Gun control vs. Terrorism (Dem hypocrisy)

He didn't treat him any way. Martin was a stranger in the complex and Zimmerman knew it. Martin fit the description of people who were breaking into homes in that complex. Martin acted strangely; like he was high or something. Toxicology reports backed that up.

Martin ran and Zimmerman gave up the chase. He was on the phone with a police dispatcher for a minute or two returning to his vehicle. When Martin seen that Zimmerman hung up, he physically attacked Zimmerman.

You can't attack people because they followed you. That's illegal. It was felonious assault and that's a crime in our country.

Zimmerman was an adult treating a child like a criminal and following him creepily. Thanks to gun courage a child who was doing nothing wrong died and you think that is good. What a hero.
Martin was just a fucked up gang Banger and deserved to fucking die you asshole… LOL

Yes if you don't like how a black child looks it's ok to harass and kill him. This leads to unrest and increases crime. Too many guns.
It has nothing to do with firearms, people kill people not firearms. Firearms have no control over people. Martin is taking a dirt nap deservedly so… Jack weed

Yes grown men should harass and kill unarmed children. What a man you are.
Martin was just a gang banger, The world is better off without him
Zimmerman was an adult treating a child like a criminal and following him creepily. Thanks to gun courage a child who was doing nothing wrong died and you think that is good. What a hero.
Martin was just a fucked up gang Banger and deserved to fucking die you asshole… LOL

Yes if you don't like how a black child looks it's ok to harass and kill him. This leads to unrest and increases crime. Too many guns.
It has nothing to do with firearms, people kill people not firearms. Firearms have no control over people. Martin is taking a dirt nap deservedly so… Jack weed

Yes grown men should harass and kill unarmed children. What a man you are.
Martin was just a gang banger, The world is better off without him

Really? Prove it.
Martin was just a fucked up gang Banger and deserved to fucking die you asshole… LOL

Yes if you don't like how a black child looks it's ok to harass and kill him. This leads to unrest and increases crime. Too many guns.
It has nothing to do with firearms, people kill people not firearms. Firearms have no control over people. Martin is taking a dirt nap deservedly so… Jack weed

Yes grown men should harass and kill unarmed children. What a man you are.
Martin was just a gang banger, The world is better off without him

Really? Prove it.
Well, he’s taking a dirt nap… Deservedly so
Yes if you don't like how a black child looks it's ok to harass and kill him. This leads to unrest and increases crime. Too many guns.
It has nothing to do with firearms, people kill people not firearms. Firearms have no control over people. Martin is taking a dirt nap deservedly so… Jack weed

Yes grown men should harass and kill unarmed children. What a man you are.
Martin was just a gang banger, The world is better off without him

Really? Prove it.
Well, he’s taking a dirt nap… Deservedly so
Yes an armed adult harassed and killed a child. And you didn't prove anything.
It has nothing to do with firearms, people kill people not firearms. Firearms have no control over people. Martin is taking a dirt nap deservedly so… Jack weed

Yes grown men should harass and kill unarmed children. What a man you are.
Martin was just a gang banger, The world is better off without him

Really? Prove it.
Well, he’s taking a dirt nap… Deservedly so
Yes an armed adult harassed and killed a child. And you didn't prove anything.
Another dead gangbanger… Who gives a fucking shit. He will not be missed
It has nothing to do with firearms, people kill people not firearms. Firearms have no control over people. Martin is taking a dirt nap deservedly so… Jack weed

Yes grown men should harass and kill unarmed children. What a man you are.
Martin was just a gang banger, The world is better off without him

Really? Prove it.
Well, he’s taking a dirt nap… Deservedly so
Yes an armed adult harassed and killed a child. And you didn't prove anything.

Yes, a 6'2" child that played football in high school.
Yes if you don't like how a black child looks it's ok to harass and kill him. This leads to unrest and increases crime. Too many guns.

Is that what Zimmerman did; harass a black kid because he didn't like his looks? Care to prove that?

Nobody killed anybody over looks. Zimmerman was physically assaulted and that's what gave him the legal ability to use deadly force.
It has nothing to do with firearms, people kill people not firearms. Firearms have no control over people. Martin is taking a dirt nap deservedly so… Jack weed

Yes grown men should harass and kill unarmed children. What a man you are.
Martin was just a gang banger, The world is better off without him

Really? Prove it.
Well, he’s taking a dirt nap… Deservedly so
Yes an armed adult harassed and killed a child. And you didn't prove anything.

