Gunman breaks into Minnesota city council meeting, opens fire

Menerva Lindsen

Active Member
Dec 18, 2014
A gunman has opened fire during a law enforcement swearing-in ceremony at a city council meeting in a Minnesota town. Two police officers were injured and the gunman was fatally wounded.
Authorities had yet to identify the name of the suspect as of Tuesday morning, but acknowledged that the man was killed when the officers returned fire inside New Hope City Hall outside of Minneapolis.
The ceremony began at around 7 pm local time Monday, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and the two new officers, Joshua Eernisse and Adam Johnson, were sworn in within the first 15 minutes. At around that time, the paper reported, the officers walked out of the chambers and encountered a man with a “long gun,” according to officials, who then opened fire.
Video cameras were recording the swearing-in ceremony from inside of the chambers, and footage from there has since been recovered and published to the web.

He tried to kill not even authorized cops. He must have had a reasonable motive for this. You see what kind of freedom "to act as you want" guns provide. Is it already a trend to chase after policemen. We may present our tradition to the rest of world...
A gunman has opened fire during a law enforcement swearing-in ceremony at a city council meeting in a Minnesota town. Two police officers were injured and the gunman was fatally wounded.
Authorities had yet to identify the name of the suspect as of Tuesday morning, but acknowledged that the man was killed when the officers returned fire inside New Hope City Hall outside of Minneapolis.
The ceremony began at around 7 pm local time Monday, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and the two new officers, Joshua Eernisse and Adam Johnson, were sworn in within the first 15 minutes. At around that time, the paper reported, the officers walked out of the chambers and encountered a man with a “long gun,” according to officials, who then opened fire.
Video cameras were recording the swearing-in ceremony from inside of the chambers, and footage from there has since been recovered and published to the web.

He tried to kill not even authorized cops. He must have had a reasonable motive for this. You see what kind of freedom "to act as you want" guns provide. Is it already a trend to chase after policemen. We may present our tradition to the rest of world...

What a fine example we set, eh? Just like our movies of 80 years ago taught the world to smoke.

Let's just click our heels together and repeat what the gun fetishists keep telling us...

"We don't have a gun culture...
"We don't have a gun culture...
"We don't have a gun culture...
"We don't have a gun culture...
Reminiscent of Kirkwood, MO 8 or 10 years ago.
That one old guy just sat there while another kept saying "get down, get down, get down...".

Well I hope they search the gunman's life to try and figure out why he did that.
a person stabbed seven people a week ago and none of you anti gun nutter said a word

you don't care about deaths or injuries unless they are caused by a gun

you people are sick
a person stabbed seven people a week ago and none of you anti gun nutter said a word

you don't care about deaths or injuries unless they are caused by a gun

you people are sick

If we lived in a knife culture where knife fights and stabbings were part of every evening's television, every movie house, every toy store, every video game, random school incidences, random workplace incidents and all over our very language, I for one would be all over it like Rambo.

We don't.

So the word you're looking for isn't "sick" --- it's observant.
Nothing to see here, just another white christian terrorist
a person stabbed seven people a week ago and none of you anti gun nutter said a word

you don't care about deaths or injuries unless they are caused by a gun

you people are sick

If we lived in a knife culture where knife fights and stabbings were part of every evening's television, every movie house, every toy store, every video game, random school incidences, random workplace incidents and all over our very language, I for one would be all over it like Rambo.

We don't.

So the word you're looking for isn't "sick" --- it's observant.

yes we do, the media just doesn't report knife violence like they do gun violence.

you people only care about injuries or deaths when it is caused by a gun. you people are sick. if you really cared about the violence, you wouldn't focus on the gun and your dumb politics, you would focus on the CULTURE of violence we live in. guns were as prominent on a per capita basis in the 50's, but there was never this level of violence.

stop whining about guns and start focusing on the real cause, our culture of violence.
a person stabbed seven people a week ago and none of you anti gun nutter said a word

you don't care about deaths or injuries unless they are caused by a gun

you people are sick

If we lived in a knife culture where knife fights and stabbings were part of every evening's television, every movie house, every toy store, every video game, random school incidences, random workplace incidents and all over our very language, I for one would be all over it like Rambo.

We don't.

So the word you're looking for isn't "sick" --- it's observant.

yes we do, the media just doesn't report knife violence like they do gun violence.

you people only care about injuries or deaths when it is caused by a gun. you people are sick. if you really cared about the violence, you wouldn't focus on the gun and your dumb politics, you would focus on the CULTURE of violence we live in. guns were as prominent on a per capita basis in the 50's, but there was never this level of violence.

stop whining about guns and start focusing on the real cause, our culture of violence.

Not sure who "you people" is supposed to mean but I do know you're not in any position to dictate what I care about. And you clearly don't understand a simple four-letter word like "sick". So this is your solution --- "shut up about it"? Poster please.

