Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight


The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?

Total bullshit. Why does the left pretend that the KKK is on the right? And why does the left keep trying to convince people that NRA members want to fight with people?

It's the leftist groups out there being violent. This articles is all conjecture and no facts. Someone saw protesters and just made shit up to make the right look crazy.

The KKK platform and the Republican platform are nearly identical

We don't even need the klan anymore

You should be ashamed of yourself, for your vile race baiting.
It's true....that's why all klan members are Republican

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

. 3. “Abolish all affirmative action programs.”

White people are being discriminated against. It’s totally unfair to white people if other people are given a fair chance. Again, we see this propaganda being disseminated via Fox News, republican politicians, and of course, republican talk radio personalities.

4. “Put American Troops on the Borders and Stop the Flood of Illegals.”

“America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders.”

Is there any doubt that the republican and tea parties are pushing this part of the KKK agenda?

5. “Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon.”

This sounds remarkably similar to the position of the GOP and tea party.

6. “Drug testing all welfare recipients.”

Again, a policy strongly promoted by GOP and tea party politicians, pundits and media personalities. It has been struck down by federal courts because the idea behind it is deeply rooted in stereotypes and racist ideas.

7. “Balance the budget.”

Yes this is a part of the official KKK platform.

8. “Privatization of the public school system.”

“We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone’s opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.”

In it’s official platform, the KKK states that the group wants to abolish the National Education Association and children’s protective services, as well.

As Adolph Hitler said “Give me the text books and you give me the country.”

The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?

Total bullshit. Why does the left pretend that the KKK is on the right? And why does the left keep trying to convince people that NRA members want to fight with people?

It's the leftist groups out there being violent. This articles is all conjecture and no facts. Someone saw protesters and just made shit up to make the right look crazy.

The KKK platform and the Republican platform are nearly identical

We don't even need the klan anymore

You should be ashamed of yourself, for your vile race baiting.
It's true....that's why all klan members are Republican

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

. 3. “Abolish all affirmative action programs.”

White people are being discriminated against. It’s totally unfair to white people if other people are given a fair chance. Again, we see this propaganda being disseminated via Fox News, republican politicians, and of course, republican talk radio personalities.

4. “Put American Troops on the Borders and Stop the Flood of Illegals.”

“America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders.”

Is there any doubt that the republican and tea parties are pushing this part of the KKK agenda?

5. “Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon.”

This sounds remarkably similar to the position of the GOP and tea party.

6. “Drug testing all welfare recipients.”

Again, a policy strongly promoted by GOP and tea party politicians, pundits and media personalities. It has been struck down by federal courts because the idea behind it is deeply rooted in stereotypes and racist ideas.

7. “Balance the budget.”

Yes this is a part of the official KKK platform.

8. “Privatization of the public school system.”

“We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone’s opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.”

In it’s official platform, the KKK states that the group wants to abolish the National Education Association and children’s protective services, as well.

As Adolph Hitler said “Give me the text books and you give me the country.”

And now you should be more ashamed.
Lee blundered horribly and he should have listened to Longstreet that Gettysburg was not the fight they wanted

Lee at Gettysburg ......What have I done?

Calling it a blunder suggests that you have considered his options.

Please share with us what you think he should have done, that would have led to a better outcome for his army and the Confederacy.
He should have listened to Longstreet and withdrawn. A suicidal charge uphill at a fortified line was pure arrogance
He should have saved his troops to fight another day at a better position

Retreat would not have accomplished his goal. Continuing to fight defensively would, and did lead to a crushing defeat.
For most of Gettysburg, Lee took the offensive trying to dislodge the union from Cemetary Ridge

Taking that ground was of no tactical advantage. Withdrawing your troops and threatening Philadelphia would have

Putting an army in the middle of Pennsylvania could have turned the tide of the war.
Not as simple as it seems

Lee's lines of supply were very vulnerable

The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?

Total bullshit. Why does the left pretend that the KKK is on the right? And why does the left keep trying to convince people that NRA members want to fight with people?

It's the leftist groups out there being violent. This articles is all conjecture and no facts. Someone saw protesters and just made shit up to make the right look crazy.

The KKK platform and the Republican platform are nearly identical

We don't even need the klan anymore

You should be ashamed of yourself, for your vile race baiting.
It's true....that's why all klan members are Republican

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

. 3. “Abolish all affirmative action programs.”