Maybe since you were so fond of him you can find a bobble head of him and shove it up your fucking ass… LOL
He didn't harass anybody. He spotted Martin and immediately called the police. He ran after Martin to keep an eye on him for police arrival. There is no law that says you can't follow somebody.

Martin was in the process of felonious assault. Zimmerman had every right to stop that crime against him.

Yes treated him like a criminal when he was doing nothing wrong. He should have minded his own business, but gun courage led to a death. Too many guns.

He didn't treat him any way. Martin was a stranger in the complex and Zimmerman knew it. Martin fit the description of people who were breaking into homes in that complex. Martin acted strangely; like he was high or something. Toxicology reports backed that up.

Martin ran and Zimmerman gave up the chase. He was on the phone with a police dispatcher for a minute or two returning to his vehicle. When Martin seen that Zimmerman hung up, he physically attacked Zimmerman.

You can't attack people because they followed you. That's illegal. It was felonious assault and that's a crime in our country.

Zimmerman was an adult treating a child like a criminal and following him creepily. Thanks to gun courage a child who was doing nothing wrong died and you think that is good. What a hero.

Yes, I do think it's good. It served as an example of what might happen to you if you decide to physically attack another citizen. I think it's good that we are allowed to use deadly force against such attacks.

Want to remain alive? Don't attack anybody. Simple as that. I understand liberals fail in logic, but it's about time liberals started to understand and obey our laws.

Yes you think a child being killed by a guy who was harassing him is good. Creepily following kids is good. Well lots of people don't agree with you, and that leads to unrest. And again it started because some child killing coward had gun courage. Too many guns.

Well.......if you don't like our laws here, move to another country. Until that time, you adhere to the laws we have which is you are allowed to use deadly force against an attacker. As for the people that don't agree with me (our laws) they should move too. Because we tried it the other way around years ago. We gave the criminal more rights than the victims. It just led to more criminal activity.
Yes treated him like a criminal when he was doing nothing wrong. He should have minded his own business, but gun courage led to a death. Too many guns.

He didn't treat him any way. Martin was a stranger in the complex and Zimmerman knew it. Martin fit the description of people who were breaking into homes in that complex. Martin acted strangely; like he was high or something. Toxicology reports backed that up.

Martin ran and Zimmerman gave up the chase. He was on the phone with a police dispatcher for a minute or two returning to his vehicle. When Martin seen that Zimmerman hung up, he physically attacked Zimmerman.

You can't attack people because they followed you. That's illegal. It was felonious assault and that's a crime in our country.

Zimmerman was an adult treating a child like a criminal and following him creepily. Thanks to gun courage a child who was doing nothing wrong died and you think that is good. What a hero.

Yes, I do think it's good. It served as an example of what might happen to you if you decide to physically attack another citizen. I think it's good that we are allowed to use deadly force against such attacks.

Want to remain alive? Don't attack anybody. Simple as that. I understand liberals fail in logic, but it's about time liberals started to understand and obey our laws.

Yes you think a child being killed by a guy who was harassing him is good. Creepily following kids is good. Well lots of people don't agree with you, and that leads to unrest. And again it started because some child killing coward had gun courage. Too many guns.

Well.......if you don't like our laws here, move to another country. Until that time, you adhere to the laws we have which is you are allowed to use deadly force against an attacker. As for the people that don't agree with me (our laws) they should move too. Because we tried it the other way around years ago. We gave the criminal more rights than the victims. It just led to more criminal activity.

And again a dead black child by a gun and the killer goes free. This is why we have unrest and this is something that doesn't happen in other countries. Unrest leads to higher crime rates all caused by too many guns.
Yes grown men should harass and kill unarmed children. What a man you are.
Martin was just a gang banger, The world is better off without him

Really? Prove it.
Well, he’s taking a dirt nap… Deservedly so
Yes an armed adult harassed and killed a child. And you didn't prove anything.

Maybe since you were so fond of him you can find a bobble head of him and shove it up your fucking ass… LOL
Zimmerman arrested for alleged aggravated assault - CNN
Cops know the risks before they take the job.

And the risks are significantly higher here obviously. But again those risks lead to them shooting a lot of people which leads to unrest and increased crime rates. That is a problem. Not to mention more crime as guns make criminals more bold. Believe it or not the gun courage you get is the same for a criminal.

No...guns don't create more crime.....but attacking the police, cutting their numbers and their funding...that creates more crime...Britain is finding this out...this is what happened here......

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.

Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.

Having been told incessantly by politicians, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists that they are bigoted for getting out of their cars and questioning someone loitering on a known drug corner at 2 AM, many officers are instead just driving by. Such stops are discretionary; cops don’t have to make them. And when political elites demonize the police for just such proactive policing, we shouldn’t be surprised when cops get the message and do less of it.

