guns and alcohol don't mix

Irresponsible speakers or cooks don't kill people. We have laws about drinking and driving. There should be laws regarding drinking and guns too.

You're kidding..... right?

Cooks have been poisoning people from time immemorial and I suppose you think Pearl Harbor was a spontaneous act, the Japanese simply showed up and attacked, no planning (speaking) involved whatsoever...... Speech, in all it's forms, has killed more people than firearms ever will.
Also heart disease and stroke kill nearly a million people every year in this country. Given your position we should either ban or heavily regulate hearts and vascular systems because hearts kill people.........

Again, you are making false analogies. It would be very helpful if you folks would learn how to use logical reasoning.
it's only false because it doesn't fit your myopic paradigm. Try expanding your thinking.
You're kidding..... right?

Cooks have been poisoning people from time immemorial and I suppose you think Pearl Harbor was a spontaneous act, the Japanese simply showed up and attacked, no planning (speaking) involved whatsoever...... Speech, in all it's forms, has killed more people than firearms ever will.
Also heart disease and stroke kill nearly a million people every year in this country. Given your position we should either ban or heavily regulate hearts and vascular systems because hearts kill people.........

Again, you are making false analogies. It would be very helpful if you folks would learn how to use logical reasoning.
it's only false because it doesn't fit your myopic paradigm. Try expanding your thinking.

OMG, LMAO. Sorry, no. Logic doesn't work that way. :lol:
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Only in the lefty world of lunacy would someone commiting a drive-by shooting be referred to as a responsible gun owner.

Nice try but only your fellow low information fools will swallow this one.

You don't get the sarcasm; you miss the point. You folks are always talking about responsible gun owners. You would consider this guy one until the night he got drunk and started shooting from a moving vehicle. The point is, you think everyone who hasn't yet done something like this, or accidently shot and/or killed someone, is responsible. The label 'responsible gun owner' is meaningless because so many of the people the pro-gun people give that label turn out to be irresponsible gun owners.

what about a responsible car driver?

using your idiotic logic, there are no responsible car drivers.
guns and alcohol don't mix
It all depends on how much alcohol. Motor vehicles and guns are both deadly weapons, when in the hands of someone who's intoxicated. If one can legally drive after having consumed two beers, then similarly one should be allowed to have a firearm in their possession as well after having consumed a couple of beers. No one should be permitted to drive or carry a gun when intoxicated.

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