White people are being discriminated against. It’s totally unfair to white people if other people are given a fair chance. Again, we see this propaganda being disseminated via Fox News, republican politicians, and of course, republican talk radio personalities.

4. “Put American Troops on the Borders and Stop the Flood of Illegals.”

“America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders.”

Is there any doubt that the republican and tea parties are pushing this part of the KKK agenda?

5. “Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon.”

This sounds remarkably similar to the position of the GOP and tea party.

6. “Drug testing all welfare recipients.”

Again, a policy strongly promoted by GOP and tea party politicians, pundits and media personalities. It has been struck down by federal courts because the idea behind it is deeply rooted in stereotypes and racist ideas.

7. “Balance the budget.”

Yes this is a part of the official KKK platform.

8. “Privatization of the public school system.”

“We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone’s opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.”

In it’s official platform, the KKK states that the group wants to abolish the National Education Association and children’s protective services, as well.

As Adolph Hitler said “Give me the text books and you give me the country.”

And now you should be more ashamed.
I'm not the one who belongs to a party with the same agenda as the klan
Calling it a blunder suggests that you have considered his options.

Please share with us what you think he should have done, that would have led to a better outcome for his army and the Confederacy.
He should have listened to Longstreet and withdrawn. A suicidal charge uphill at a fortified line was pure arrogance
He should have saved his troops to fight another day at a better position

Retreat would not have accomplished his goal. Continuing to fight defensively would, and did lead to a crushing defeat.
For most of Gettysburg, Lee took the offensive trying to dislodge the union from Cemetary Ridge

Taking that ground was of no tactical advantage. Withdrawing your troops and threatening Philadelphia would have

Putting an army in the middle of Pennsylvania could have turned the tide of the war.
Not as simple as it seems

Lee's lines of supply were very vulnerable

Total bullshit. Why does the left pretend that the KKK is on the right? And why does the left keep trying to convince people that NRA members want to fight with people?

It's the leftist groups out there being violent. This articles is all conjecture and no facts. Someone saw protesters and just made shit up to make the right look crazy.

The KKK platform and the Republican platform are nearly identical

We don't even need the klan anymore

You should be ashamed of yourself, for your vile race baiting.
It's true....that's why all klan members are Republican

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

. 3. “Abolish all affirmative action programs.”

White people are being discriminated against. It’s totally unfair to white people if other people are given a fair chance. Again, we see this propaganda being disseminated via Fox News, republican politicians, and of course, republican talk radio personalities.

4. “Put American Troops on the Borders and Stop the Flood of Illegals.”

“America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders.”

Is there any doubt that the republican and tea parties are pushing this part of the KKK agenda?

5. “Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon.”

This sounds remarkably similar to the position of the GOP and tea party.

6. “Drug testing all welfare recipients.”

Again, a policy strongly promoted by GOP and tea party politicians, pundits and media personalities. It has been struck down by federal courts because the idea behind it is deeply rooted in stereotypes and racist ideas.

7. “Balance the budget.”

Yes this is a part of the official KKK platform.

8. “Privatization of the public school system.”

“We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone’s opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.”

In it’s official platform, the KKK states that the group wants to abolish the National Education Association and children’s protective services, as well.

As Adolph Hitler said “Give me the text books and you give me the country.”

And now you should be more ashamed.
I'm not the one who belongs to a party with the same agenda as the klan

YOu are a race baiting asshole.
He should have listened to Longstreet and withdrawn. A suicidal charge uphill at a fortified line was pure arrogance
He should have saved his troops to fight another day at a better position

Retreat would not have accomplished his goal. Continuing to fight defensively would, and did lead to a crushing defeat.
For most of Gettysburg, Lee took the offensive trying to dislodge the union from Cemetary Ridge

Taking that ground was of no tactical advantage. Withdrawing your troops and threatening Philadelphia would have

Putting an army in the middle of Pennsylvania could have turned the tide of the war.
Not as simple as it seems

Lee's lines of supply were very vulnerable

Doesn't require one
The Souths supply issues are well documented. Sufficient for home defense where short supply lines could be sustained.
For Lee to maintain supply lines of hundreds of miles without railroads for any period of time was impossible

His invading Army risked being cut off if they did not maintain a ready means of escape
The KKK platform and the Republican platform are nearly identical

We don't even need the klan anymore

You should be ashamed of yourself, for your vile race baiting.
It's true....that's why all klan members are Republican

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

. 3. “Abolish all affirmative action programs.”