Seventy-two percent of the nation’s officers say that they and their colleagues are now less willing to stop and question suspicious persons, according to a Pew Research poll released in January. The reason is the persistent anti-cop climate.

Four studies came out in 2016 alone rebutting the charge that police shootings are racially biased. If there is a bias in police shootings, it works in favor of blacks and against whites. That truth has not stopped the ongoing demonization of the police—including, now, by many of the country’s ignorant professional athletes. The toll will be felt, as always, in the inner city, by the thousands of law-abiding people there who desperately want more police protection.

With the most guns in the world and the highest incarceration rate we still have much higher crime rates than other civilized countries with gun control. We also have many unique problems to our country like mass shootings, over 50 police shot and killed each year, our police shoot many, many people, toddlers shoot people, road rage shootings, women shot by significant others.... Too many guns.
Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
Analysis | American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year
Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

The “boyfriend loophole” in U.S. gun laws is costing women’s lives

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

Fallen officers: 64 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016 - CNN

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
Gun Crime has been reduced by 50% over the last 10 years, while gun ownership has been climbing. And the countries with lower crime than us have had lower crime than us for a much longer time. And in Switzerland you are issued full auto assault rifles yet it’s the safest place on the planet...what’s up with that? Not to mention Europe doesn’t have the war on drugs that we do, with straight up street wars raging in our cities as well as cartel war raging across our border. You eliminate our war on drugs, and we become one of the safest places on the planet as well.

Yet when Britain Instituted gun control, gun crime doubled within a decade. In fact, every single time a country has instituted gun control, murder rates go up, there is no exception to this.

Guns are not the issue. If they were Switzerland would be a war zone. More guns in America would equal more crime. And gun control would always reduce crime with a very clear correlation. It never does

Policing has quite an effect on crime, we have the fullest jails in the world. But where else are police shot weekly? Who leads mass shootings? We have more accidental shootings than most countries have shootings. Our toddlers are shooting people. These are unique problems to the US because of too many guns. And now we see how too many guns can increase crime:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Switzerland is a very small, very rich country btw. What do you base safest place in the world on? Not on homicide rate.
Yes on homicide rate. If guns are the problem then why are they not a problem in Switzerland, furthermore why are they more of a problem in a country like Britain? If guns are the problem then why does Switzerland not have a problem with guns? If you want to argue that it’s the people of Switzerland than there is no problem with guns. Toddlers shooting others and themselves is super rare...what’s not more rare is pools, of which pools are more dangerous than guns...what is your point?
He didn't treat him any way. Martin was a stranger in the complex and Zimmerman knew it. Martin fit the description of people who were breaking into homes in that complex. Martin acted strangely; like he was high or something. Toxicology reports backed that up.

Martin ran and Zimmerman gave up the chase. He was on the phone with a police dispatcher for a minute or two returning to his vehicle. When Martin seen that Zimmerman hung up, he physically attacked Zimmerman.

You can't attack people because they followed you. That's illegal. It was felonious assault and that's a crime in our country.

Zimmerman was an adult treating a child like a criminal and following him creepily. Thanks to gun courage a child who was doing nothing wrong died and you think that is good. What a hero.

Yes, I do think it's good. It served as an example of what might happen to you if you decide to physically attack another citizen. I think it's good that we are allowed to use deadly force against such attacks.

Want to remain alive? Don't attack anybody. Simple as that. I understand liberals fail in logic, but it's about time liberals started to understand and obey our laws.

Yes you think a child being killed by a guy who was harassing him is good. Creepily following kids is good. Well lots of people don't agree with you, and that leads to unrest. And again it started because some child killing coward had gun courage. Too many guns.

Well.......if you don't like our laws here, move to another country. Until that time, you adhere to the laws we have which is you are allowed to use deadly force against an attacker. As for the people that don't agree with me (our laws) they should move too. Because we tried it the other way around years ago. We gave the criminal more rights than the victims. It just led to more criminal activity.

And again a dead black child by a gun and the killer goes free. This is why we have unrest and this is something that doesn't happen in other countries. Unrest leads to higher crime rates all caused by too many guns.

Too many guns had nothing to do with the Martin situation. Zimmerman was a legal CCW holder in the state of Florida. That has nothing to do with too many guns, it has to do with our constitution.

Your "child" was only staying there with his father because he was once again suspended from school and the mother couldn't handle him any longer. Your "child" decided to attack a stranger at his very home for no reason other than the guy followed him for about 20 seconds. You can't attack people for following you. Martin was talking to his fat pig girlfriend at the time. If he was so concerned, WTF didn't he hang up with her and call the police himself?

