Gun deaths decline over the past 20 years.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Statistics show steady drop in gun violence and murder | ? Richmond News & Weather from WTVR Television CBS 6

A steady continuing drop year after year, WITHOUT claiming somehow a certain type of rifle is to dangerous to be owned. Less then 400 killed a year with any type of rifle, much less the dreaded "assault" rifle type.

So much for facts and figures being on the side of the gun grabbers.

less then 14000 murders a year and not all committed with firearms.

lets do some math shall we?

300000000 firearms in LEGAL hands and an unknown amount in criminal hands and only about 10000 murders a year. Wanna do the math?

You would deny a RIGHT guaranteed by our Constitution for a fraction of a fraction of a percent of criminal activity?

Explain how you can possibly support freedom of speech when it is so openly used to cause murder mayhem and death? Ohh is that different, you say? Why?

The 5th amendment prevents law enforcement from solving millions of cases a year. You want to remove an amendment that causes a fraction of a fraction of a percent of crime but support the 5th, explain that to me? Why is that different?

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