Guess Who Else Is Linked To Hillary and the Dems!

It’s gotta suck for you libs to be schooled by a Trump supporter. lol

It's gotta suck for you that you actually believe conspiracy babbling is factual.

Not that your belief sucks for you. It's the way it causes everyone to laugh at you that must suck.
Poor PC. US law enforcement doesn't care about conspiracy raves, so she's out of luck.

Heck, not even her fellow conservatives here really care what she's babbling about. It's not like anyone actually reads it.

If you can't make a point briefly and sensibly, everyone will conclude you're a mindless conspiracy parrot, so that's what they conclude about PC.

I gave you dozens of sourced, linked and quoted clues that led to the undeniable picture of Democrat corruption that I painted. are unable to refute a single one.

Did you have to offer a notarized promise never to do any thinking, to join the Democrat cult????
It’s gotta suck for you libs to be schooled by a Trump supporter. lol

It's gotta suck for you that you actually believe conspiracy babbling is factual.

Not that your belief sucks for you. It's the way it causes everyone to laugh at you that must suck.
Let us know when your party wins back the 1000 seats they lost. :)

Let's rub that in, shall we:

1. "His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll."

2. "Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause

3. "BOMBSHELL: Former DNC Head Admits Obama Cleaned Out The Party, Hillary Stole It, Bernie Got Robbed According to Brazile, Obama “left the party $24 million in debt” – hey, sort of like the country! "
BOMBSHELL: Former DNC Head Admits Obama Cleaned Out The Party, Hillary Stole It, Bernie Got Robbed
It’s gotta suck for you libs to be schooled by a Trump supporter. lol

It's gotta suck for you that you actually believe conspiracy babbling is factual.

Not that your belief sucks for you. It's the way it causes everyone to laugh at you that must suck.

Everything is documented, linked, and sourced.

In short: fact.

Remember: you can't beat something with nothing.....and you've got nothing.
Everything is documented, linked, and sourced.In short: fact.Remember: you can't beat something with nothing.....and you've got nothing.
I don't always agree with you but to the exclusion of most others, I read what you write and check the links. My scholastic background includes a degree in Journalism but with a heavy emphasis on "investigative reporting." I have a respect for those whom try to ferret out, fact from fiction.
Everything is documented, linked, and sourced.In short: fact.Remember: you can't beat something with nothing.....and you've got nothing.
I don't always agree with you but to the exclusion of most others, I read what you write and check the links. My scholastic background includes a degree in Journalism but with a heavy emphasis on "investigative reporting." I have a respect for those whom try to ferret out, fact from fiction.

Very gracious of you.
Thank you.
gave you dozens of sourced, linked and quoted clues that led to the undeniable picture of Democrat corruption that I painted.

No, you gave us jabbering bullshit, same as you always do. And that's all you ever have, which is why you have these meltdowns when people point it out and laugh.

Now, run back to your kook Stalinst cult to get some more "sources", little goosestepper. And then maybe explain why law enforcement ignores your babbling. Are they part of the vast secret global socialist conspiracy?

Your fables require that the whole planet be conspiring against you. That means you're a paranoid conspiracy bedwetter.
gave you dozens of sourced, linked and quoted clues that led to the undeniable picture of Democrat corruption that I painted.

No, you gave us jabbering bullshit, same as you always do. And that's all you ever have, which is why you have these meltdowns when people point it out and laugh.

Now, run back to your kook Stalinst cult to get some more "sources", little goosestepper. And then maybe explain why law enforcement ignores your babbling. Are they part of the vast secret global socialist conspiracy?

Your fables require that the whole planet be conspiring against you. That means you're a paranoid conspiracy bedwetter.

1. Your vulgarity is an unconscious admission that I've won......again.
Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, that they have no adequate response to truth that destroys their worldview, their most closely held beliefs, their language falls to the vulgar.

It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That would be you.

2. If there were anything in my immaculately constructed thread that you could dispute.... would have.

You didn't, because you can't.

You've never 'pointed' anything out.

3. As this is the same pattern you brain-dead Leftists offer each and every time, when will there ever be a Leftist with the intelligence to either admit that what I post is 100% true, accurate, and correct....

....or actually try to counter my arguments?


Actually....I didn't mean that you should try to counter my arguments....I meant those with more than a double digit IQ.
1. Your vulgarity is an unconscious admission that I've won......again.

No, it's straight talk, something that a commie mouthpiece like you isn't capable of.

If you weren't clueless, you could make a succinct and coherent point. You can't. You pile it up higher and deeper to make it look like you've got something, but a big pile of bullshit just stinks more.
1. Your vulgarity is an unconscious admission that I've won......again.

No, it's straight talk, something that a commie mouthpiece like you isn't capable of.

