Gun Fight: NBC Declares All Dems Want Are Background Checks


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
by John Nolte
21 Mar 2013

You are being set up, GOP. The media is setting you up to depress GOP turnout in 2014. Even though almost everything Obama proposed pertaining to gun control is already dead, NBC News is rapidly rewriting history in order to claim a victory for gun control advocates (and defeat for the GOP and NRA) should any kind of increased background checks become the new law of the land:

But this is the game, folks, and it’s always been the case: Background checks will define success or failure. As we said above, the assault-weapons ban never had a chance for passage[.]

After hundreds of hours of media programming condemning so-called assault weapons, gun shows, and the size of certain magazine clips; after major proclamations from Obama and Democrats about the need to ban, restrict, and outlaw the same -- NBC News now apparently wants us to believe it was all a ruse to win only expanded background checks.
That photo of David Gregory above? Forget it ever happened.

Laughably, the media tries to act as though gun control is a matter of principle to them. But then NBC News comes along and exposes the true agenda, which is obviously a purely political one meant to crown gun control advocates the winners no matter how big their losses.


Read more:
NBC News Report Should Give GOP Pause Over Support for Background Checks
All they want are smoking sections on airplanes.
All they want is tolerance for homosexuality.

All they want is whatever their hearts desire.
Anyone that's been paying attention knows how libroids play their games. The only people they fool with their two faced, hypocritical garbage is idiots and low information voters. We informed, conservatives that don't drink their piss water kool aide won't be swayed in the least by it.

They haven't changed their antics for decades. The problem for them is, they won't admit we're on to their games. They still think they're being sneaky.

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Gov't: "Here, eat this giant turd."
Average American: "I'm not gonna' eat a turd!"
Gov't: "Well how about we compromise and you just eat this little turd?"
Average American: "Well ok, that's sounds reasonable."

Gov't: "Win! Ok now stick this Giant Baseball bat up your azz".
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If all they want is UBC, why did they try for a gun/magazine ban?

Their -actions- tell they story - they want not just their gun/magazine ban and UBC, but they also want universal registration, necessary to enforce UBC.

Not hard to figure out why they want universal registration (see sig).

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