This was a thug wanna be and he got what he deserved. If you wish to live in a country where the criminal goes free and the victim in jail, you need to move from this country because that doesn't happen here any longer.
That's not the point I was making to Joe. The point I was making is he is comparing mostly white countries to ours which is very diverse, and then saying that guns are what makes the difference in the comparisons. As is said so many times, it's not the guns that are the problem, it's the people that are the problem, and you don't solve the people problem by taking everybody's gun away from them.

Guns are not the only problem certainly, but they are obviously a problem. No country with decent gun control has their police shot and killed weekly. Since our police are shot regularly, they shoot a lot of people themselves. Since they shoot so many people we have all this current unrest like BLM. A problem with it's root completely in too many guns. Shame BLM thinks it's racism.

Black Lies Matter doesn't think period.

Much like these uneducated football players, what they display is that they don't understand our laws. If they knew anything about our justice system, our laws, authority, they would not be protesting anything because they would be somewhat less ignorant.

But they are ignorant and that's what they are trying to tell people. They have no idea how much they are being controlled by the MSM and their brainwashing. They don't realize that their actions are controlled by whoever it is pulling their strings at the time.

While there certainly are instances where the police were very wrong to shoot a person, the police are not the big problem. Gangs and guns are the big problems.

And gangs will always have guns no matter what laws you make unconstitutional or not.

Yes, but they will have and use them much less. That is why countries with strong gun control don't have lots of shootings. Without the arms race, gangs have them less.

Britain banned and confiscated guns...and their gun crime rates have gone up.....we increased gun ownership and our gun crimes went down....

You don't know what you are talking about.
And there are places with fewer guns that have more crime than us. In case you can't see, the US is flagged by a red line:

View attachment 158537

Yes they are called 3rd world countries. Economic and political instability can play quite a roll on crime.

So what? I thought you said crime is directly related to the amount of guns people had. I guess you were wrong. Guns were never the problem. Thats why until the Ferguson effect, violent and gun crime has been on the decline since the mid 90's.

Yes and Ferguson is a direct result of too many guns. Police shoot lots of people because they themselves are shot. This happens because we have too many guns and leads to unrest and higher crime rates.

There was only one gun involved in Ferguson and that was the gun of the officer who shot an attacker. It had nothing to do with too many guns no matter how you try to spin it.

Yes it does. Ferguson wasn't about one event. That was just the last straw. The police shoot way more people here than in other civilized countries. And sometimes that person should not have been shot. We also have cases like Trayvon Martin where some concealed carry idiot shoots an unarmed child and gets away with it. These things happen because we have too many guns, they don't happen in countries with good gun control. are trolling as usual. Martin attacked Zimmerman and was bashing his head against the sidewalk when he was shot....but keep lying.....troll.
Black Lies Matter doesn't think period.

Much like these uneducated football players, what they display is that they don't understand our laws. If they knew anything about our justice system, our laws, authority, they would not be protesting anything because they would be somewhat less ignorant.

But they are ignorant and that's what they are trying to tell people. They have no idea how much they are being controlled by the MSM and their brainwashing. They don't realize that their actions are controlled by whoever it is pulling their strings at the time.

While there certainly are instances where the police were very wrong to shoot a person, the police are not the big problem. Gangs and guns are the big problems.

And gangs will always have guns no matter what laws you make unconstitutional or not.

Yes, but they will have and use them much less. That is why countries with strong gun control don't have lots of shootings. Without the arms race, gangs have them less.

No, they will not have much less of them. They will have the same amount just like they have recreational narcotics which is the breeding ground for gang violence. Their only use for guns is for protection during illegal drug transactions.
View attachment 158546

Yes.....small, homogenous populations.....and Canada, Australia, Britain....and eventually Europe will have more gun violence as the young male sociopaths created by their welfare states, and the immigrants they are bringing into their countries become more violent and more likely to murder.......they were set back in their development because of World War 2...but now they are catching up.
So what? I thought you said crime is directly related to the amount of guns people had. I guess you were wrong. Guns were never the problem. Thats why until the Ferguson effect, violent and gun crime has been on the decline since the mid 90's.

Yes and Ferguson is a direct result of too many guns. Police shoot lots of people because they themselves are shot. This happens because we have too many guns and leads to unrest and higher crime rates.

There was only one gun involved in Ferguson and that was the gun of the officer who shot an attacker. It had nothing to do with too many guns no matter how you try to spin it.

