Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Lets start a conspiracy on the Gulf oil disaster.

1) did environmentalist wacko's or terrorists cause the explosion..?

2) can we trust what were being told by the news media?

3) why is Obama sending... Swat teams?

4) is the government taking over the oil industry?

5) does Obama like seafood?

It's a start... :confused:
BP CEO Hayward is Blaming Someone Else

BP CEO Tony Hayward’s first reaction to the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 men, was shock. Then anger. And then another, somewhat less noble, emotion.

“How could the hell could this happen?” were his exact words in a CNN interview that aired Wednesday. Hayward then did what any self-respecting CEO trying to preserve his company’s image would do, he blamed someone else.

The responsibility for safety on the drilling rig is Transocean. It is their rig, their equipment, their people, their systems, their safety processes. The systems’ processes on a drilling rig are the accountability of the drilling rig company.

Hayward isn’t totally throwing Transocean (RIG) under the bus here, as he’s technically correct. The $600 million oil rig is Transocean’s. BP was leasing it from the company for some $500,000 a day. Most of the people on the rig were Transocean people.

But Hayward knows that the public wants — and needs — answers. Lawmakers do, too. They want someone to hold accountable and Hayward can’t let BP become the primary target. BP isn’t going to get out of this unharmed, by any means. But Hayward will try to lessen the damage to BP in two ways: spend the estimated $6 million a day to make sure the oil leaking from its well doesn’t make it to shore; and push the “Transocean is accountable” line as often as possible.

The best case scenario for BP? When the public sees images of the clean-up effort, they think of BP — and when they see images of the rig explosion and the subsequent oil slick, they think of Transocean. Given BP’s ubiquity and Transocean’s relative public anonymity, though, that’s likely a pipe dream.
Due to the Icelandic volcano, the demand for aviation fuel dropped, causing the supply of oil to increase. This caused the oil futures prices to drop. British Petroleum blew up the platform themselves, in order to reduce the supply and drive the prices back up.

That's my story, and I'm sticking with it. Unless, of course, someone comes up with a photo of Godzilla blowing it up. Or that it had an Invisicrete core.
Lets start a conspiracy on the Gulf oil disaster.

1) did environmentalist wacko's or terrorists cause the explosion..?

2) can we trust what were being told by the news media?

3) why is Obama sending... Swat teams?

4) is the government taking over the oil industry?

5) does Obama like seafood?

It's a start... :confused:

I have wondered about those first four questions myself. Obama never did really want offshore drilling. Now he has the perfect "out." Will we be paying $6. a gallon for gas, soon?? I do not trust this regime.....:eek: Soon he will have this country right where he wants it.....totally dependent on the government. Power and control.
Kinspearissy. Hmmmmmmmmm
Alciaduh was told by the shadow govt to take the thing down and make damn sure the Gulfs ecosystem was destroyed forever.
This gets rid of the tree huggers.Then Big Oil will have a wide open, unregulated shot of drilling the whole place like a 50 year old pin cushion.
The oil and /or natural gas will be used to pay back your debts to China.

a drone painted like an american airlines jet was flown the drilling platform.

we all know that no steel structure has ever collapsed from fires.
It was all the fault of the Chinese.
Chinese parts used in the rig failed.

I expect this to pop up.
I upped Fox ON this I think. But just wait.
The Oil Monopoly didn't want Obama to open up more drilling to increase supply and thus lower their profits, so they blew up the rig to get at least the new drilling banned and at best all gulf drilling banned to decrease supply and jack up profits.

When video showed no leakage days after the explosion the Oil Monopoly went back and finished the job over the weekend, opening up a leak that couldn't be stopped.

Sunken rig not leaking crude oil, Coast Guard official says | -
No crude oil is leaking from the oil rig which exploded and sunk off the coast of Louisiana this week, a U.S. Coast Guard official told ABC's "Good Morning, America" Friday.
Rear Admiral Mary Landry said that "there is nothing emanating from the well-head." She also said the Coast Guard is "holding out hope" of finding the missing 11 oil rig workers alive.
Landry said that a 2-mile-by-8-mile slick visible on the surface is residual oil from the explosion and not from the well, a finding reached by analyzing data from remotely-operated underwater vehicles and sonar.
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The Oil Monopoly didn't want Obama to open up more drilling to increase supply and thus lower their profits, so they blew up the rig to get at least the new drilling banned and at best all gulf drilling banned to decrease supply and jack up profits.

