Guess Who Says People Really Want Him to Run for President Again

Sure, that's why he now is on the popular "repeal obamacare" bandwagon while he called names and vilified those who had the balls to stand for that when it was the right thing to do, not when it became the popular thing to do.

I respect his service to this country, but fuck him.
He has no business running again anyway. He has sided more and more with the Dems than True Conservatives. He has attacked his on side, and doesn't even deserve a nomination at all.
McCain has been guilty of some serious judgement lapses in the past.
The most obvious, as a US Senator from Arizona, was his long time close association and friendship with Charles Keating, the head of the former Lincoln Savings And Loan, which was, until the present era and Angelo Mozillo, the largest financial collapse of a bank at taxpayer expense.
McCain has been the beneficial recipient of a lot of political clout and cover during his time in this country's service and I'm just guessing there are several other events in his career where he was just allowed to skate, instead of being held to account for the incident. His grandfather was a US Navy admiral in charge of part of William F Halsey's Third Fleet under Halsey. McCain's father was a sub commandeer during WWII who later became CINCPAC during the Vietnam War.
He does relate one incident in his autobiography "Faith Of Our Fathers" while a midshipman at the Naval Acadamy he left the Academy grounds in his dress whites to spend a weekend afternoon with his girlfriend. He was stopped and offered so many drinks by generous civilians whose path he crossed on the way to his girlfriends house, that by the time he arrived there, he passed out and fell through the screen door while knocking.
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if he wants to run again. let him. Im not going to support him. but if he wants to pander to us and support repealing Obamacare because he delusionally thinks we will vote for him in the primary, why not let him?
Please rdean wont vote for a Republican.

But if him running makes him support good legislation to pander to the people, let him run. It's one more vote we have until we vote against him
Please rdean wont vote for a Republican.

But if him running makes him support good legislation to pander to the people, let him run. It's one more vote we have until we vote against him

But he might vote for McCain. (remember sarcasm)
It will take more than 14 members of his family to make run again.
He didn't even want to run again in 2012. He knew he couldn't give the job away to your corrupt Republicans again so he did. He won't run again but Hillary does have it in her. She'll win too.

He's young enough to go on to other things that he would love.
Right... McCain ever wanted to run for President. He hasn't been wanting to have that power and honor for the last 15 years and probably longer.

He's just doing it because he's all noble and is willing to give us what we want because he really wants us to have no power.
Right... McCain ever wanted to run for President. He hasn't been wanting to have that power and honor for the last 15 years and probably longer.

He's just doing it because he's all noble and is willing to give us what we want because he really wants us to have no power.

McCain wanted the job in 2000, he had all the qualifications for it, political experience, war hero status, bona fide patriot, but the GWBush machine steam rollered him. When the field was left open in 2008 he figgered the job was all but his, so he went for it but ended up losing it because of the banking collapse to the lying "Gangster of Choom" (with an apology to Buzzsawmonkey for that wonderful description there)
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