White people are being discriminated against. It’s totally unfair to white people if other people are given a fair chance. Again, we see this propaganda being disseminated via Fox News, republican politicians, and of course, republican talk radio personalities.

4. “Put American Troops on the Borders and Stop the Flood of Illegals.”

“America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders.”

Is there any doubt that the republican and tea parties are pushing this part of the KKK agenda?

5. “Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon.”

This sounds remarkably similar to the position of the GOP and tea party.

6. “Drug testing all welfare recipients.”

Again, a policy strongly promoted by GOP and tea party politicians, pundits and media personalities. It has been struck down by federal courts because the idea behind it is deeply rooted in stereotypes and racist ideas.

7. “Balance the budget.”

Yes this is a part of the official KKK platform.

8. “Privatization of the public school system.”

“We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone’s opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.”

In it’s official platform, the KKK states that the group wants to abolish the National Education Association and children’s protective services, as well.

As Adolph Hitler said “Give me the text books and you give me the country.”

And now you should be more ashamed.
I'm not the one who belongs to a party with the same agenda as the klan

YOu are a race baiting asshole.
When you join the Republican they still hand out sheets?
Retreat would not have accomplished his goal. Continuing to fight defensively would, and did lead to a crushing defeat.
For most of Gettysburg, Lee took the offensive trying to dislodge the union from Cemetary Ridge

Taking that ground was of no tactical advantage. Withdrawing your troops and threatening Philadelphia would have

Putting an army in the middle of Pennsylvania could have turned the tide of the war.
Not as simple as it seems

Lee's lines of supply were very vulnerable

Doesn't require one
The Souths supply issues are well documented. Sufficient for home defense where short supply lines could be sustained.
For Lee to maintain supply lines of hundreds of miles without railroads for any period of time was impossible

His invading Army risked being cut off if they did not maintain a ready means of escape

The middle of Pennsylvania is not hundreds of miles from Virginia. The whole state is only 170 miles from north to south.
Total bullshit. Why does the left pretend that the KKK is on the right? And why does the left keep trying to convince people that NRA members want to fight with people?

It's the leftist groups out there being violent. This articles is all conjecture and no facts. Someone saw protesters and just made shit up to make the right look crazy.

The KKK platform and the Republican platform are nearly identical

We don't even need the klan anymore

You should be ashamed of yourself, for your vile race baiting.
It's true....that's why all klan members are Republican

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

. 3. “Abolish all affirmative action programs.”

White people are being discriminated against. It’s totally unfair to white people if other people are given a fair chance. Again, we see this propaganda being disseminated via Fox News, republican politicians, and of course, republican talk radio personalities.

4. “Put American Troops on the Borders and Stop the Flood of Illegals.”

“America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders.”

Is there any doubt that the republican and tea parties are pushing this part of the KKK agenda?

5. “Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon.”

This sounds remarkably similar to the position of the GOP and tea party.

6. “Drug testing all welfare recipients.”

Again, a policy strongly promoted by GOP and tea party politicians, pundits and media personalities. It has been struck down by federal courts because the idea behind it is deeply rooted in stereotypes and racist ideas.

7. “Balance the budget.”

Yes this is a part of the official KKK platform.

8. “Privatization of the public school system.”

“We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone’s opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.”

In it’s official platform, the KKK states that the group wants to abolish the National Education Association and children’s protective services, as well.

As Adolph Hitler said “Give me the text books and you give me the country.”

And now you should be more ashamed.
I'm not the one who belongs to a party with the same agenda as the klan

You belong to the party that created, supported, advanced the KKK to the point of placing a KKKer on the Supreme Court.

The Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.

A primary proof is that one who lies in his avi claims that the other side is aligned with the KKK.
Last edited:
You should be ashamed of yourself, for your vile race baiting.
It's true....that's why all klan members are Republican

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

. 3. “Abolish all affirmative action programs.”

White people are being discriminated against. It’s totally unfair to white people if other people are given a fair chance. Again, we see this propaganda being disseminated via Fox News, republican politicians, and of course, republican talk radio personalities.

4. “Put American Troops on the Borders and Stop the Flood of Illegals.”

“America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders.”

Is there any doubt that the republican and tea parties are pushing this part of the KKK agenda?

5. “Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon.”

This sounds remarkably similar to the position of the GOP and tea party.

6. “Drug testing all welfare recipients.”

Again, a policy strongly promoted by GOP and tea party politicians, pundits and media personalities. It has been struck down by federal courts because the idea behind it is deeply rooted in stereotypes and racist ideas.

