Gun grabber, and anti 2nd amendment, anti assault weapon, politician Chuck Schumer wants to re-ban Bump Stocks, after the Supreme Court revoked ban.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
This Sen. Dem of NY. Chuck Schumer has got to be the biggest Gun Grabbing, anti 2nd amendment politician ever.!? He wants to call for a vote in the United States Senate, for another Bump Stock ban.??!! We see what's going on in the Ukraine, with the Russian invasion. They have to import fully automatic assault rifles. This same Sen. Schumer was also calling for an assault weapons ban, a few years ago. When are some of these anti gun politicians going to learn.? I thought they were all voted out of office a few years ago.??What does he have against fully automatic weapons.He and the other anti assault weapons politicians need to be voted out of office.
This Sen. Dem of NY. Chuck Schumer has got to be the biggest Gun Grabbing, anti 2nd amendment politician ever.!? He wants to call for a vote in the United States Senate, for another Bump Stock ban.??!! We see what's going on in the Ukraine, with the Russian invasion. They have to import fully automatic assault rifles. This same Sen. Schumer was also calling for an assault weapons ban, a few years ago. When are some of these anti gun politicians going to learn.? I thought they were all voted out of office a few years ago.??What does he have against fully automatic weapons.He and the other anti assault weapons politicians need to be voted out of office.

If you go with the letter of the law, bump stocks are just accessories. But if you go with the intent of the law (what we are supposed to do) under the 1934 Firearms Act they can be ruled a method of producing an Automatic weapon which is already heavily restricted.
Delegitimize the SCOTUS ?

In an opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas, the court’s conservative justices emphasized that Congress could have enacted a law that banned all weapons capable of high rates of fire, but it did not – and so the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives was wrong to interpret the federal ban on machine guns to extend to bump stocks
What you guys are ignoring is that SCOTUS ruling had nothing to to with bump stocks. It was about regulatory overeach. SCOTUSvruled that the BATF can’t make law. Laws banning things have to be passed by congress and signed by the president. NOT by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats.
If you go with the letter of the law, bump stocks are just accessories. But if you go with the intent of the law (what we are supposed to do) under the 1934 Firearms Act they can be ruled a method of producing an Automatic weapon which is already heavily restricted.
The 1934 ban, is, and can be considered an infringement of the 2nd Amendment. ! A fully automatic assault weapon, can be considered a weapon of a States militia man. The 2nd Amendment states that a well maintained and fully regulated militia, must be maintained.!!
Automatic assault rifles should have never been banned.!!?It was the criminal gangs of the 1920's that caused the federal ban on automatic weapons, like the Thompson submachine gun.!!?? That's where the ban came from.!!?. To many Feds were getting killed.!!??!! by the gangsters during the 1920's!!? The Federal ban must be revoked. Or should be revoked.!!?
The 1934 ban, is, and can be considered an infringement of the 2nd Amendment. ! A fully automatic assault weapon, can be considered a weapon of a States militia man. The 2nd Amendment states that a well maintained and fully regulated militia, must be maintained.!!
Automatic assault rifles should have never been banned.!!?It was the criminal gangs of the 1920's that caused the federal ban on automatic weapons, like the Thompson submachine gun.!!?? That's where the ban came from.!!?. To many Feds were getting killed.!!??!! by the gangsters during the 1920's!!? The Federal ban must be revoked. Or should be revoked.!!?

You leave out the fact when they were spraying and praying those eating establishments, the majority of the people killed were not gangsters. You keep forgetting to mention that sometimes, public safety trumps everything else.

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