Gun control vs. Terrorism (Dem hypocrisy)

Well there are countries with much fewer guns. They have lower crime than us...

And there are places with fewer guns that have more crime than us. In case you can't see, the US is flagged by a red line:

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Yes they are called 3rd world countries. Economic and political instability can play quite a roll on crime.

So what? I thought you said crime is directly related to the amount of guns people had. I guess you were wrong. Guns were never the problem. Thats why until the Ferguson effect, violent and gun crime has been on the decline since the mid 90's.

Yes and Ferguson is a direct result of too many guns. Police shoot lots of people because they themselves are shot. This happens because we have too many guns and leads to unrest and higher crime rates.
WHAT!?!? Ferguson starters over one person breaking a cops ocular cavity while he was sitting in his cruiser. That has nothing to do with guns, and if there’s a car where guns where ok to use by the state, micheal Brown was that case. Even outside of the police cruiser, that cop (and even you brain would be totally justified to shoot micheal brown. Skins color doesn’t matter, you cannot punch cops then wrestle for their gun with them, then try to charge them. If it were the same circumstances but a white supremicist trying to disarm micheal brown in his car, non of us would have a problem when micheal brown shot this guy to death...(as If you need more than one attempt murder to justify shooting someone).

leftards being the racists they are

only see color

so accordingly the rest of your message is lost on the cop hater
That's not the point I was making to Joe. The point I was making is he is comparing mostly white countries to ours which is very diverse, and then saying that guns are what makes the difference in the comparisons. As is said so many times, it's not the guns that are the problem, it's the people that are the problem, and you don't solve the people problem by taking everybody's gun away from them.

Guns are not the only problem certainly, but they are obviously a problem. No country with decent gun control has their police shot and killed weekly. Since our police are shot regularly, they shoot a lot of people themselves. Since they shoot so many people we have all this current unrest like BLM. A problem with it's root completely in too many guns. Shame BLM thinks it's racism.
Cops know the risks before they take the job.

And the risks are significantly higher here obviously. But again those risks lead to them shooting a lot of people which leads to unrest and increased crime rates. That is a problem. Not to mention more crime as guns make criminals more bold. Believe it or not the gun courage you get is the same for a criminal.
So what?

And I don't get courage from a gun anymore than I get courage from a hammer

A gun is a tool, the very best tool for self defense, and I have a right to keep and bear.

So I like police and prefer they not die. I also prefer less crime, and less armed criminals.

No you want less armed law abiding citizens correction you want no armed law abiding citizens
Guns are not the only problem certainly, but they are obviously a problem. No country with decent gun control has their police shot and killed weekly. Since our police are shot regularly, they shoot a lot of people themselves. Since they shoot so many people we have all this current unrest like BLM. A problem with it's root completely in too many guns. Shame BLM thinks it's racism.
Cops know the risks before they take the job.

And the risks are significantly higher here obviously. But again those risks lead to them shooting a lot of people which leads to unrest and increased crime rates. That is a problem. Not to mention more crime as guns make criminals more bold. Believe it or not the gun courage you get is the same for a criminal.
So what?

And I don't get courage from a gun anymore than I get courage from a hammer

A gun is a tool, the very best tool for self defense, and I have a right to keep and bear.

So I like police and prefer they not die. I also prefer less crime, and less armed criminals.

No you want less armed law abiding citizens correction you want no armed law abiding citizens

while not addressing the issue of armed criminals

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