7. “Balance the budget.”

Yes this is a part of the official KKK platform.

8. “Privatization of the public school system.”

“We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone’s opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.”

In it’s official platform, the KKK states that the group wants to abolish the National Education Association and children’s protective services, as well.

As Adolph Hitler said “Give me the text books and you give me the country.”

And now you should be more ashamed.
I'm not the one who belongs to a party with the same agenda as the klan

YOu are a race baiting asshole.
When you join the Republican they still hand out sheets?

Why have you decided to become such a vile piece of shit?
You should be ashamed of yourself, for your vile race baiting.
It's true....that's why all klan members are Republican

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

. 3. “Abolish all affirmative action programs.”

White people are being discriminated against. It’s totally unfair to white people if other people are given a fair chance. Again, we see this propaganda being disseminated via Fox News, republican politicians, and of course, republican talk radio personalities.

4. “Put American Troops on the Borders and Stop the Flood of Illegals.”

“America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders.”

Is there any doubt that the republican and tea parties are pushing this part of the KKK agenda?

5. “Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon.”

This sounds remarkably similar to the position of the GOP and tea party.

6. “Drug testing all welfare recipients.”

Again, a policy strongly promoted by GOP and tea party politicians, pundits and media personalities. It has been struck down by federal courts because the idea behind it is deeply rooted in stereotypes and racist ideas.

7. “Balance the budget.”

Yes this is a part of the official KKK platform.

8. “Privatization of the public school system.”

“We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone’s opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.”

In it’s official platform, the KKK states that the group wants to abolish the National Education Association and children’s protective services, as well.

As Adolph Hitler said “Give me the text books and you give me the country.”

And now you should be more ashamed.
I'm not the one who belongs to a party with the same agenda as the klan

YOu are a race baiting asshole.
When you join the Republican they still hand out sheets?

1. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

2. Governor Clinton invited Orval Faubus to his inauguration and they exchanged an almost South American abrazo, embrace,
  1. Clinton’s mentor was J. William Fulbright, a vehement foe of integration who had voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  2. Governor Orval Faubus, progressive New Deal Democrat, blocked the schoolhouse door to the Little Rock Central High School with the state’s National Guard rather than allow nine black students to attend.
3. The Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.

The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?

Total bullshit. Why does the left pretend that the KKK is on the right? And why does the left keep trying to convince people that NRA members want to fight with people?

It's the leftist groups out there being violent. This articles is all conjecture and no facts. Someone saw protesters and just made shit up to make the right look crazy.

The KKK platform and the Republican platform are nearly identical

We don't even need the klan anymore

You should be ashamed of yourself, for your vile race baiting.
It's true....that's why all klan members are Republican

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

. 3. “Abolish all affirmative action programs.”

White people are being discriminated against. It’s totally unfair to white people if other people are given a fair chance. Again, we see this propaganda being disseminated via Fox News, republican politicians, and of course, republican talk radio personalities.

4. “Put American Troops on the Borders and Stop the Flood of Illegals.”

“America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders.”

Is there any doubt that the republican and tea parties are pushing this part of the KKK agenda?

5. “Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon.”

This sounds remarkably similar to the position of the GOP and tea party.

6. “Drug testing all welfare recipients.”

Again, a policy strongly promoted by GOP and tea party politicians, pundits and media personalities. It has been struck down by federal courts because the idea behind it is deeply rooted in stereotypes and racist ideas.

7. “Balance the budget.”

Yes this is a part of the official KKK platform.

8. “Privatization of the public school system.”

“We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone’s opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.”

In it’s official platform, the KKK states that the group wants to abolish the National Education Association and children’s protective services, as well.

As Adolph Hitler said “Give me the text books and you give me the country.”

And now you should be more ashamed.

Shame, along with honesty, are missing in the Liberal firmament.
For most of Gettysburg, Lee took the offensive trying to dislodge the union from Cemetary Ridge

Taking that ground was of no tactical advantage. Withdrawing your troops and threatening Philadelphia would have

Putting an army in the middle of Pennsylvania could have turned the tide of the war.
Not as simple as it seems

Lee's lines of supply were very vulnerable

Doesn't require one
The Souths supply issues are well documented. Sufficient for home defense where short supply lines could be sustained.
For Lee to maintain supply lines of hundreds of miles without railroads for any period of time was impossible

His invading Army risked being cut off if they did not maintain a ready means of escape

The middle of Pennsylvania is not hundreds of miles from Virginia. The whole state is only 170 miles from north to south.

