Gun Grabbing Nazis Lie Once Again About Mass Killings


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
On e might think that libtards would stop believing these lying shit4brains, but no, there is nothing too low for a libtard to resort to.

Democrat Senator Uses Gang Incidents to Raise Annual 'Mass Shootings' from 4 to 372 - Breitbart

On December 31 Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) claimed there were 372 mass shootings–or more than one mass shooting a day–during calendar year 2015. On the other hand, Mother Joneseditor Mark Follman reported four mass shootings for the whole year and USA Today reported approximately 22.
What accounts for the jump from from four–or even 22–to 372? The jump is the result of Senator Chris Murphy’s (D-CT) complete rejection of the FBI criteria for a mass shooting. That criteria is four fatalities in one shooting incident. Instead of using this, Murphy has adopted the criteria of Shooting Tracker, a website which labels any shooting or series of shootings a “mass shooting” if there are four or more injuries....
People like that Senator should be kicked out office for the blatant of a lie. We should have started with Obama for that matter. He should have been impeached in his first term after he lied and got that ObamaScamcare strapped onto our backs.
these people are so untrustworthy yet they get to keep their positions. any other job they lied like that, they would have been fired.

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