Guns and Assault Rifles are not the Problem, mentally ill people with Guns and assault rifles are the problem.

Because there are more Firearms in California in Private Hands ( Non Military / Non LEO ) than there are in more than 71 countries individually ( Including their Military & Leos
Careful. That seems suspiciously like blaming the prevalence of firearms rather than excessive numbers of mentally ill people in the US. Your mancard may be in danger...

now its a person makes a claim then the cops kick their door in take their guns or kill them and then give them due process,,,

thats backwards,,
Oh dear gawd.......

Yes, by all means let's wait until the identified crazy person murders people, then give him his due process.
That has worked so well in the past, let's keep doing this stupid infringement from happening, and let him KILL people first, then due process.

That's ^^^^^^ fucked up, and you know it.

How would you react, if people reported your crazy neighbor, and nothing was done (because infringement) and he killed a family member of yours, then he got his guns taken away. Yeah, I'm sure you'd say, "He can't have his rights infringed upon"
now its a person makes a claim then the cops kick their door in take their guns or kill them and then give them due process,,,

thats backwards,,
Answer this.....

How would you react, if people reported your crazy neighbor, and nothing was done (because infringement) and he killed a family member of yours, then he got his guns taken away. Yeah, I'm sure you'd say, "He can't have his rights infringed upon"
Oh dear gawd.......

Yes, by all means let's wait until the identified crazy person murders people, then give him his due process.
That has worked so well in the past, let's keep doing this stupid infringement from happening, and let him KILL people first, then due process.

That's ^^^^^^ fucked up, and you know it.

How would you react, if people reported your crazy neighbor, and nothing was done (because infringement) and he killed a family member of yours, then he got his guns taken away. Yeah, I'm sure you'd say, "He can't have his rights infringed upon"
sorry if respecting peoples rights bothers you,,,

if you know of a direct threat that changes the program and the person can be put under surveillance while action and due process is done,, or they are taken into protective custody,,
Answer this.....

How would you react, if people reported your crazy neighbor, and nothing was done (because infringement) and he killed a family member of yours, then he got his guns taken away. Yeah, I'm sure you'd say, "He can't have his rights infringed upon"
Take away the HIPPA firewall that hides fact that you had two 51/50s and you had a psyche Washout of the Marines & your seeing two Shrinks & a Psychologist on your 4473 & BGC and add a Drug Screening to EVERY 4473 Form with heavy emphasis on SSRIs and Illegal Drugs .
sorry if respecting peoples rights bothers you,,,

if you know of a direct threat that changes the program and the person can be put under surveillance while action and due process is done,, or they are taken into protective custody,,
You conveniently left out the part about him killing a family member of yours while 'under surveillance'

So you don't give a shit about your dead family member and long as this crazy doesn't have his rights infringed upon.
That's fucked up, and you know it.
You conveniently left out the part about him killing a family member of yours while 'under surveillance'

So you don't give a shit about your dead family member and long as this crazy doesn't have his rights infringed upon.
That's fucked up, and you know it.
you completely left out the constitution and human rights it protects,,,

when you get that changed come back and we can talk,,

until then go suck a cock
Some of these 2nd Amendment fanatics are truly nuts. Even here in Conservative FL we have a “red flag law” that has worked well. It usually only takes weapons away for very good cause and only for six months, though this can be extended after due process hearings before special judges.

Many police chiefs appreciate this law and even many gun owners have expressed their support after having been given “time off” when they were emotionally or mentally out of control. Unfortunately, this really very weak law may — but has not yet due to its popularity — disappear under our present Republican Governor’s leadership. Registration of guns, licenses for concealed carry outside the home, required instruction in gun use and in state gun laws used to be necessary too, but have all been terminated.

I have an older FL “carry license” that took more than a month to get and a thorough examination, but today people can buy a weapon and within hours carry it — and kill somebody if they are nuts. I was once — many years ago — an IRA member. But the IRA changed into an extremist organization. Today people can generally buy dozens of assault weapons and tons of ammunition as well — another danger to public safety and mental health.

Many “common sense” gun control measures would be helpful, and can be passed without in any way forbidding responsible citizens from buying and owning semi-automatic rifles and / or legally carrying handguns.

On a related historical note, the 2nd amendment has not always been interpreted as it is today. IMO, it has been misinterpreted by Supreme Court rulings in recent decades. A wiser Supreme Court would interpret it very differently.
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Some of these 2nd Amendment fanatics are truly nuts. Even here in FL we have a “red flag law” that has worked well. It has due process protections and usually only takes weapons away for six months unless extended. Many police chiefs and even gun owners are happy to have been given “time off” when they were out of control. Unfortunately, this really very weak law may well disappear under our new Republican Governor’s leadership. Registratoon of guns, licenses for carrying outside the home, required instruction in use and in state laws used to be necessary too, but have been ended.

I have an older FL “carry license” that required more than a month to get, but today people can buy a weapon and within hours carry it — and kill somebody if they are nuts. I was once — many years ago — an IRA member. But the IRA changed into an extremist organization. Today people can buy dozens of assault weapons and tons of ammunition as well — another danger to public safety and mental health as well. Many common sense gun control measures would be helpful, and can be passed without in any way forbidding responsible citizens from buying and owning semi-automatic rifles and legally carrying handguns.

On a related historical note, the 2nd amendment has not always been interpreted as it is today. It has been misinterpreted by Supreme Court rulings in recent decades. A wiser Supreme Court would interpret it very differently.
do they take the guns before or after due process??
Take away the HIPPA firewall that hides fact that you had two 51/50s and you had a psyche Washout of the Marines & your seeing two Shrinks & a Psychologist on your 4473 & BGC and add a Drug Screening to EVERY 4473 Form with heavy emphasis on SSRIs and Illegal Drugs .
Bump for the 2A/ RTKBA purists
@progressive hunter :
“do they take the guns before or after due process??”

How do you define “due process”? As I understand matters, in urgent cases where family or friends and neighbors testify or swear under oath that a gun owner threatened to shoot them, waved his gun around in a threatening manner, or where the gun owner is being prosecuted for domestic abuse and has made threats, etc, a special judge can rule immediately, and appeals can be made after (but usually are not).

After six months weapons are usually returned if gun owners request them and no further threatening outbursts have occurred. Lawyers can also make appeals and provide evidence for dissatisfied gun owners, but as I said this is reportedly not the norm.
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How do you define “due process.” As I understand matters, in urgent cases where family or friends and neighbors testify or swear under oath that a gun owner threatened to shoot them, waved his gun around in a threatening manner, or where the gun owner is being prosecuted for domestic abuse and has made threats, etc, a special judge can rule immediately, and appeals can be made (but usually are not).

After six months weapons are usually returned if gun owners request them and no further threatening outbursts have occurred. Lawyers can also make appeals and provide evidence for dissatisfied gun owners, but as I said this is reportedly not the norm.
so the accused dont get a say in court before their rights are taken away,, thats not due process
so the accused dont get a say in court before their rights are taken away,, thats not due process
You can have 2 51/50s be a psyche washout of the Marines and be seeing 2 Shrinks and a Psychologist and be a prohibited person that is the true due process

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