Gun Sales Set Record for Sixth Month in a Row


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
So it appears Americans are not only planning on keeping the guns they already own, but they're also buying more, along with new gun sales to those who have never owned before. So those constitution hating pajama boy city slicker progs that are scared shitless at the mere mention of a gun, they're going to have to just find a way to deal with it, because there's no way in hell America is going to be disarmed any time soon... if EVER. This is kinda like the way every time the leftards try and take out Trump, it backfires and he gains support. Now each time the leftards cry for more gun control and confiscation, that too backfires and more guns are sold. I guess calling progs stupid fits, Gruber was right. They just never learn. They just don't know when to stop beating the dead horse and STFU.

Gun Sales Set Record for Sixth Month in a Row

‘Summer of the gun’ continues into the fall'

Gun rights activists have pointed to Democrats’ calls for new gun control measures as one reason why gun sales have increased. Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has said that the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, that Australian style mandatory gun buybacks should be considered in the United States, and that she would implement new gun control through executive action.

“Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the best gun salespeople on the planet. The more they scream for new gun control laws the more guns walk off the shelves at gun stores,” said Alan Gottlieb, the head of the Second Amendment Foundation. “To quote the lyrics of Peter, Paul and Mary, ‘When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.’”

Gun Sales Set Record for Sixth Month in a Row
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Well 007, Americans are preparing for the looming, first US Civil War.

You can't blame the idiots for being worried, given their position on Firearms and all... they're going to be a quite a disadvantage, given that all they'll bring to the fight is a foot race and a hypocritical prayer, begging God to save them, down there at the finish line.
Well 007, Americans are preparing for the looming, first US Civil War.

You can't blame the idiots for being worried, given their position on Firearms and all... they're going to be a quite a disadvantage, given that all they'll bring to the fight is a foot race and a hypocritical prayer, begging God to save them, down there at the finish line.
Not surprising, the usual JACKASSES show up to spread their IGNORANT, APATHETIC, RETARDED LEFTIST TRASH. So I don't know, W_r_my_K, I think the ones like them are just really, sincerely, too fucking stupid to know that they'll be the first ones to DIE. If there's ever any amount of anarchy in America from an economic implosion or whatever, where it leads to every man for himself, those with the guns have a fighting chance. These libtards will be gone in the first week. If they don't starve to death, someone will shoot them.
"Gun Sales Set Record for Sixth Month in a Row"

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your confusion of correlation and causation, where your thread premise fails as a fallacy.
"Gun Sales Set Record for Sixth Month in a Row"

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your confusion of correlation and causation, where your thread premise fails as a fallacy.
The thread points out facts. I bring other facts to light and illustrate their relation.

Sorry you're having a problem with the facts. Maybe if you try not living in denial, your comprehension level with elevate to the point where you won't be confused by such simplistic reading.
"Gun Sales Set Record for Sixth Month in a Row"

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your confusion of correlation and causation, where your thread premise fails as a fallacy.


This clown is slap ignorant of the laws of logic.

But it is kinda nice to see a Leftist at least recognize a relationship between cause and effect.
"Gun Sales Set Record for Sixth Month in a Row"

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your confusion of correlation and causation, where your thread premise fails even a single example of such.

You sound like an attorney........a very, very bad attorney.

Clayton is our in-house fictitious barrister. Most of it's posts claim to cite logical fallacies and to date, it has yet to correctly identify a logical fallacy.

But it continues to try... so like the stopped clock, it's due. I mean hey... even a blind nut, finds a squirrel now and then.

So it's bound to happen, sooner or later.
Good. I know many women, gays, and other liberals who are buying guns....:D

Excellent! That will help the weaker one's get over any feelings of remorse, when it comes time to do what needs to be done.

It would have been much harder on those, had all of the Left been unarmed.
Good. I know many women, gays, and other liberals who are buying guns....:D

Hence the stupidity of the OP premise.

LOL! ... How so?

And please, be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.

I means, "Liberals" comprise only 20% of the US Population... and queers only 2%. There are of course another 30% who claim to be 'centrist, moderate, independents'... but before the first round fired strikes home, they'll be hard core Americans, denying that they ever so much as allowed a liberal thought flitter through their empty heads.

So... explain yourself Counselor.
Good. I know many women, gays, and other liberals who are buying guns....:D

Excellent! That will help the weaker one's get over any feelings of remorse, when it comes time to do what needs to be done.

It would have been much harder on those, had all of the Left been unarmed.
So here we have it, another whacked out right winger that cannot wait to have at murdering fellow Americans. What a pathetic picture you old farts paint of yourselves.

Of course, you will do nothing at all but sit on your couch, in front of your keyboard, until you croak from the fat around all your vital organs. You will never do anything but have lurid fantasies of being a Rambo.
And this old Lib has owned guns for 60 years, my dd214 reads Honorable, and I still work a full week. No, none of you silly ass 'Conservatives' are going to do any of what you claim you want to do. The police would round you up, and a jury composed of sane Americans would put you in jail for the rest of your natural, if they didn't put a noose around your neck.

Obscene fantasies of a sick mind is all you fellows have.
What is funny is that when you croak, your family members are going to look at the guns and ammo, wonder how early you dementia began, and give it all to the police to be destroyed.
Good. I know many women, gays, and other liberals who are buying guns....:D

Excellent! That will help the weaker one's get over any feelings of remorse, when it comes time to do what needs to be done.

It would have been much harder on those, had all of the Left been unarmed.
So here we have it, another whacked out right winger that cannot wait to have at murdering fellow Americans.

First ass-hat. Murder is the morally unjustified taking of human life. Self Defense is a sound moral justification for the taking of human life.

Second: There are NO Leftist Americans.

Ya see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.
And this old Lib has owned guns for 60 years, my dd214 reads Honorable, and I still work a full week. No, none of you silly ass 'Conservatives' are going to do any of what you claim you want to do. The police would round you up, and a jury composed of sane Americans would put you in jail for the rest of your natural, if they didn't put a noose around your neck.

Obscene fantasies of a sick mind is all you fellows have.


You are one deluded old sot.

(If anyone is inclined to help this poor creature out, it would be nice if he could be brought up to speed on the concept of 'civil war'. Specifically the WHY it happens, what happens during and if there's time, what happens at the end.)

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