170 miles might as well be on the moon.
Lee could not have sustained lines that long

The North had a network of railroads and limitless manufacturing ....Lee had mules
It's true....that's why all klan members are Republican

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

. 3. “Abolish all affirmative action programs.”

White people are being discriminated against. It’s totally unfair to white people if other people are given a fair chance. Again, we see this propaganda being disseminated via Fox News, republican politicians, and of course, republican talk radio personalities.

4. “Put American Troops on the Borders and Stop the Flood of Illegals.”

“America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders.”

Is there any doubt that the republican and tea parties are pushing this part of the KKK agenda?

5. “Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon.”

This sounds remarkably similar to the position of the GOP and tea party.

6. “Drug testing all welfare recipients.”

Again, a policy strongly promoted by GOP and tea party politicians, pundits and media personalities. It has been struck down by federal courts because the idea behind it is deeply rooted in stereotypes and racist ideas.

7. “Balance the budget.”

Yes this is a part of the official KKK platform.

8. “Privatization of the public school system.”

“We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone’s opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.”

In it’s official platform, the KKK states that the group wants to abolish the National Education Association and children’s protective services, as well.

As Adolph Hitler said “Give me the text books and you give me the country.”

And now you should be more ashamed.
I'm not the one who belongs to a party with the same agenda as the klan

YOu are a race baiting asshole.
When you join the Republican they still hand out sheets?

1. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

2. Governor Clinton invited Orval Faubus to his inauguration and they exchanged an almost South American abrazo, embrace,
  1. Clinton’s mentor was J. William Fulbright, a vehement foe of integration who had voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  2. Governor Orval Faubus, progressive New Deal Democrat, blocked the schoolhouse door to the Little Rock Central High School with the state’s National Guard rather than allow nine black students to attend.
3. The Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship.
Today's Republican Party is synonymous with the klan
There is no reason for the klan to exist when they can just call themselves Republicans
KKK Platform

6 EDUCATION: America's public schools, colleges and universities have been turned into political indoctrination centers run by deprived liberals, communist and jews in our public. WHITE teachers and students are raped and robbed by (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s and other savages on a daily basis. The Klan will remove the criminals from the classrooms and put them behind bars where they belong. Forced bussing will be outlawed. Prayer will be returned to our schools. All teachers who continue to promote anti-American doctrine will be removed and replaced by decent American patriots.

#6 HOMOSEXUALITY: The Klan will take away all the special rights and privileges granted to homosexuals by the liberal dictatorship over the last few years. Homosexuals will no longer be permitted to adopt children or marry each other. Gay bars, gay nightclubs, and gay bathhouses will be shut down.

#7 IMMIGRATION: Millions of Third World bandits enter our country illegally every year. The Republicans and Democrats do nothing to halt this massive invasion. America is being transformed into a new Mexico. The American Knights call for an end to this madness. We shall halt all immigration from non-White nations and use the U.S. Army to restore integrity to our borders.

#8 THE "(AFFIRMATIVE ACTION)" PROBLEM: The Klan is strongly opposed to the insane policies that discriminate against White people in favor of unqualified and lazy (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s. We shall abolish affirmative action and minority quota systems. All unqualified blacks will be removed from positions of power and influence in our government. The Klan will launch a massive campaign to liberate our cities from the black gangs that presently terrorize them.

#9 THE ECONOMY: Taxes will be lowered, the corrupt Federal system will be smashed, and the foreign buying up of our nation will be halted. The Klan will place trained economist in charge of our economy and punish the jew tycoons who have brought America to the brink of financial disaster.

#10 FOREIGN POLICY: The Klan favors a strong foreign policy that closely guards American interests around the world. The Klan will encourage all other White nations to throw off the yoke of zionist/liberal occupation. All aid to worthless third World nations will be cut off. The foreign policy of the Klan led United States will be: AMERICA FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS!""

How does this differ from the Republican platform?
Total bullshit. Why does the left pretend that the KKK is on the right? And why does the left keep trying to convince people that NRA members want to fight with people?

It's the leftist groups out there being violent. This articles is all conjecture and no facts. Someone saw protesters and just made shit up to make the right look crazy.

