Bay over the past four decades has been swept away.
One of the many welfare states that takes more from Washington than it kicks-in. Shows what happens when you don't diversify


Kind of funny since the federal government owns more then 50% of Alaska...

Here is an idea why don't Washington give it back to them?
Who is "them"?

Corection the federal government owns 69% of Alaska , Damn I didn't think it was that high.
The federal government owns the vast majority of the land west of the Mississippi River in states that were not states prior to the Civil War.

Why dont they auction some of it off to pay down the national debt?

Look at the liberal laugh at the Feds impoverishing more people by preventing new oil reaching the pipeline.......
ummm..... NEWSFLASH Rightist!!! Prices are down because our two-term, African American, President has used his leadership to keep prices down. Oil is cheap now if you haven't noticed.

Read the OP source next time :banghead:
poor dark even the mods ignore him
he has a IQ of "too 14" donchaknow. I never put the word "meth" in the title but darkfurry is too dumb to realize that.

As to the OP, welcome to the real world jackass (Alaska ;) )
Look at the liberal laugh at the Feds impoverishing more people by preventing new oil reaching the pipeline.......
ummm..... NEWSFLASH Rightist!!! Prices are down because our two-term, African American, President has used his leadership to keep prices down. Oil is cheap now if you haven't noticed.

Read the OP source next time :banghead:
More of your bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of licking Obama's asshole?
Read the fucking facts dummy!
Alaskans will finally have to pay their own way. Something about tax deadbeats that really irks me
Alaska is dependent upon oil prices, the drop in cost hit us hard. So while ya'll cheer low gas prices, we're cringing heh

Also, for the record, Anchorage is actually one of the most diverse cities in the nation: Most diverse place in America is not where you think -

And yep 69% of the state is federally owned; 222 million acres (they say its equal to two and a half California's.) Another 101 million acres are owned by the state, and another 44 million acres owned by 12 of our Native Alaskan groups. They figure only 1% of the state is privately owned.

The reason we take so much fed money is because we're a big military spot and we have a ton of park land, which means a large Bureau of Land Management and Fish and Wildlife (to put this into perspective, 2/3 of all Federal Park land is in Alaska. The breakdown of Fed management is - USFS uses 21,956,250 (US total 192,909,421) - NPS 52,620,512 (US total 79,706,353) - F&W 76,626,272 (US total 300,197,306) - BLM 72,958,757 (US total 247,859,076) and DOD 1,686,371 (US Total 19,514,941)*

* source:

We also use up a lot of poverty money for the Native Alaskans; even just getting heating fuel out to the bush is expensive, much less the "other" stuff they qualify for because they largely have zero income in their villages. Though we've tried to adjust their "income" based on subsistence hunting and so forth (since they pretty much live like they did 100s of years ago by choice, the fed is quite finicky about what counts as "in poverty" so the vast majority fall in that category for statistics. They throw welfare money at us and we use it to slowly improve the quality of life for the natives; wells and running water, septic and indoor bathrooms, well insulated modern houses and buildings, even electricity which is oft so far off the grid they have their own grid for 20 people, and of course guns, ammo, and snow machines and 4 wheelers.)

And we're not even in the top 10 states most dependent on the Federal Government (mostly because we've been using oil to pay for our stuff) - 10 States Most Dependent on the Federal Government

We're cutting our spending and are thinking about implementing a sales tax to fix our shortage. There's also some discussion of capping the PFD (which is basically money every person in the state gets paid off oil profits) at $1,000 a year and using the other roughly $1,000 per person toward the budget shortfall (At least that's what Walker has proposed, many in the state think we can cut more spending before we have to resort to such drastic measures as taking money out of the pockets of Alaskans)
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