Yes it does. Ferguson wasn't about one event. That was just the last straw. The police shoot way more people here than in other civilized countries. And sometimes that person should not have been shot. We also have cases like Trayvon Martin where some concealed carry idiot shoots an unarmed child and gets away with it. These things happen because we have too many guns, they don't happen in countries with good gun control.

So I guess you would have been happy if Trayvon just killed Zimmerman because he had no protection?

See, your response here is exactly what I'm talking about: leftists have no idea of our laws. Zimmerman was attacked and had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. Under Florida law (and our state as well) a person in such a situation has the legal right to use deadly force. That's why Zimmerman is a free man today. And again, it has nothing to do with too many guns.

Zimmerman was an armed adult who harassed a child and then when getting his ass kicked killed him. He should have minded his own business, but gun courage caused this death. Too many guns. know that Martin circled back and attacked Zimmerman, even though he had lost Zimmerman........
Yes and Ferguson is a direct result of too many guns. Police shoot lots of people because they themselves are shot. This happens because we have too many guns and leads to unrest and higher crime rates.

There was only one gun involved in Ferguson and that was the gun of the officer who shot an attacker. It had nothing to do with too many guns no matter how you try to spin it.

Yes it does. Ferguson wasn't about one event. That was just the last straw. The police shoot way more people here than in other civilized countries. And sometimes that person should not have been shot. We also have cases like Trayvon Martin where some concealed carry idiot shoots an unarmed child and gets away with it. These things happen because we have too many guns, they don't happen in countries with good gun control.

So I guess you would have been happy if Trayvon just killed Zimmerman because he had no protection?

See, your response here is exactly what I'm talking about: leftists have no idea of our laws. Zimmerman was attacked and had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. Under Florida law (and our state as well) a person in such a situation has the legal right to use deadly force. That's why Zimmerman is a free man today. And again, it has nothing to do with too many guns.

Zimmerman was an armed adult who harassed a child and then when getting his ass kicked killed him. He should have minded his own business, but gun courage caused this death. Too many guns. know that Martin circled back and attacked Zimmerman, even though he had lost Zimmerman........

No, I don't think he knows that. I think he's not very familiar with the case.
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There was only one gun involved in Ferguson and that was the gun of the officer who shot an attacker. It had nothing to do with too many guns no matter how you try to spin it.

Yes it does. Ferguson wasn't about one event. That was just the last straw. The police shoot way more people here than in other civilized countries. And sometimes that person should not have been shot. We also have cases like Trayvon Martin where some concealed carry idiot shoots an unarmed child and gets away with it. These things happen because we have too many guns, they don't happen in countries with good gun control.

So I guess you would have been happy if Trayvon just killed Zimmerman because he had no protection?

See, your response here is exactly what I'm talking about: leftists have no idea of our laws. Zimmerman was attacked and had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. Under Florida law (and our state as well) a person in such a situation has the legal right to use deadly force. That's why Zimmerman is a free man today. And again, it has nothing to do with too many guns.

Zimmerman was an armed adult who harassed a child and then when getting his ass kicked killed him. He should have minded his own business, but gun courage caused this death. Too many guns. know that Martin circled back and attacked Zimmerman, even though he had lost Zimmerman........

No, I don't think he knows that. I think he's not very familiar with the situation.

He knows, we have had this discussion before, he is simply being a troll...
It makes them bolder to carry out the crime. If we disarmed every law abiding American, then think how much courage the criminal would have.

Well there are countries with much fewer guns. They have lower crime than us...

And there are places with fewer guns that have more crime than us. In case you can't see, the US is flagged by a red line:

View attachment 158537

Yes they are called 3rd world countries. Economic and political instability can play quite a roll on crime.

So what? I thought you said crime is directly related to the amount of guns people had. I guess you were wrong. Guns were never the problem. Thats why until the Ferguson effect, violent and gun crime has been on the decline since the mid 90's.

Yes and Ferguson is a direct result of too many guns. Police shoot lots of people because they themselves are shot. This happens because we have too many guns and leads to unrest and higher crime rates.
WHAT!?!? Ferguson starters over one person breaking a cops ocular cavity while he was sitting in his cruiser. That has nothing to do with guns, and if there’s a car where guns where ok to use by the state, micheal Brown was that case. Even outside of the police cruiser, that cop (and even you brain would be totally justified to shoot micheal brown. Skins color doesn’t matter, you cannot punch cops then wrestle for their gun with them, then try to charge them. If it were the same circumstances but a white supremicist trying to disarm micheal brown in his car, non of us would have a problem when micheal brown shot this guy to death...(as If you need more than one attempt murder to justify shooting someone).

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