The KKK platform and the Republican platform are nearly identical

We don't even need the klan anymore

You should be ashamed of yourself, for your vile race baiting.
It's true....that's why all klan members are Republican

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The official platform of the Knight’s Party (KKK) also includes the following:

1. “The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

This is the first line from the official platform of the KKK. The underlying idea here is that if you accept the false premise that America was founded as a Christian nation, you will also accept the false (and unchristian) premise that it’s ok to hate, discriminate and segregate everyone who is not a Christian.

Where have heard this Christian nation stuff before? Fox News, Tea Party representatives like Michelle Bachmann, talk show personalities like Rush Limbaugh and everywhere else right wing propaganda is spun. From the Official Tea Party website:

“The Tea Party includes those who possess a strong belief in the foundational Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents.”

2. “The recognition that America was founded as a white nation.”

As Mitt Romney would say, it’s the ‘Anglo-saxon heritage‘ white people share with the people of Europe, that President Obama just can’t understand. We can see this as clear as day in this recent article about the situation in Ferguson, which appeared in the Tea Party Tribune on August 20. There’s also the non-stop revisionist history lessons taking place on Fox News.

. 3. “Abolish all affirmative action programs.”

White people are being discriminated against. It’s totally unfair to white people if other people are given a fair chance. Again, we see this propaganda being disseminated via Fox News, republican politicians, and of course, republican talk radio personalities.

4. “Put American Troops on the Borders and Stop the Flood of Illegals.”

“America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders.”

Is there any doubt that the republican and tea parties are pushing this part of the KKK agenda?

5. “Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon.”

This sounds remarkably similar to the position of the GOP and tea party.

6. “Drug testing all welfare recipients.”

Again, a policy strongly promoted by GOP and tea party politicians, pundits and media personalities. It has been struck down by federal courts because the idea behind it is deeply rooted in stereotypes and racist ideas.

7. “Balance the budget.”

Yes this is a part of the official KKK platform.

8. “Privatization of the public school system.”

“We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone’s opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.”

In it’s official platform, the KKK states that the group wants to abolish the National Education Association and children’s protective services, as well.

As Adolph Hitler said “Give me the text books and you give me the country.”

And now you should be more ashamed.

Shame, along with honesty, are missing in the Liberal firmament.

I know. I just can't believe that people can actively choose to be such shits.

What can their self image be like, that they can do that, and not feel bad about themselves?
Putting an army in the middle of Pennsylvania could have turned the tide of the war.
Not as simple as it seems

Lee's lines of supply were very vulnerable

Doesn't require one
The Souths supply issues are well documented. Sufficient for home defense where short supply lines could be sustained.
For Lee to maintain supply lines of hundreds of miles without railroads for any period of time was impossible

His invading Army risked being cut off if they did not maintain a ready means of escape

The middle of Pennsylvania is not hundreds of miles from Virginia. The whole state is only 170 miles from north to south.

170 miles might as well be on the moon.
Lee could not have sustained lines that long

The North had a network of railroads and limitless manufacturing ....Lee had mules

So, why did you say "hundreds of miles"? And half of 170 is 85.

Just talking shit?
Not as simple as it seems

Lee's lines of supply were very vulnerable

Doesn't require one
The Souths supply issues are well documented. Sufficient for home defense where short supply lines could be sustained.
For Lee to maintain supply lines of hundreds of miles without railroads for any period of time was impossible

His invading Army risked being cut off if they did not maintain a ready means of escape

The middle of Pennsylvania is not hundreds of miles from Virginia. The whole state is only 170 miles from north to south.

170 miles might as well be on the moon.
Lee could not have sustained lines that long

The North had a network of railroads and limitless manufacturing ....Lee had mules

So, why did you say "hundreds of miles"? And half of 170 is 85.

Just talking shit?
Because his lines are hundreds of miles

They don't start at the border, they stretch down to where the manufacturing is actually taking place
Doesn't require one
The Souths supply issues are well documented. Sufficient for home defense where short supply lines could be sustained.
For Lee to maintain supply lines of hundreds of miles without railroads for any period of time was impossible

His invading Army risked being cut off if they did not maintain a ready means of escape

The middle of Pennsylvania is not hundreds of miles from Virginia. The whole state is only 170 miles from north to south.

170 miles might as well be on the moon.
Lee could not have sustained lines that long

The North had a network of railroads and limitless manufacturing ....Lee had mules

So, why did you say "hundreds of miles"? And half of 170 is 85.

Just talking shit?
Because his lines are hundreds of miles

They don't start at the border, they stretch down to where the manufacturing is actually taking place

Fair point.

The Union's advantage in rail road was a huge factor.

Not one that Lee could do much about, though.

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