Gun Violence: Third Of Global Public Mass Shootings Happen In US


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Gun Violence: Third Of Global Public Mass Shootings Happen In US, Says Study
Why are we so violent and crazy? Really, there are so many poor third world countries where guns are allowed and still thirty percent of mass shootings happen in the US. What's the reason of that? I think we need to ban gun ownership because people still keep committing homicides regardless of all efforts to stop them. I see no other way to stop it. We don't really need guns to protect ourselves.
Banning guns cannot work in the US. There are already millions of guns in private hands. No process will ever get them back.

What we need is proper punishment for criminals; especially those who use guns in those crimes. We also need to return to a SINGULAR, ENFORCED CODE OF MORALS ABD VALUES across the country. A code that is taught and expected nationwide. Regardless of age, race, place of birth, etc....
Gun bans will only disarm the law abiding. No gun ban has ever worked.

The statistics you cited are just crap. They don't address any real important issues. Many countries have multiple mass shootings every year but they are either not reported or not included in that biased study.

But one part of your statement is legitimate. That is the question of why are we so violent? No one is asking why Americans commit these crimes, they use them to push their disarming agenda. It's becuase these anti-gun idiots don't actually care anything about human lives. If they did they wouldn't be focussing on the tool instead of the killer using it.
switzerland has mandatory gun ownership for (eligible) males.

an armed society is a polite society.

EDIT..I need to expand and attribute that quote;

An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

Robert A. Heinlein
Gun Violence: Third Of Global Public Mass Shootings Happen In US, Says Study
Why are we so violent and crazy? Really, there are so many poor third world countries where guns are allowed and still thirty percent of mass shootings happen in the US. What's the reason of that? I think we need to ban gun ownership because people still keep committing homicides regardless of all efforts to stop them. I see no other way to stop it. We don't really need guns to protect ourselves.

Yeah...nice try....from left wing....uber left wing...Mother Jones.....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 100.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2010..... 9

Those are the numbers of deaths from mass shootings in the United States.....and even in the big year, 2012, they didn't break 100 deaths by criminals.

How many guns are there in American hands....320 million.

How many people carry guns for self defense...over 12.8 million.
Bullshit. The victims of these sensationalized mass shootings make up a statistically insignificant percentage of the total number of victims of violent crime.
And do you know the one common factor in these mass shootings......

They took place in legally mandated gun free zones.............
Gun Violence: Third Of Global Public Mass Shootings Happen In US, Says Study
Why are we so violent and crazy? Really, there are so many poor third world countries where guns are allowed and still thirty percent of mass shootings happen in the US. What's the reason of that? I think we need to ban gun ownership because people still keep committing homicides regardless of all efforts to stop them. I see no other way to stop it. We don't really need guns to protect ourselves.

I love how you guys use numbers to lie......

One Third of Global Mass Shootings.....(cue shocking music)....

And how many lives do these mass shootings take each year.....

Under 100......

You have more chance of dying by tripping over your own feet than in a mass shooting in the United States......
If you look at the Mother Jones data set at the link after the first data set, they list by weapon...

Another little 31 years of mass shootings, only 12 "assault" rifles were ever used......


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