We do indeed live in a culture of violence, and our weapon of choice is overwhelmingly the firearm. It's everywhere around us. Go ahead, show me the movies, TV cop shows, video games, toys, comic books, etc etc based on knives or clubs or shillelaghs or poisons or bows and arrows. And good luck with that quest.

Denialists... :rolleyes:
a person stabbed seven people a week ago and none of you anti gun nutter said a word

you don't care about deaths or injuries unless they are caused by a gun

you people are sick

If we lived in a knife culture where knife fights and stabbings were part of every evening's television, every movie house, every toy store, every video game, random school incidences, random workplace incidents and all over our very language, I for one would be all over it like Rambo.

We don't.

So the word you're looking for isn't "sick" --- it's observant.

yes we do, the media just doesn't report knife violence like they do gun violence.

you people only care about injuries or deaths when it is caused by a gun. you people are sick. if you really cared about the violence, you wouldn't focus on the gun and your dumb politics, you would focus on the CULTURE of violence we live in. guns were as prominent on a per capita basis in the 50's, but there was never this level of violence.

stop whining about guns and start focusing on the real cause, our culture of violence.

Not sure who "you people" is supposed to mean but I do know you're not in any position to dictate what I care about. And you clearly don't understand a simple four-letter word like "sick". So this is your solution --- "shut up about it"? Poster please.

We do indeed live in a culture of violence, and our weapon of choice is overwhelmingly the firearm. It's everywhere around us. Go ahead, show me the movies, TV cop shows, video games, toys, comic books, etc etc based on knives or clubs or shillelaghs or poisons or bows and arrows. And good luck with that quest.

Denialists... :rolleyes:

and you're no position to dictate what my solution is. further, i never said that. you people are lefties like you who use gun deaths to further your political agenda. i am certainly in a position to tell you that you don't give a shit about deaths unless a gun is involved. that is clear from your posts.

your position is nonsensical. cars cause more deaths than guns. but all you whine about is guns. those tv shows are exactly what i'm talking about with culture. guns by themselves do no harm, but couple it with culture and therein lies your problem. you're whining about the wrong thing.
guns by themselves do no harm, but couple it with culture and therein lies your problem. you're whining about the wrong thing.

That's true, guns by themselves do no harm, unless you get pistol-whipped, but that could happen with any object.

It's not the guns -- it's the bullets.
Apparently those bullets are getting propelled by something. Not sure what. You'd think science could come up with some sort of explanation for that.

Still waiting btw for those cop shows and movies and video games based around electrocution traps and poisoned darts. You know, the evidence for the knife/bow-and-arrow/poison culture we live in.
There is no gun culture problem. There is a crazy people problem.
I would agree if these both problems didn't exist in our country as two parts of one big "pain in the ass". We can't put all crazy men into prison. It is imoissible unfortunately. But we really can revise the second amendment to decide our gun culture problem. This is how it will work.
By 18 years of age, the average young person will have viewed an estimated 200,000 acts of violence on television alone.21 The National Television Violence study evaluated almost 10000 hours of broadcast programming from 1995 through 1997 and revealed that 61% of the programming portrayed interpersonal violence, much of it in an entertaining or glamorized manner.22 The highest proportion of violence was found in children's shows.

... Prolonged exposure to such media portrayals results in increased acceptance of violence as an appropriate means of solving problems and achieving one's goals.2,3,9 American media, in particular, tend to portray heroes using violence as a justified means of resolving conflict and prevailing over others.24,31
Television, movies, and music videos normalize carrying and using weapons and glamorize them as a source of personal power.22,32 Children in grades 4 through 8 preferentially choose video games that award points for violence against others, and 7 of 10 children in grades 4 through 12 report playing M-rated (mature) games, with 78% of boys reporting owning M-rated games.33,34 Of 33 popular games, 21% feature violence against women.35 Because children have high levels of exposure, media have greater access and time to shape young people's attitudes and actions than do parents or teachers, replacing them as educators, role models, and the primary sources of information about the world and how one behaves in it.36
In addition to modeling violent behavior, entertainment media inflate the prevalence of violence in the world, cultivating in viewers the “mean-world” syndrome, a perception of the world as a dangerous place.6062 Fear of being the victim of violence is a strong motivation for some young people to carry a weapon, to be more aggressive, and to “get them before they get me.”61

...For some children, exposure to media violence can lead to anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder,56,63 sleep disturbances and nightmares,56,64 and/or social isolation.65 Some have defended media violence as an outlet for vicariously releasing hostility in the safety of virtual reality. However, research that has tested this “catharsis hypothesis” revealed that after experiencing media violence, children and young adults behave more aggressively, not less.6668 Numerous studies have shown that an insidious and potent effect of media violence is to desensitize all of us to real-life violence.6972