If you weren't clueless, you could make a succinct and coherent point. You can't. You pile it up higher and deeper to make it look like you've got something, but a big pile of bullshit just stinks more.

You were just challenged to find my posts that you could refute.

As is your've failed again.

Story of your life, huh?
Wow....did this 'Russian Collusion' ploy turn into a boomerang for the Democrats!

Remember how the Russian lawyer meeting with Junior was gonna prove that Trump was tied to the Kremlin???

Now, it turns out that the cut-out that Hillary paid to bring Moscow to her side was the same group that sent Natalia Veselnitskaya to meet with the Trump folks.

1. "Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down

2. The co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm behind the unverified Trump dossier, met with a Russian lawyer before and after a key meeting she had last year with Trump’s son...

3. The contacts shed new light on how closely tied the firm was to Russian interests, at a time when it was financing research to discredit then-candidate Donald Trump.

4. ....the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid for that research. Congressional Republicans have since questioned whether that politically financed research contributed to the FBI’s investigation of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign – making Fusion’s 2016 contacts with Russian interests all the more relevant.

5. ...hours before the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Fusion co-founder and ex-Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson was with Veselnitskaya .... email correspondence and published reports corroborate the pair’s presence together.....they also were together after the Trump Tower meeting.

6. Simpson’s presence with Veselnitskaya during this critical week in June -- together with revelations about Fusion’s simultaneous financial ties to the DNC, Clinton campaign and Russian interests -- raise new questions about the company’s role in the 2016 election.

7. Simpson and Fusion GPS were hired by BakerHostetler, which represented Russian firm Prevezon through Veselnitskaya.

8. records show Fusion GPS was paid by a law firm for work on behalf of a Kremlin-linked oligarch while paying a former British spy Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump through his Russian contacts."
Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down
Poor trumpanzees....can't live without being victims of H. Clinton.
It’s gotta suck for you libs to be schooled by a Trump supporter. lol

It's gotta suck for you that you actually believe conspiracy babbling is factual.

Not that your belief sucks for you. It's the way it causes everyone to laugh at you that must suck.
Let us know when your party wins back the 1000 seats they lost. :)
How's that controlling all three branches working out for you? Why still playing the victims?
Wow....did this 'Russian Collusion' ploy turn into a boomerang for the Democrats!

Remember how the Russian lawyer meeting with Junior was gonna prove that Trump was tied to the Kremlin???

Now, it turns out that the cut-out that Hillary paid to bring Moscow to her side was the same group that sent Natalia Veselnitskaya to meet with the Trump folks.

1. "Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down

2. The co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm behind the unverified Trump dossier, met with a Russian lawyer before and after a key meeting she had last year with Trump’s son...

3. The contacts shed new light on how closely tied the firm was to Russian interests, at a time when it was financing research to discredit then-candidate Donald Trump.

4. ....the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid for that research. Congressional Republicans have since questioned whether that politically financed research contributed to the FBI’s investigation of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign – making Fusion’s 2016 contacts with Russian interests all the more relevant.

5. ...hours before the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Fusion co-founder and ex-Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson was with Veselnitskaya .... email correspondence and published reports corroborate the pair’s presence together.....they also were together after the Trump Tower meeting.

6. Simpson’s presence with Veselnitskaya during this critical week in June -- together with revelations about Fusion’s simultaneous financial ties to the DNC, Clinton campaign and Russian interests -- raise new questions about the company’s role in the 2016 election.

7. Simpson and Fusion GPS were hired by BakerHostetler, which represented Russian firm Prevezon through Veselnitskaya.

8. records show Fusion GPS was paid by a law firm for work on behalf of a Kremlin-linked oligarch while paying a former British spy Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump through his Russian contacts."
Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down
Poor trumpanzees....can't live without being victims of H. Clinton.

Is this your attempt to side-step the facts?

Not workin'....


Hillary is not the first Democrat presidential wannabe who allied with the Russians against the USofA.

"In his book, which came out this week, Kengor focuses on a KGB letter written at the height of the Cold War that shows that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) offered to assist Soviet leaders in formulating a public relations strategy to counter President Reagan’s foreign policy and to complicate his re-election efforts.

The letter, dated May 14, 1983, was sent from the head of the KGB to Yuri Andropov, who was then General Secretary of the Soviet Union’s Communist Party.

In his letter, KGB head Viktor Chebrikov offered Andropov his interpretation of Kennedy’s offer. Former U.S. Sen. John Tunney (D-Calif.) had traveled to Moscow on behalf of Kennedy to seek out a partnership with Andropov and other Soviet officials, Kengor claims in his book."
Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit

Ace of Spades HQ

Aren't you ashamed to be shilling for this traitorous party?????

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