When video showed no leakage days after the explosion the Oil Monopoly went back and finished the job over the weekend, opening up a leak that couldn't be stopped.

Sunken rig not leaking crude oil, Coast Guard official says | -
No crude oil is leaking from the oil rig which exploded and sunk off the coast of Louisiana this week, a U.S. Coast Guard official told ABC's "Good Morning, America" Friday.
Rear Admiral Mary Landry said that "there is nothing emanating from the well-head." She also said the Coast Guard is "holding out hope" of finding the missing 11 oil rig workers alive.
Landry said that a 2-mile-by-8-mile slick visible on the surface is residual oil from the explosion and not from the well, a finding reached by analyzing data from remotely-operated underwater vehicles and sonar.

leave it to Ed the MORON
Thank you for the neg rep. You are just jealous of true originality. :rofl:
The Oil Monopoly didn't want Obama to open up more drilling to increase supply and thus lower their profits, so they blew up the rig to get at least the new drilling banned and at best all gulf drilling banned to decrease supply and jack up profits.

When video showed no leakage days after the explosion the Oil Monopoly went back and finished the job over the weekend, opening up a leak that couldn't be stopped.

Sunken rig not leaking crude oil, Coast Guard official says | -
No crude oil is leaking from the oil rig which exploded and sunk off the coast of Louisiana this week, a U.S. Coast Guard official told ABC's "Good Morning, America" Friday.
Rear Admiral Mary Landry said that "there is nothing emanating from the well-head." She also said the Coast Guard is "holding out hope" of finding the missing 11 oil rig workers alive.
Landry said that a 2-mile-by-8-mile slick visible on the surface is residual oil from the explosion and not from the well, a finding reached by analyzing data from remotely-operated underwater vehicles and sonar.

leave it to Ed the MORON
Thank you for the neg rep. You are just jealous of true originality. :rofl:
you deserve every neg rep you get
a drone painted like an american airlines jet was flown the drilling platform.

we all know that no steel structure has ever collapsed from fires.

good point...
It was almost certainly Dick Cheney when he was placing the explosives on the levy in New Orleans as Katrina approached. Think about it. He was already at the gulf. He had helicopters, seaplanes, and Coast Guard craft at his immediate disposal. Just a couple of hours out and back to set the bomb to be detonated at some later time when it would be most useful.
On a slightly more serious note but only slightly, Cheney didn't come into the discussion, but Michael Savage discussed sabotage on his radio program today.

Now Savage is a wierd duck. Libertarian to the core, but deeply religious or at least spiritual, he hates everybody. He trashes O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Hannity, et al on a regular basis, thinks Democrats are the spawn of Hell, and the Republicans have been corrupted by decadent space aliens or something and are the worst of the worst. In spite of all that, every once in awhile on the rare occasions I'm inadvertently listening, he makes a salient point.

He has noted reports of SWAT teams and representatives of the Dept. of Defense present in the investigation of the oil rig 'accident' and Janet Napolitano, Sec of Homeland Securities, is the primary spokesperson for what is happening to contain the oil slick and begin repairs. This is the first time ever that ANY of these types have been on the front lines in an environmental disaster.

This strikes Savage as strange. And given the extreme close mouthedness of the Obama Administration and the lack of hands on interest by the President, Savage is convinced that something is up and this was no accident. His first thought was a Muslim terrorist act and they didn't want to say anything to offend Muslims.

And then a caller from the Gulf area who said he was involved suggested it was not a Muslim but rather a fringe environmental group like Earth First who don't want ANY oil drilling anywhere, much less in the Gulf, and they sabotaged the rig to force the government to ban all further exploration and drilling. Or perhaps they plan other 'accidents' until they stop all oil exploration and production in the gulf period.

Now mind you I didn't think any of this up. I'm just reporting what I was listening to.

I'll have to say though, it's interesting.

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