Gun control polls

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Gun Control Polls Show Longterm Decline In Support, Despite Columbine Bump

Sadly, we have very short memories. While the rabid right wing gun loons step over the bodies of dead children to tout their "right" to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips, the rest of us get busy with other things.

Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

Why do the gun loons want criminals and crazies to be able to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips? EXACTLY how are those used in self defense or hunting?

I own guns but I don't believe it should be the right for every froot loop to be able to buy these unnecessary items.

How many of you gun nuts feel you absolutely MUST be able to buy assault rifles and the big clips? How 'bout the tear gas? How do you use that? If a bad guy is in your yard, do you just throw it out the door?

----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

Why is it that every time there is a tragic incident that involves an idiot doing bad things with guns, somebody, usually a loon themselves, yells and screams about gun control? GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE. IDIOT ASS HOLES WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE.
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

I'm sure your deer rifle will go a long way in stopping the big bad gov't with its M1 Abram tanks, B52 bombers, and attack drones.
Why do the gun loons want criminals and crazies to be able to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips? EXACTLY how are those used in self defense or hunting?

Why do those who hate the 2nd amendment want only criminals to be able to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips?

Last time I checked it was illegal to go into a crowded theatre and shoot assault weapons with high volume ammo clips, and throw tear gas canisters.... YET IT STILL HAPPENED.

That asshole would have found a way to his EVIL matter what restrictions are put up, so stop blaming the guns!!!

DAMN MAN... I thought you were going to be one of those that kept a level head today.

I am way too gulible I guess...
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

I'm sure your deer rifle will go a long way in stopping the big bad gov't with its M1 Abram tanks, B52 bombers, and attack drones.

I'd rather go down shooting it, than standing there holding a stick while yellow liquid streams down my legs. When government becomes tyrannical, I want all the weapons I can find, nearby by. I am no sheep!
I'd rather go down shooting it, than standing there holding a stick while yellow liquid streams down my legs. When government becomes tyrannical, I want all the weapons I can find, nearby by. I am no sheep!


No amount of the best written gun control laws can prevent a Columbine, Aurora or Virginia Tech. Also, some equate ANY gun regulation as mass confiscation, absurd as the notion is.
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

I'm sure your deer rifle will go a long way in stopping the big bad gov't with its M1 Abram tanks, B52 bombers, and attack drones.

I'd rather go down shooting it, than standing there holding a stick while yellow liquid streams down my legs. When government becomes tyrannical, I want all the weapons I can find, nearby by. I am no sheep!

The trouble is what some of you think "tyranny" is. Some people think providing healthcare to citizens is tyranny. Some people think traffic laws are tyrannical. Some nutters shoot at census workers. I'm a bit more outraged about the Patriot Act, the TSA, and DHS, but I'm not going to start sniping at gov't workers with my 10/22. Some of you people are friggin nuts!
Gun Control Polls Show Longterm Decline In Support, Despite Columbine Bump

Sadly, we have very short memories. While the rabid right wing gun loons step over the bodies of dead children to tout their "right" to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips, the rest of us get busy with other things.

Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

Why do the gun loons want criminals and crazies to be able to buy tear gas, assault weapons and high volume ammo clips? EXACTLY how are those used in self defense or hunting?

I own guns but I don't believe it should be the right for every froot loop to be able to buy these unnecessary items.

How many of you gun nuts feel you absolutely MUST be able to buy assault rifles and the big clips? How 'bout the tear gas? How do you use that? If a bad guy is in your yard, do you just throw it out the door?


(see highlight in red above^) Nice to know you believe that only you, and I am assuming select others who agree with your ideology are the only ones who should be allowed to exercise their Freedom to own guns, and the so-called gun nuts should not be allowed to exercise their Freedoms. Or would you care to explain otherwise? Precisely what I mean by "intellectual elitist"... You know, those who feel they know what is best for everybody else... Although in your case I'll just say elitist. Believe me when I say, I am far more convinced that people like you who are so quick to toss away Freedoms for a false sense of security, are far more dangerous than any "bad guy" lurking around in the yard... I'm sure he isn't trying to destroy America by destroying the Rights and Freedoms that are the foundations of this Country. As for Gun Control Freaks using a tragedy like Colorado to push their agenda down the throats of a public that is emotionally compromised and not addressing the issue rationally, I say despicable.
Why should law abiding citizens not have the right to defend themselves?

Obviously, they should and do have that right, if a deadly threat is presented. The people in the movie theater had no such opportunity. The police are using the term AMBUSH.
I'm sure your deer rifle will go a long way in stopping the big bad gov't with its M1 Abram tanks, B52 bombers, and attack drones.

I'd rather go down shooting it, than standing there holding a stick while yellow liquid streams down my legs. When government becomes tyrannical, I want all the weapons I can find, nearby by. I am no sheep!

The trouble is what some of you think "tyranny" is. Some people think providing healthcare to citizens is tyranny. Some people think traffic laws are tyrannical. Some nutters shoot at census workers. I'm a bit more outraged about the Patriot Act, the TSA, and DHS, but I'm not going to start sniping at gov't workers with my 10/22. Some of you people are friggin nuts!

I'd advise a larger caliber. I fancy a .308 for man sized targets.:D
Why should law abiding citizens not have the right to defend themselves?

Obviously, they should and do have that right, if a deadly threat is presented. The people in the movie theater had no such opportunity. The police are using the term AMBUSH.

I don't know Colorado's CCW laws or the theater's rules. It may well be that nobody was allowed to carry in there. Then again, there may have been somebody in there who was armed but didn't think he/she could get off a safe shot.
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

Why is it that every time there is a tragic incident that involves an idiot doing bad things with guns, somebody, usually a loon themselves, yells and screams about gun control? GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE. IDIOT ASS HOLES WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE.

We agree; idiot assholes with guns kill people.

If we can agree idiot assholes should not own or have in their possession, custody or control firearms can't we agree that a rational policy of gun control is necessary?

None of the guns in the possesson of today's shooter are capable of defending a home owner from our government. If the government is the threat, it won't appear as a late middle aged over weight Senator or even a middle aged former basketball player. It will be in the form being used against the citizens in Syria under the command of Assad.
[We agree; idiot assholes with guns kill people.

If we can agree idiot assholes should not own or have in their possession, custody or control firearms can't we agree that a rational policy of gun control is necessary?

None of the guns in the possesson of today's shooter are capable of defending a home owner from our government. If the government is the threat, it won't appear as a late middle aged over weight Senator or even a middle aged former basketball player. It will be in the form being used against the citizens in Syria under the command of Assad.

So far as we know... this guy was a model citizen though.

No amount of reasonable gun control could have kept guns out of his hands.

I just hope we dont jump to rash decisions because of this terrible massacre. Let's let calmer heads prevail this time.
Show us how outraged you are and demand that the Attorney General is charged with his role in the killing of a Border Patrol agent and perhaps hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens with the illegal shipment of 3,000 illegal weapons.

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