Gun culture

I have both seen guns and fired guns and I even had a shotgun aimed at me by a frightened farmer. I have had and have friends with guns....some of them have arsenals serious arsenals... I laugh at them and pass them a joint........

And that post explains why you are so foolish……drug use doesn't make you smart…….

Lol. They all tell the same old stories.
I have both seen guns and fired guns and I even had a shotgun aimed at me by a frightened farmer. I have had and have friends with guns....some of them have arsenals serious arsenals... I laugh at them and pass them a joint........

And that post explains why you are so foolish……drug use doesn't make you smart…….
chanting Wing nut mantra dogma is not very bright know what I mean Vern...
Didn't you write that several Brits were stabbed? Why couldn't they have stopped the perp without innocent people getting hurt? If someone is going to get hurt it should be the perp. You ever try to avoid being stabbed? Maybe you should save the second guessing.
You're missing the point. The Brits apprehended the perp, despite people being injured. In Florida the man was killed, despite no one having been injured. It's a matter of the scale of the response. If you think the Brits under responded, it would also seem that here we over responded. BTW, none of the British cops got stabbed. That all happened before they arrived, so your question about avoiding a stabbing is irrelevant.
why is that ridiculous just because a bed wetting coward like you is afraid of guns. The more banoids there are, the more weapons we are going to need to keep them out of power if TSHTF
Could have done that without killing him. The British manage to do it with stun guns. Why can't we?

See what I mean?

That the Brits failed to keep innocent lives safe doesnt even register with this PC Nazi.

But at least they avoided killing the violent criminal. To wrong-wingers, criminals' lives matter as much as those of their prospective victims.

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The medical uses of cannabis and its derivatives are continuing to be discovered at an astonishing rate. This is despite the fact that U.S. government clings to an absurd, baseless classification of cannabis as a Schedule I drug, which severely limits research and scientific advancement. We recently reported on two rather surprising fields that could benefit from medical cannabis, as […]
I have three retards blocked posting on this page so didn't see much conversation. Why do you guys even talk to Joeblow, TyroneSlopehead or Paintsniffer? What's the point?

They a great entertainment. All three are very funny and what is better is they actually believe their own shit. Nutters are just that and you don't take them seriously. One actually considers conservatives as enemies. Imagine giving someone that much power, absolutely moronic.
I have three retards blocked posting on this page so didn't see much conversation. Why do you guys even talk to Joeblow, TyroneSlopehead or Paintsniffer? What's the point?

They a great entertainment. All three are very funny and what is better is they actually believe their own shit. Nutters are just that and you don't take them seriously. One actually considers conservatives as enemies. Imagine giving someone that much power, absolutely moronic.

I don't know much about Tyrone, but the other two are definitely off their rockers! :lol: They have very similar posting styles. I sometimes wonder if they are the same person . . . .

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