Children learn best by observing a behavior and then trying it. The consequences of their behavioral attempts influence whether they repeat the behavior. All violent media can teach specific violent behaviors, the circumstances when such behaviors seem appropriate and useful, and attitudes and beliefs about such behavior. In this way, behavioral scripts are learned and stored in memory.47 Video games provide an ideal environment in which to learn violence and use many of the strategies that are most effective for learning.81 They place the player in the role of the aggressor and reward him or her for successful violent behavior. Rather than merely observing only part of a violent interaction (such as occurs in television violence), video games allow the player to rehearse an entire behavioral script, from provocation, to choosing to respond violently, to resolution of the conflict.54,62,82 Children and adolescents want to play them repeatedly and for long periods of time to improve their scores and advance to higher levels. Repetition increases their effect. In addition, some youth demonstrate pathologic patterns of video-game play, similar to addictions, in which game play disrupts healthy functioning.81,83 Advances in the measurement of brain function have been applied to the study of media violence. Several studies have linked media-violence exposure to decreases in prefrontal cortex activity associated with executive control over impulsive behavior.84

Interpersonal violence, for victims and perpetrators, is now a more prevalent health risk than infectious disease, cancer, or congenital disorders for children, adolescents, and young adults. Homicide, suicide, and trauma are leading causes of mortality in the pediatric population. In 2004, unintentional injuries claimed 17741 lives, homicides claimed 5195 lives, and suicide claimed 4506 lives among 5- to 24-year-olds.85 Of all deaths by homicide or suicide, fully half were gun related, making gun violence a leading killer of children and adolescents.86 For young black males, homicide is the leading cause of death, accounting for nearly 45% of all deaths. The homicide rate for black males is 2.7 to 15.8 times higher than for other racial/ethnic groups at the same age.87 Although violent crime rates have decreased by more than 50% between 1994 and 2004 for young people 12 to 24 years of age, they remain higher at this age than at any other age.87

Furthermore, the proportion of youth admitting to having committed various violent acts within the previous 12 months has remained steady or even increased somewhat in recent years.88 In the 2007 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 18% of students in the 9th through 12th grades reported carrying a weapon to school in the month preceding the survey, and more than one third had been in a physical fight in the year before the survey.85
-- excerpted from Media Violence (introduction), American Academy of Pediatrics, 2009 (emphases added)
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you do realize that someone at the council meeting was actually armed with a concealed pistol....and drew it....just in case.......

Guns in the hands of law abiding citizens, non military, non police stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1.6 million times a year on with an average gun murder rate of 8-9,000 gun murders a year.....guns save live and stop crime far more often......and those gun murders are mainly confined to small, multi block areas in inner cities.....
yeah.....soooooo, in this situation....which one of you anti gunners would disarm the one good guy in the room with a concealed pistol....protecting all the other case the bad guy....who brought the illegal gun into a public building got through the police......

none of you are true enough to your convictions to answer the question about the woman, 5 months pregnant who was stabbed in the stomach by 2 men....she manger to use a pistol....which she had a concealed permit stop the attack.....

not one of you guys answered my simple question......knowing that this woman was going to use her pistol to stop her death and the death of her baby......if you had a chance to travel back in time.......would you take that gun away from her.....before she was attacked? since you think that guns are the any of you have the nerve to answer that far all you anti gun superheroes have refused to answer......

Care to answer now?
A gunman has opened fire during a law enforcement swearing-in ceremony at a city council meeting in a Minnesota town. Two police officers were injured and the gunman was fatally wounded.
Authorities had yet to identify the name of the suspect as of Tuesday morning, but acknowledged that the man was killed when the officers returned fire inside New Hope City Hall outside of Minneapolis.
The ceremony began at around 7 pm local time Monday, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and the two new officers, Joshua Eernisse and Adam Johnson, were sworn in within the first 15 minutes. At around that time, the paper reported, the officers walked out of the chambers and encountered a man with a “long gun,” according to officials, who then opened fire.
Video cameras were recording the swearing-in ceremony from inside of the chambers, and footage from there has since been recovered and published to the web.

He tried to kill not even authorized cops. He must have had a reasonable motive for this. You see what kind of freedom "to act as you want" guns provide. Is it already a trend to chase after policemen. We may present our tradition to the rest of world...

see, at the bottom of this video....the guy with the gun...protecting all the innocent people.......which one of you anti gunners would go and take that gun away from him?
guns by themselves do no harm, but couple it with culture and therein lies your problem. you're whining about the wrong thing.

That's true, guns by themselves do no harm, unless you get pistol-whipped, but that could happen with any object.

It's not the guns -- it's the bullets.
Apparently those bullets are getting propelled by something. Not sure what. You'd think science could come up with some sort of explanation for that.

Still waiting btw for those cop shows and movies and video games based around electrocution traps and poisoned darts. You know, the evidence for the knife/bow-and-arrow/poison culture we live in.

you obviously haven't seen arrow, played video games where your weapon is a sword, knife, oblivion...

getting pistol whipped requires a person you idiot.

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