Gun control in action in Europe thread!


May 6, 2013

More to come, everyone welcome to post their favorites.
If you add in all the people murdered by their governments in Europe since the 19,00s, the murder rate in Europe far exceeds the gun murder rate in the U.S. But they never include those figures in those totals, do they? And then they go on to tell us we are nuts to think we need to be concerned about the government....history for a liberal begins the when they wake up in the morning and resets when they go to sleep....
Care to explain how your 70 year old photographs constitute a Current Event?
It goes to the notion in a current thread that no one needs a gun...these photos are visual reminders as to why that is a dumb idea...
Didn't think so. Thread moved. If you're going to troll at least do it in the right place.
Gun control issue is a current event.

Now, go fuck yourself.

Road Runner, not the best way to address a mod. Also, from the posts I can remember, Donttazmebro isn't a bad guy....just doing his job....
Can anyone point to where armed citizens were able to stop Nazis in Europe?

French citizens had guns......lasted a month
Gun control issue is a current event.

Now, go fuck yourself.

Road Runner, not the best way to address a mod. Also, from the posts I can remember, Donttazmebro isn't a bad guy....just doing his job....
Didn't notice it was a mod.

He can ban me though, I really don't give a flying fuck.
Can anyone point to where armed citizens were able to stop Nazis in Europe?

that's sort of the point...not enough of them had guns to do anything, which is why we don't want people limiting our access to guns..and keep in mind, terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan have fought us to the point where we are just picking up and going home....

And guns, in the hands of some civilians allowed them to escape from occupied countries....
Mine prevented me from being robbed and/or worse, while alone at home, in the middle of nowhere, during a blackout.. A current event in good old USA. Good thing I live here, and still have the right to protect myself.....

A well armed citizenry is what kept Hitler from invading Switzerland.
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Mine prevented me from being robbed and/or worse, while alone at home, in the middle of nowhere, during a blackout.. A current event in good old USA. Good thing I live here, and still have the right to protect myself.....

A well armed citizenry is what kept Hitler from invading Switzerland.

What kept Hitler out of Switzerland was not the citizenry. They would have posed no problem at all. What kept him out was the banking system.
Can anyone point to where armed citizens were able to stop Nazis in Europe?

French citizens had guns......lasted a month
Resistance lasted the whole war.

Didn't stop the Nazis from doing what they wanted

Gun nuts claim that armed citizens in Europe would have prevented Nazi atrocities. There were many armed citizens in many European countries (France, Holland, Belgium). Can anyone point to a single case where these armed citizens stopped the Nazis from rounding up who they wanted?
Can anyone point to where armed citizens were able to stop Nazis in Europe?

French citizens had guns......lasted a month
Resistance lasted the whole war.

Didn't stop the Nazis from doing what they wanted

Gun nuts claim that armed citizens in Europe would have prevented Nazi atrocities. There were many armed citizens in many European countries (France, Holland, Belgium). Can anyone point to a single case where these armed citizens stopped the Nazis from rounding up who they wanted?

It really is not a good argument. A group of untrained civilians with an oddball collection of small arms against trained military units with heavy weapons. The only possible outcome is a bunch of dead civilians. And that assumes the populace actually opposes the government behind the military.

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