Gun control efforts dying in Congress


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Rick Moran
March 11, 2013

A sure sign that nothing much will happen on the gun control front is that President Obama has barely lifted a finger to personally lobby lawmakers to pass his agenda. And he certainly hasn't been anywhere near the negotiations that ended up bringing 4 bills to the Senate Judiciary Committee - three of which have little chance of becoming law.

Time Magazine:

After months of negotiation, four bills came to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, reflecting President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden's agenda for post-Sandy Hook action. The first makes straw purchasing and gun trafficking a felony and boosts the penalties for those crimes. Another would expand background checks to include private sales at gun shows and elsewhere. A third would boost spending on school safety programs. And lastly there's a push to ban assault weapons and large ammunition magazines.​

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Blog: Gun control efforts dying in Congress
Good the less Congress does the better for it is for people who want liberty
By Rick Moran
March 11, 2013

A sure sign that nothing much will happen on the gun control front is that President Obama has barely lifted a finger to personally lobby lawmakers to pass his agenda. And he certainly hasn't been anywhere near the negotiations that ended up bringing 4 bills to the Senate Judiciary Committee - three of which have little chance of becoming law.

Time Magazine:

After months of negotiation, four bills came to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, reflecting President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden's agenda for post-Sandy Hook action. The first makes straw purchasing and gun trafficking a felony and boosts the penalties for those crimes. Another would expand background checks to include private sales at gun shows and elsewhere. A third would boost spending on school safety programs. And lastly there's a push to ban assault weapons and large ammunition magazines.​

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Blog: Gun control efforts dying in Congress
I don't believe it as long as their is one gun grabber in congress gun control will never go away.

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