Gun manufacturers quietly target young boys using social media

It will be nice to arm all those boys who spend all night emptying out vehicles. Make sure they are good marksmen who can mow down any vehicle owner who tries to stop them.
Back when i was in High School, we had military recruiters show up and quietly try to get us to enlist. Once in we were allowed to touch fully automatic weapons..

When I was in high school, I was in JROTC. We were taught, among many other things, gin safety and marksmanship. There was a shooting range on another high school several miles away, where we would sometimes go in groups to practice shooting.

Over Easter Vacation, (that was before the politically-correct bullshit forced it to remove the reference to a Christian holiday and call it Spring Break instead) we'd go spend the week at a military base, living something close to the life of real soldiers. The activities there involved, among other things, getting to shoot fully-automatic M-16 rifles and M60 machine guns.
I got my first firearm at 11 years old. Groups like gun manufacturers who support the N.R.A. Support the NRAs gun safety program and youth shooting programs. I have always felt these programs would be good for all schools to teach responsible gun ownership. Start early with safety programs is the key. In all my life I have never shot up a school or anywhere else.
I got my first firearm at 11 years old. Groups like gun manufacturers who support the N.R.A. Support the NRAs gun safety program and youth shooting programs. I have always felt these programs would be good for all schools to teach responsible gun ownership. Start early with safety programs is the key. In all my life I have never shot up a school or anywhere else.

My wife has a shotgun that her parents gave to her as a Christmas present when she was eight years old.


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